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Thread: Where to get free programs/MP3s

  1. #1

    Where to get free programs/MP3s

    Just thought Id let you all know where to get pretty much any program or song an shit like that. I have a lot of top notch programs on my PC as weel as over 23,000 MP3s and it never cost me a dime.

    Music-MP3s/WMAs etc : DC++ (free)

    Programs/E-books: Azureus (free)

    These might take a while to figure out but, really arent that hard and are worth learnin. Do a search and you can find em easily

  2. #2
    Azureus rocks.......
    but it takes a lil bit to learn how to use Torrents if your not familar with them..but all in all...much better than limewire or emule ever thought of being..... just be sure to use peer guardian ...for a plug-in
    At a bookstore the other day, I saw a book entitled "Sex for Dummies." Why would someone want to teach dumb people how to reproduce? Aren't there enough of them now?

  3. #3
    whrere do you put that plug in if you download it?

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Sep 2004
    Bubba Army
    bitlord w/ torrent spy rocks

  5. #5
    yea, basically hte same as what I listed (azureus)

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