Ok well I think the g/f is cheating or about to cheat on me. I use my g/f's cell phone a lot when I am over my minutes and was using it to call my job about some shit. Anyway I know her password for the voiceman and checked it to see if my job had called back, long story short some guy leaves a message at 5am saying things like basically badgering him cuz she says she heard other girls in the backround (she does this to me every so often to see if I'm a cheater which I'm not) and him apologizing for not showing up at 2:30am saying he had to work. She's a stripper but I've known her since way before she ever did that. Now a lot of guy customers call her phone and that's a normal thing but this was different. This was an out of work meeting in my opinion and more of a personal level phone call. He called back at almost 6am and left another message saying "baby dont call the house at that time cuz I hear it from my father about who is calling at that time" For her to know this guys house number is another red flag because that means its more personal and not stripping/money related. Dont let the baby thing throw you off cuz she gets it all the time also so it doesnt raise an eye brow with me. SOOOO the question is.....if she is gonna do something it will most likely be tonight due to a hunch, do I go to her job when she gets off work and see what happens and take action (i know that seems stalker like but I'm not gonna get played) OR just sit home do nothing and confront her about the message the next say. I swore to myself I aint gonna lose or made out to be a douchebag. I'd rather get my licks in before the fact .What do you all think I should do? I wanna hear some opinions.