ive heard of a program called guardian angel, which is supposed to block hackers, and even the fbi from accessing your computer. does anyone know where i can get this program, or something like it?
ive heard of a program called guardian angel, which is supposed to block hackers, and even the fbi from accessing your computer. does anyone know where i can get this program, or something like it?
I also have heard of that but not sure where it can be found. Goole it!Originally Posted by Tren Bull
If you are using a Wireless connection and an internet security you should have enhanced protection. This indicates that your computer is behind a proxy or NAT. These devices allow you to access the Internet by relaying traffic, typically from multiple computers, through a single IP address.
ive searched for it with no luck. il probably try again later because that program would be very good to have.
ive never heard of it. i think the fbi could crack anything honestly.
the only guardian angel software i know of ...is a internet chat /porn./pop up software program http://www.filseclab.com/eng/products/guardian.htm
At a bookstore the other day, I saw a book entitled "Sex for Dummies." Why would someone want to teach dumb people how to reproduce? Aren't there enough of them now?
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