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  1. #1
    Anabolic CEO is offline Senior Member
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    Arrow Heartburn and/or Gastritis Attack Every Night?

    Ok, this is really starting to piss me off. I have been having Gastritis Attacks every night. I eat right before bedtime so i get my protien and Carbs in. I wake up 3-4 times in the middle of the night taking Tums and Pepcid AC to help, nothing is helping. I tryed not eating after 7pm still feels like if i don't eat right before bed time my stomach start growling and eating itself. Anybody have this problem or know how to control the acid? Thanks.

  2. #2
    G-1000's Avatar
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    ya and it sucks. I find a glass a milk befor bed helps.

  3. #3
    Anabolic CEO is offline Senior Member
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    1. Glass of Milk
    2. ?

  4. #4
    tryingtogetbig's Avatar
    tryingtogetbig is offline Whiney Member
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    go to the doc and get a PPI script. Best thing I ever did in my life. Protonix is what I am on. Nexium is suppose to be great as well.



  5. #5
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    Zantac 1 hour before bed... it's almost a routine for me if i wanna sleep

    Speaking of which, I need some right now... ugh!


  6. #6
    Anabolic CEO is offline Senior Member
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    1. Milk
    2. Nexium
    3. Zantac

    Sounds good, thanks.
    If you guys know of any more it would help out myself and probably a lot of other people as well.............bump.

  7. #7
    farrebarre's Avatar
    farrebarre is offline Anabolic Member
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    i have had the same problem, my dad has the same problem aswell, the doc said that there is this lets call it a "door" its supposed to keep the food in the stomach but sometimes it doesnt get closed so u get heartburn

    my dad got a prescription for a pill hes supposed to take one every morning, sometimes i take them too and they really help, its called "omeprazol arrow"

  8. #8
    Juicy Sauce's Avatar
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    i dont get heart burn and should not even comment but, i think certain foods will nutralize the acids in ur stomach. the reason why u have acid in ur stomach is to break down food. it might be telling u to put more food in or the right kind of food. plus u might think u r eating enough food but maybe u r not. most people like to take a pill to solve there problems. but that just reduces the acid or makes u not feel it. not something i would want. i might be wrong tho. just trying to help.

  9. #9
    shortie's Avatar
    shortie is offline AR Biggerologist
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    Back in da box!
    Prilosec OTC seems to help me.

  10. #10
    spywizard's Avatar
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  11. #11
    Anabolic CEO is offline Senior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by spywizard
    you are not alone..
    lol.........looks like this effects a lot of people.

    Its funny because i even wake up in the middle of the night and eat even more food thinking this will help it, until i really have to wake up, and go to work, which i am at right now..............i am workin

  12. #12
    tryingtogetbig's Avatar
    tryingtogetbig is offline Whiney Member
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    mine got so bad that water would even hurt like hell when I would drink it. One night thought I was having a heart attack.

    Proton Pump Inhibitors are lifesavers. Even the OTC (prilosec, zantac) do a wonderful job. The best thing I ever did was get a RX though.



  13. #13
    Anabolic CEO is offline Senior Member
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    Yeah i drink water during the night every time i wake up i think it makes it worse since the acid is allready built up. I have had this for about 2 months now, and this morning i said F*** this, i am tired of my stomach and my esophagus burning like hell. I will try the Zantac, i heard that Prilosec takes up to 14 days to kick in and really starts working. Thanks a lot everybody.


  14. #14
    Hard Head's Avatar
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    Here is the deal. You have GERD aka gastroesophegeal reflux disease. It will not go away on it's own. You are damaging your esophagus by allowing it to continue. You have 2 choices.

    1. Go to a gastroenterologist, tell them of your malady and accept treatment, which will most likely include prescription ppi inhibitors, which your insurance company should participate in the purchase of, but may also include an Endoscopy (scope down your throat, while unconcious).
    2. Go to the local drugstore, buy Prilosec OTC and take one every day, 1 hour before dinner, on an empty stomach. Do this for 90 days minimum.

    You can thank me later.

    edited for spelling

  15. #15
    redman9 is offline Junior Member
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    behind you..
    Zantac helps the best I have found.

  16. #16
    dabularach is offline Junior Member
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    I have had the scope done but it didnt really show anything that wasnt obvious.My insurance concidered it to be outpatient surgery and my co pay was $250.00.I am now on protonix and was on nexium.These prescriptions are to prevent heartburn not make it go away after you already have it.These must be taken every morning regularly to prevent heartburn.Baking soda works to calm it down as well

  17. #17
    tryingtogetbig's Avatar
    tryingtogetbig is offline Whiney Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by dabularach
    These must be taken every morning regularly to prevent heartburn.
    yep...if I skip 1 day thinking it won't be a big deal....dam....hell to pay!

  18. #18
    Hard Head's Avatar
    Hard Head is offline Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by dabularach
    These prescriptions are to prevent heartburn not make it go away after you already have it.These must be taken every morning regularly to prevent heartburn.Baking soda works to calm it down as well

    This is correct. Prevention is the key. These medications are called PPI, a proton pump inhibitor that suppresses gastric acid secretion by specific inhibition of the H + /K + -ATPase in the gastric parietal cell. You must take this med on an empty stomach and wait one hour b4 eating/drinking anything.

    If your heartburn is worse in the evening, take it then, duh.

    I have an endoscopy done every 3 years, just to be sure. Been there done that. It's no big deal, just kills a whole day with the recovery. If your doc wants you to have it, get it first thing in the morning.

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