A question for the fella's, but chic's feel free to add input as well.
Do you think the average guy is intimidated by a woman possessing muscle mass and/or power and strength?
A question for the fella's, but chic's feel free to add input as well.
Do you think the average guy is intimidated by a woman possessing muscle mass and/or power and strength?
Im not intimidated by anyone girl...however i think its the other way around
Originally posted by MsFit
A question for the fella's, but chic's feel free to add input as well.
Do you think the average guy is intimidated by a woman possessing muscle mass and/or power and strength?
So you're suggesting that women are intimidated by muscular, powerful men? Uuumm, not me.
Ms Fit...I'm with you. The bigger the better
And to your original question, the ones who don't train, i would say a very high % are. For the ones that do, the % is less but i still think it's pretty high
What happens here, stays here
Yes i know for fact that girls are with me......they tell me after i go talk to them....doesnt really bother me...
but yes i agree with the guys who dont train ....why would they want a girl in great shape? to make them look even worse haha
i also hear that some chicks think bigger bodybuilder are 1 either gay... or 2 stupid as hell....which i am neither haha
I've dated non-bodybuilders in the past and it seems they were repulsed by me. I prefer sticking with the Big Boys.![]()
Ok, this d*** sterotyping bodybuilders pisses me off. Just because we train and shape our body does not prove homosexuality. Perhaps the people that say this have personal issues and are afraid to come out of the closet so they use projection.
About the issue of being stupid. Bodybuilding is a very sceintific sport. You have to know how food, training, supplements activities of daily living affect the body to build it to it's full potential. Again, the people who suggest this are insecure and using projection to cover their own ingorance.
Yeah, I know, totally off the subject but civilizans piss me off sometimes.
I coudlnt agree more......altho my gf isnt a bodybuilder but she is built like a fitness model
Originally posted by MsFit
I've dated non-bodybuilders in the past and it seems they were repulsed by me. I prefer sticking with the Big Boys.![]()
Ok, this d*** sterotyping bodybuilders pisses me off. Just because we train and shape our body does not prove homosexuality. Perhaps the people that say this have personal issues and are afraid to come out of the closet so they use projection.
About the issue of being stupid. Bodybuilding is a very sceintific sport. You have to know how food, training, supplements activities of daily living affect the body to build it to it's full potential. Again, the people who suggest this are insecure and using projection to cover their own ingorance.
Yeah, I know, totally off the subject but civilizans piss me off sometimes.
Just as you put it.. The average guy, yes.. The few of us others, no.Originally posted by MsFit
A question for the fella's, but chic's feel free to add input as well.
Do you think the average guy is intimidated by a woman possessing muscle mass and/or power and strength?
Those of us BB have an understanding of each other. This is why i would say for myself that i am not inimidated. I am proud of a woman's dedication to BB.
I admire the dedication the women put into their BB but if I had a choice of dating a women who was big and muscluar or a fitness model it would be fitness as that is what appeals to me.
Some women are intimated by big men and the same for men with big women but I think that is a small %
IMO the average guy who doesn't train is not intimidated by women who lift wieghts, but they do feel that even a little muscle on a women is too much and that they loose their femininity. I think that line of thinking are atiquated and chauvinistic. However, in my experience men who think that way are usually the same guys who like either A) The ridiculous Pamela Anderson standard with voluptuos curves, plastic surgery, enormous fake breasts (I have no problem with fake breasts....but I don't like to see them go overboard) and that pouty sex kitten/bimbo attitude or B) The waife like super model look, which I think is the most un-healthy un-realistic standard for women to judge themselves by. But that's exactly what happens. And the fact that men (some men) make it quite clear that this is what they find attractive puts pressure on women to try and emulate that look....this is when we see bulemia, anorexia and drug addiction. I'm not saying that all super models are drug addicted with eating disorders but I do think that this standard of beauty creates way more problems than it solves. My preference is an athletic women, whether she trains with wieghts, takes classes or is involved in another type of sport. I love shapely shoulders, hard bis and tris, a firm tummy and a great ass.
i'm scared of primo! just kidding, girls who has some muscle mass are sooo sexy! but the average guy is defeinalty intimidated. because we're into that lifestyle, it doesn't bother us, but guys who don't work out have ego defense problems when they see buff girlies
Great ass and nice tight abs and legs......think that test is kicking in![]()
I was reading an article the other day and it was saying that there is a steady rise in the amount of men that suffer from weight problems/disorders and we are gradually catching up with women.So your point Pete is quite interesting.More and more people join gyms every year and as the TV,s and magazines get plasted with more hot males and females the general public become more distraught with the way they look and their weight.
But as we enter this period of fitness rules it is also worth noting that there are more obese people now than there has ever been.I,m beginning to wonder what an "average" male or female actually looks like and do they even exist anymore?
Good point Billy Boy. The strange thing is that I think some of the average fellas prefer an overweight chick as opposed to one fit and tight.
Last edited by MsFit; 10-15-2001 at 01:00 PM.
Excellent point Billy. I have heard that also. There has been an increase in the number of anorexia and bulemia cases among teenage boys in recent years. The is also the problem of "Muscle Dismorphia" in which an idividual never sees their ideal physique in the mirror and overcompensates by training 2-3 times per day every day. We all know that in order the grow, muscles need adequate recovery time, but this disorder will not allow these individuals to stop training.Originally posted by Billy Boy
I was reading an article the other day and it was saying that there is a steady rise in the amount of men that suffer from weight problems/disorders and we are gradually catching up with women.
I think I must suffer from that Pete!! I look into the mirror and never see what I want to see.Are all BB like that? People tell me I look biigger and look better.I look into the mirror and all I see are the points that need improving.I just have the knowledge to know that training that much will not do anything
MsFit why is it you see a skinny guy with a fat women? I,ve often wondered that and I look at the women and I just can,t help think why? What does he see that is attractive in her? I guess its true "beauty is in the eye of the beholder" Each to their own me I would rather prefer fit and tight
Billy....I know the kind of couple you are talking about, when they stand side by side they look like the number 10.Originally posted by Billy Boy
MsFit why is it you see a skinny guy with a fat women?![]()
Women have a tough time with the appearance issue. Guys are always judging us, wanting us to be fit and not fat, and when we do we get the opposite response. I'm sure men suffer with the same thing, perhaps not to the degree that some women do.
Sorry MsFit but we do.
The majority of women appear not to like "extreme"bodybuilders and in a recent survey (I,ll try and find the article) women said they would like their guy with a little fat then they would rippling and bulging.Sorry guys that is what they said.Maybe this would change if there were not so many overweight guys around who do nothing about it.
One example remember the diet coke advert with the guy with his T-shirt off women went mad over it.I looked at it and thought yeah he works out but I would,nt say he looked great but apparantly that is what the "average" women wants to see.
As for women I guess most males base more on the physical qualitys of women looks,curves as the first basis of attraction.But regardless you have to be physically attracted to someone for the first spark to be ignited after all you may not know their personality.I personally don,t like the Kate Moss look or the old Kim ...........(Miss O) but the athletic look is great.
Its a matter of preference would you rather prefer a guy who looked fit or a muscle bound 300 pounder?? (You,re safe with me I,m neither I,m just fat LOL)
Here is another one you ladies might be able to answer!
Why is it all the ugly overweight guys get the good looking fit women? frankly I must be something wrong cos I have all the above attributes and i,m still waiting LOL
Maybe it has to do with one's self-worth and self-esteem. I personally like to be with someone who lives the same lifestyle as I. Makes things a bit easier, plus the "benefits".![]()
I agree with Ms.Fit, its all about how you feel. Big muscles never intimidated me. And I do believe that there is more pressure for men to look good and fit. Anorexia/bulimia is on the rise, cosmetic surgery for men has increased for the past few years....... guys that are not BB are taking AS just to improve their appearance....things have changed![]()
Still, its more difficult for us girls to live up to so called "Society's perfect look" Big boobs/tiny waist and bubble but and longgggggggggg legs lol.
Im still trying(NOT)
Its not the Length of Life but its Depth.
Well Chempink, I think if we finally do achieve the "perfect look", whatever that may be, someone would want to judge and try to change us. Muscles - how much is too much, big boobs - how big is too big......The fact is misery loves company and there will always be someone not happy with themselves trying to bring you to their level.
Speaking of big boobs, small waist and bubble butt......uh, is that your pic on the avatar?![]()
You geaux girl......
Last edited by MsFit; 10-15-2001 at 01:09 PM.
The "look" for both genders changes as much as the seasonal clothes fashion.
Sod what other people think if you feel comfortable and happy with the way you look does it matter what anyone else really thinks?
All this pressure to look good by a couple of guys and gals in mags and newspapers.They may look good but they probably don,t work 10hr days , have kids and a family , bills to pay with the little money that we earn and have access to personal fitness instructors and the best nutritional advice and AS.Swap roles with these guys and yeah we could all look like that.I,m not saying its not hard work for them but they do have a distinct advantage.
nope i dont
Originally Posted by Decadbal
needed to get that off youre chest Decadbal?
Nice necro![]()
just thought id bump a golden oldie for some of the bros here..
You're on a roll. I've seen you bump a few oldies the last few days.Originally Posted by Decadbal
Originally Posted by MsFit
The average guy? I would have to say yes.
However, you aren't going to find many 'average' guys here.
Holly SH*T this thread is old!Originally Posted by Carlos_E
I didn't even realize it until you said something Carlos.
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