Hi peeps, my name is Brad and im 19 years of age.
Ive been training for over a year now, and have recently started using AAS.
Im 5ft .10
14.5% body fat
Im on week 6 of my cycle, of taking 500mg / week of test e.
Just need a few pointers, im having trouble with getting my bodyfat down, ive cut out all crap food, i eat a max of 100g carbs a day (sweet bars Nutri Grain) plus the carbs contained in other meals.., with min 250g protein, yet im finding it very hard to reduce my bodyfat.
I AM on a bulking diet whilse using AAS.
Is it true that protein can turn into carbs fat if not used (whilse working out), is this the prob im having? Although i workout min 4-5 days a week in the gym.