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Thread: Success of delivery?

  1. #1

    Success of delivery?

    I'm thinking about ordering some goodies and wanted to hear some opinions. I know there is always some risk when ordering, but what are my chances of getting caught receiving goodies in the mail if I go domestic? I really, really, want to order but Im paranoid. Im going to go to law school and you can't be a member of the bar if you have a felony on your record. The risk might be greater then the reward but I can't seem to give up on not at least trying AS, I have always wanted to be big and cut and I will regret it If I don't give them a try. WHat are your thoughts? I also found a good International thats been doing this for a while and has not had any siezed, what do you think? Thanks in advance for the help.


  2. #2
    I sure as hell would never risk something like law school for ordering black market drugs. That would be plain ignorance. If you got the brains and drive to go through all that school to become one of the highest paid professions, why risk it all for this? I know so many people that would kill for just the _chance_ to go.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Aug 2001
    Toronto, Canada
    If you are that paranoid see if a friend will let you have the package sent to their house under a different name. Then if something happens its not his ass cause its not his name and its not your ass either cause you don't live there. Thats my only suggestion

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Feb 2002
    Originally posted by Full Intensity
    If you are that paranoid see if a friend will let you have the package sent to their house under a different name. Then if something happens its not his ass cause its not his name and its not your ass either cause you don't live there. Thats my only suggestion
    Actually, it's the friends ass if he accepts delivery-whether it's in his name or not. If his friend rolls-over on flyguy and rats him out to the police and sets him up to accept the package (probably to get off from charges in the above scenario), then flyguy takes the fall--and no law school.

    Nothing is 100% safe. International orders are more risky than domestic (they are checked by customs). Domestic is low-risk, but still not no-risk.

    Hell, if you aren't in law school yet, you are still probably too young to do AS. Just train hard, eat well, do a lot of cardio and get big the old-fashioned (and legal) way!

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Sep 2001
    There is no place like ho
    Originally posted by Ajax

    Actually, it's the friends ass if he accepts delivery-whether it's in his name or not. If his friend rolls-over on flyguy and rats him out to the police and sets him up to accept the package (probably to get off from charges in the above scenario), then flyguy takes the fall--and no law school.

    Nothing is 100% safe. International orders are more risky than domestic (they are checked by customs). Domestic is low-risk, but still not no-risk.

    Hell, if you aren't in law school yet, you are still probably too young to do AS. Just train hard, eat well, do a lot of cardio and get big the old-fashioned (and legal) way!
    Yeah but they would have to prove that he did orginally order the stuff. he can always say he didn't and his friend did...
    but I do agree there is always risks..

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Mar 2002
    Heres a good scheme:

    1. Order.
    2. Make sure the sender doesnt do signatures
    3. Have it sent to a friends house
    4. Label the package to a completely different name
    5. Tell friend to not answe the door when the postman delivers.
    6. Instruct friend that in case he does answer the door, to not sign for shit, refuse the package and say that guy doesn tlive there.
    7. If he does get a package, to immidiately write Return to Sender - Refused on the package, dont open it, and then after a few hours, take the package to you.

    Sounds pretty sound no?
    Last edited by hitmeoff; 05-12-2002 at 11:58 PM.

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