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Thread: My Fight Story at the Bar part 1

  1. #1
    Join Date
    May 2005

    My Fight Story at the Bar part 1

    I saw the other thread and it happens that I fought this dick at the bar last night.
    Let me set the stage .....

    About two months ago my fiance's little sister (18) starts talking to this guy who is about 4 years older. Me and her have always been close and i didnt say anything. Well i was playing with her phone when she was over at the house and i saw a text message from little sister to that guy that said "My face really hurts still i wish you wouldn't have done that" So i was like WTF is this ? She told me he slapped her and tried saying he was joking around and shit but i told her to stop talking to the guy and she did.

    SOOOO...Last night me and my boys are at the local bar and so is my fiance's little sister. She comes up to me and tells me that guy is in the bar tonight.... niice....

    so closing time rolls around and we are all leaving and i tell me friend to stop outside with me. We wait for this duech to come out and i was like listen i dont know you but you have a choice you can go apologize to that girl for slapping her or get knocked out. ALL HE HAD TO DO WAS APOLOGIZE...dumbass....So he walks over to my girls little sister and starts like getting in her face saying "WHEN DID I EVER TOUCH U"....lights
    (this guy is like 280 6'3 of fat and i'm 5'8 175) so its a good match...i push this kid like 4 feet he walks back and i lay him outwith a right to the jaw...down on one knee he goes. My friend i guess got antsy and jumped in body slammed him and the guy curled into a ball lol....and the bouncers all know and lift at the same gym we do so they were like ok he's done go home thats it... I wis

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Mar 2005
    uk/ south east
    of we go again.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jan 2004
    well done my friend

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Apr 2002
    The Couch
    I'm not surprised a girl got slapped in West VA, but I am a little surprised that he caught a beat down for it!

    They have a law that says it's illeagal to beat your wife with a stick that's of larger diameter than your thumb!

    liquidread- don't take it the wrong way..... i just couldn't help myself!

  5. #5
    Join Date
    May 2005
    ha ha funny i can take a joke....

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Apr 2004
    New Jersey
    Quote Originally Posted by alphaman
    I'm not surprised a girl got slapped in West VA, but I am a little surprised that he caught a beat down for it!

    They have a law that says it's illeagal to beat your wife with a stick that's of larger diameter than your thumb!
    liquidread- don't take it the wrong way..... i just couldn't help myself!
    Car antenna lol!!! true law though...sick

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Jul 2005
    South Jersey
    i like this part the best

    (this guy is like 280 6'3 of fat and i'm 5'8 175) so its a good match

  8. #8
    hahaha, fat guys are always funny looking when they get angry!

  9. #9
    Quote Originally Posted by IBdmfkr
    hahaha, fat guys are always funny looking when they get angry!
    what u tryin to say?

  10. #10
    Ok, you can have your icecream back. Just don't make that mean smushy face anymore!

  11. #11
    yessssss...dude i almost gave in to chocolate chip cookie dough ice cream the other day..that would have been disasterous

  12. #12
    hahaah, it is so tempting though!

  13. #13
    oh for was at my friends house..he makes cookies like every night and I had to near killed me. That bastard was eating them and being like "ohhhh yess its so good..just look at the warm..moist..and chewy..ohhh yess" dammit

  14. #14
    Quote Originally Posted by chest6
    oh for was at my friends house..he makes cookies for me every night and I had to resist near killed me. That bastard was licking them and being like "ohhhh yess its so good..just look at the warm..moist..and chewy..ohhh yess" dammit
    That is just gay Chest, change your avatar back!
    Last edited by IBdmfkr; 11-28-2005 at 12:14 AM.

  15. #15
    I will not! Avenged is the shit! Oh and I dont have that old pic cuz nark changed it

  16. #16

  17. #17
    Join Date
    Aug 2004
    RIP Brother...
    Quote Originally Posted by chest6
    I will not! Avenged is the shit! Oh and I dont have that old pic cuz nark changed it
    Not heard of them, is that some kind of death metal I-wanna-slay-my-family type of band?
    Rock on chest!

  18. #18
    Quote Originally Posted by NotSmall
    Not heard of them, is that some kind of death metal I-wanna-slay-my-family type of band?
    Rock on chest!
    haha nah..Im not totally into their really really hard stuff..mainly a knotch below that...They only have a few songs that are a bit too much for me. I bet you would like a few..dl I wont see you tonight (part 1) that isnt hard at all really

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