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Thread: Australians VS Lebanese

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Oct 2005

    Australians VS Lebanese

    I dont know how many people on this are from Australia , Sydney but for those who dont know in other countries in Sydney like 2 weekends ago some lebanese people bashed up afew australians on a beach which is like where all the Aussies hang out which is slowly gettin taken ova by lebanese people jsut 2 make it simple aussies call all european, middle eastern people "Wogs" ... so now after the wogs bashed up the aussies , the aussies sent around text messages that they r all gona get together at the beach and have a big riot about wogs n bash any of them that are there. Its gettin pretty out of hand the past week or so aussies and wogs have been trashing diffrent suburbs smashing cars, bashing people etc all caus eof this stupid shit, i think it is pretty pathetic.... The aussies always tease the wogs thats wat makes them get angry and do stupid shit and now everyone hates each other. I live bout 15min away from where the beach is and im of Wog apperance..soo if any1 gna start me i gna b kicking sum ass

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Sep 2005
    a small room
    Just pack some heat...

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Nov 2001

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Mar 2005
    all up in yo' buttho'
    Quote Originally Posted by BOUNCER
    it's a term for nonwhites from english origin. some people think it's taken from "polliwog" a type of childrens' doll.

    personally i don't know why they let so many foreigners into the country. you let transients stay on your sofa and you're place is gonna get crabs.

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