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Thread: The Best Route To Personal Training?

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jan 2005
    big denver, CO

    The Best Route To Personal Training?

    anyway ive been thinking about personal training for a while just because i love the bodybuilding lifestyle and its something i enjoy every day. so i was wondering what the best route would be for me. i mean i think i have quite a bit of knowledge already but would think having various certifications would not only help learn more but make me sound more credible.i have been successful building my own body and diets as well as workouts for others. anyway im looking for the most credible programs that can be done without a college degree, but would consider those that may include a 2 year associates degree with the possibility of continuing it at a 4 year college. any help is greatly appreciated.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Dec 2002
    The thing to first identify is "what" is your ultimate goal?

    To work in a gym? Begin your own practice? Etc.

    Defining your goal will make it easier to identify what the best steps are.

    I wrote a lengthly offering in another thread like this a while back when someone asked what I did, how I got started, etc. I can't remember the thread, but maybe a search would bring something up.


  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jan 2005
    big denver, CO
    cool, ill search for that thread. and id have to say first off my ultimate goal is to do something for a living that i actually think i could enjoy for the rest of my life. i dont like the idea of dreading to get up in the morning to do something i hate regardless of how much money im making. i dont want to persay work in a gym because i see some of the dumbasses that work in gyms as so called personal trainers, but would more like to be someone that takes on clients on my own and either work with them at a gym or at their home . then eventually id love to own my own personal training studio.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Dec 2002
    Well, the hardest part about that won't be school or any credential.

    It'll be getting your service "out there" for people to take advantage of, what makes your service attractive over other competitors, building a track record of people u have helped (before/after pics are golden), and basically getting people to come to you. You want people to come to you and choose you instead of the others, so something needs to set you apart from everyone else.


  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jan 2005
    big denver, CO
    gotcha. i think the biggest thing i want to really learn is designing goal specific diets, sort of like you do. i want a person to tell me what they want to aciheve and i want to get them there as painlessly as possible. so many people are told various methods and end up quitting because they dont see results. i know my fair share and what works for me but id like to be able to help others the same way. im not really concerned about the training part because since i started lifting nearly 10 years ago ive spent countless hours reading and observing and applying it to myself to see what works. so i guess my main goal is the diet designing area.

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