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Thread: I wonder how much 1 smoke/day will hurt me

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Dec 2004
    the gym

    I wonder how much 1 smoke/day will hurt me

    Dont ask me why I do this, but it started during my contest diet. I would smoke 1 or 2 cigs/day, it was just something to look forward to b/ I really didnt have much to look forward to as far as food went. Well now it's bulking season, I'll still smoke like 1/day, maybe 2, but no more than that. I dont know how much it hurts me, doesnt seem to have any effect on my workouts, but definitely not a habit I want to get into. I have enough willpower to just have 1/day, been doing it for awhile now, but I dont do it b/ I feel I need one. It's just my little jump for life when I eat a little strict. I am bulking right now, but still eat straight for the most part. Does anybody else do this as well?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jan 2004
    bro i saw your pics, and i cannot imagain you smokeing cigs, i use to smoke here or there in highschool, but i quit that shit after graduation, there are alot of poisions in cigs and i would say you should quit if you wanna look foward to something i would say have a glass of redwine with dinner, this it will help you relax and sleep, and also its heart healthy

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Dec 2004
    the gym
    Quote Originally Posted by steve0
    bro i saw your pics, and i cannot imagain you smokeing cigs, i use to smoke here or there in highschool, but i quit that shit after graduation, there are alot of poisions in cigs and i would say you should quit if you wanna look foward to something i would say have a glass of redwine with dinner, this it will help you relax and sleep, and also its heart healthy

    I know man, I feel stupid. Like I said , I havent noticed any effect in my performance, but I suppose the effects from something like this show more in the long run. Red wine, great idea, thats my new "thing."

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jan 2004
    no prob stacked het ur meathod on wearing dirty clothing worked for me, so thanks on the advice, i'll b trying it again when i head down south to me moms for x-mas gotta see some old flames on my stomping grounds

  5. #5
    I wouldnt smoke at all man, I would drop that stuff. I dont see it helping in any way, and you don't want to add anything that doesnt benefit you.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Jul 2005
    I can't imagine that one will do any harm. Personally, just the thought of smoking a cig makes my stomach turn, but if it is just one, and it makes you feel relaxed, do it. You seem to have it under control...

    Does my post now justify your guilty conscience about smoking your cigarette? JK

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Dec 2004
    the gym
    It's more for sanity reasons than anything, especially during strict diets. But I know its no excuse, so from now on everytime I feel like my daily smoke I'm going to go do cardio. You guys have convinced me.

  8. #8
    Quote Originally Posted by stayinstacked
    It's more for sanity reasons than anything, especially during strict diets. But I know its no excuse, so from now on everytime I feel like my daily smoke I'm going to go do cardio. You guys have convinced me.
    yessss..let us know the progress

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Dec 2005
    Washington DC
    Good choice bro. I competed as a Teenager and I have such a weakness for sweets. I used to get so pissed everytime I went to the cabinet to get tuna fish and was greeted by a cupcake or something that one time a friend offered me a smoke to just help me chill. I smoked it and itmade me sick. Needless to say, I wasn't hungry anymore. So I turned to a cig everytime I wanted to junk it up. I then turned into a 1-2 pack a day smoker for about 15 years. I am now 31 and been quit for almost 3 years. LEAVE THE CIGS ALONE!!!

  10. #10
    Screw that shit, stop while you can. I buy a pack a day man and it freaking sucks. I just came back from playing with my dogs at the tennis courts and my ass almost passed out. Cigs have never really hurt my workouts, but they do hurt your cardio like a mofo. I stopped smoking for a while and my endurance was boosted almost 100%. Drop the cigs before you get addicted.

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