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  1. #41
    need2Bbig's Avatar
    need2Bbig is offline Associate Member
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    wow, so what happened to the guy with the vaccum hes cool right?

  2. #42
    kaptainkeezy04's Avatar
    kaptainkeezy04 is offline Anabolic Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by need2Bbig
    wow, so what happened to the guy with the vaccum hes cool right?
    yes he is perfectly fine dont worry he is still vacuuming around people's feet while they lift extremely heavy weights.

  3. #43
    chest6's Avatar
    chest6 is offline Banned
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    Just because you are 6' 5" does not mean everyone shorter than you is a "dwarf"

  4. #44
    Join Date
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    the only person I compete w/ in this world is myself, I'm just curious to know what somebody who thinks that I'm a dwarf and that 315 for 10, EVEN 30, is bitch weight, looks like. You want to bash my pic and stats all to hell then go ahead, my results speak for themselves, how about you?

  5. #45
    Myka's Avatar
    Myka is offline Made Of Sugar
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    I am buffer than anyone on this board...everyone prepare to bow...

  6. #46
    IBdmfkr's Avatar
    IBdmfkr is offline AR VET
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    haha, just look at tranzit's avatar. Fuking tool is beating up a 130lb guy, or is he trying to ram him in the ass?

  7. #47
    SVTMuscle* is offline Banned
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    Yah I always love the fact when the people working at the gyms have no concern for the actual members, 99% of the time, the custodians dont even work out there

  8. #48
    tranzit is offline Senior Member
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    listen. My problem isnt with your height weight or what you put up in the gym. My problem is this. When you post stupid shit like that here "even when everyone knows we are in the middle of a media witch hunt" it makes the rest of us look like uncontroled assholes. So i take issue with that. And if you dont want to hear other peoples opinions on your thoughts dont post them for everyone to see. thats what forums are all about. IBD HAHA yeh im the tool. As far as me getting some time off if that makes somone feel better becouse the majority here agrees with these three immature ****ers then cool whatever. And as far as me talking shit in all my posts goes. take a look at all my posts.. the only time you see me talking any shit is when somone is being an asshole or somone has jumped on me first. Im the first one to offer to help .. 503 or whatever.. i dont really care what you think, we had an argument and since then whenever you get a chance you pick at me. I dont have time for little kid games. Ill let you guys **** around with that. I am here to talk to people who are adults about something we have in common not argue with twenty somthings about who has a larger dick.
    So you guys can keep this gay ass thread going forever if you like but im gonna just let it go. I like alot of the guys here and have enjoyed making alot of friends. and btw dude your too sensetive about shit.. when i said your angry little ****ers i was joking around.. the guy im talking about is about your size and hes pissed off 24/7 he calls me every three days going off about shit. He gets us into fights when we go out.. i wasnt capping on you.. the guy is my buddie.. hes like a angry pitbull.. i was just saying your remind me of him. So anyways.. im outa here.. i need to get some sleep.

  9. #49
    IBdmfkr's Avatar
    IBdmfkr is offline AR VET
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    I have no beef with you tranzit, but is that really you in you're avatar? And why are you hurting that little boy.

  10. #50
    Dalton5 is offline Associate Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by tranzit
    listen. My problem isnt with your height weight or what you put up in the gym. My problem is this. When you post stupid shit like that here "even when everyone knows we are in the middle of a media witch hunt" it makes the rest of us look like uncontroled assholes. So i take issue with that. And if you dont want to hear other peoples opinions on your thoughts dont post them for everyone to see. thats what forums are all about. IBD HAHA yeh im the tool. As far as me getting some time off if that makes somone feel better becouse the majority here agrees with these three immature ****ers then cool whatever. And as far as me talking shit in all my posts goes. take a look at all my posts.. the only time you see me talking any shit is when somone is being an asshole or somone has jumped on me first. Im the first one to offer to help .. 503 or whatever.. i dont really care what you think, we had an argument and since then whenever you get a chance you pick at me. I dont have time for little kid games. Ill let you guys **** around with that. I am here to talk to people who are adults about something we have in common not argue with twenty somthings about who has a larger dick.
    So you guys can keep this gay ass thread going forever if you like but im gonna just let it go. I like alot of the guys here and have enjoyed making alot of friends. and btw dude your too sensetive about shit.. when i said your angry little ****ers i was joking around.. the guy im talking about is about your size and hes pissed off 24/7 he calls me every three days going off about shit. He gets us into fights when we go out.. i wasnt capping on you.. the guy is my buddie.. hes like a angry pitbull.. i was just saying your remind me of him. So anyways.. im outa here.. i need to get some sleep.

  11. #51
    chest6's Avatar
    chest6 is offline Banned
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    you guys and your steroid rages! ugh! Steroids are bad and they make ur heart explode

  12. #52
    Kärnfysikern's Avatar
    Kärnfysikern is offline Retired: AR-Hall of Famer
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    Scotty, beam me up
    Quote Originally Posted by tranzit
    Your a ****ing dwarf dude. i dont have to post my picture here i am a regular sized adult. See heres the thing you wanna get big, becouse for one you are a midget but beyond that you have emotinal issues that are quite evident by your posts. Your a cocky little ****er i have seen 100s of people like you. Your angry becouse your genetics suck so you lift weights to try and even yourself out so you feel better about yourself. I have good genetics. I dont have to work for it. and when i do work for it i get it alot easyer then you. And while this might piss alot of people off becouse there are alot of half pints little big men around here its a fact. I am currently on cycle in my first week. I will post my pics when my cycle is done just like i had planned.
    So you keep lifting and getting wider while everyone "women included" laugh at you. And yeh tough guy 315 is bitch weight even at 10 reps. even at 30 reps with short ass arms like you have you should be putting up MUCH more then that. Sorry to all the short people i offended. But i let this little bitch unload on me both barrels and waited to post this till he was done.

    Keep your little kid shit with the rest of the little kids.

    Personal attacks are NOT allowed on this board

  13. #53
    Join Date
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    Quote Originally Posted by johan
    Personal attacks are NOT allowed on this board

    He's not posting his pics anyways, so he's got nothing

  14. #54
    oldman's Avatar
    oldman is offline Anabolic Member
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    Come on lets all huddle into a huge gay hug and make up.

    Talking about beating up the janitor is over the edge but calling someone a dwarf is no better.

    I am lucky when the lady vacuums in my gym I am doing cardio so it does not bug me but again maybe the dude has a thing for you OR maybe he is slow and wants to see what you are doing.. maybe just saying hey bro do you mind not doing that where I am while I am lifting because no one wants to get hurt.

    I don't know I think there is just way to much fricken' hate going on.


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