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Thread: Experience with Bi-Polar???

  1. #1
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    Experience with Bi-Polar???

    My sister married a guy who ended up bi-polar and it got pretty bad. They had a couple of kids and he has not worked at one job more than 6 months. Well it is Xmas time and he wanted the kids the same day our family get together(when he found out what day it was on). Well, he told my sister that he would break down my dads front door and take him and my brother out then take the kids. He never said a word about me, I think because we got into it when he wouldn't leave my sisters house once. I hurt him pretty bad.

    I have been seeing things on tv, and reading some horror stories... He has always been violent but not towards the family until the divorce. I am just wandering if anyone has dealt with someone bi-polar(with paranoid psychotic episodes)???

  2. #2
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    Stay away from them...IMO

    It's scary diseases of the mind..

    I know it's easy to say from my little glass house.. and im sure if i had it i would feel completely different but in my experience.. its scary stuff.. because if someone has it and it's not being dealt with.. it can be quite unmanageable.

    It's also heredity

  3. #3
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mizfit
    Stay away from them...IMO

    It's scary diseases of the mind..

    I know it's easy to say from my little glass house.. and im sure if i had it i would feel completely different but in my experience.. its scary stuff.. because if someone has it and it's not being dealt with.. it can be quite unmanageable.

    It's also heredity
    He doesnt think anything is wrong with him, he blames everyone else for all the bad things. He refuses meds.

  4. #4
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mesomorphyl
    He doesnt think anything is wrong with him, he blames everyone else for all the bad things. He refuses meds.
    you can't help someone who doesnt want help.. my experience was similar.. when i came across someone with it..and depending on severity.. it can get pretty bad.. I'm not sure if you did any reading but Bipolar disorder is pretty serious.. well it can be..

  5. #5
    Quote Originally Posted by Mesomorphyl
    He doesnt think anything is wrong with him, he blames everyone else for all the bad things. He refuses meds.
    Usually people that are bi-polar dont know it. They think the whole world is against them.

  6. #6
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    Quote Originally Posted by Nismo
    Usually people that are bi-polar dont know it. They think the whole world is against them.

    didn't that guy in a beautiful mind have it.. the movie?

    But yah that's the scary part...

    The way i figure it is this.. as a society people are crazy enough.. without having something like this.. i know everyone get's sligh;ty depressed at one time in there life and i can handle that.. but chosing someone to share my life that i know has a disorder that has such significant ramifications like Bipolar .. that's just not something i want on my plate

  7. #7
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    I really dont want my family going through the worry, but if he comes through the door... I even dreamed I broke his fingers again.

  8. #8
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mizfit
    but chosing someone to share my life that i know has a disorder that has such significant ramifications like Bipolar .. that's just not something i want on my plate
    He did not show any symptoms or signs until after my nephew was born... Then he started taking apart his toys saying the house was bugged... My sister tried to hang in there. Four years worth. She started getting grey hair and she is only 33.

  9. #9
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    Well it's about extreme moods and behaviour..

    There are different levels.. depression and mania.. someone who has BP can go through both types.. also different grades...

    There is so much material available on it..

    It's scary i can see why someone who has it might be in denial

  10. #10
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mesomorphyl
    He did not show any symptoms or signs until after my nephew was born... Then he started taking apart his toys saying the house was bugged... My sister tried to hang in there. Four years worth. She started getting grey hair and she is only 33.
    Bipolar is always existant in the person it shows up in.. but it's onset is usually cause by a particualrily stressful time in one's life..

    The birth of his son might of triggered it

  11. #11
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    Quote Originally Posted by Nismo
    Usually people that are bi-polar dont know it. They think the whole world is against them.
    not necessarily true.. I dont feel the whole world is against me... at times I feel the whole world is crashing down around me and im stuck with no where to go......

    honestly I do not feel, from my readings on my own disease, that this man has bipolar, I think he has serve anger problems and other things of that nature, but you do not act that way all the time.. .bipolar is a cycle of happy and sads, a rollercoaster of emotions that you cannot control.... in one type of bipolar the person stays in one mode ( or part of the cycle for a while, maybe days or a week) and then crashes down to the extreme oppposite.

    Im my case, I am stable most of the time, but my moods can change at the drop of the hat... at one point I was cycling so fast you could see my moods changing in matter of minutes.. These situations in myself are set off by high levels of stress, brought on over a long time period (lets say a week). It was very bad when I was in college, right around finals time. All the stress would build up and I would make my mind work over time thinking about the time I was wasting not studying by being at work or practice. After about 5 days of this stress, you would find me in my house cleaning from top to bottom, and could expect to find me curled on my couch crying by the next day.

    Cleaning is my BIG SIGN!!!! Since i was away at school, I knew that if I had an attack my mom would have to come get me and bring me home, or atleast stay and take care of me, so I would clean because I was mentally and physically preparing for an attack, bipolar and and attack on my home from my mom. Some people don't have big signs... Im lucky to have them because then I can warn and prepare people im around to watch out and how to take care of me.

    Ok I think I have shared to much for now.

  12. #12
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    Hun you take medication though right?

    I think that is what the important thing is...the one person i came into contact with didn't

    Biggest problem i think in society is that people don't seem to seak help when they need it
    Quote Originally Posted by ttuprincess
    not necessarily true.. I dont feel the whole world is against me... at times I feel the whole world is crashing down around me and im stuck with no where to go......

    honestly I do not feel, from my readings on my own disease, that this man has bipolar, I think he has serve anger problems and other things of that nature, but you do not act that way all the time.. .bipolar is a cycle of happy and sads, a rollercoaster of emotions that you cannot control.... in one type of bipolar the person stays in one mode ( or part of the cycle for a while, maybe days or a week) and then crashes down to the extreme oppposite.

    Im my case, I am stable most of the time, but my moods can change at the drop of the hat... at one point I was cycling so fast you could see my moods changing in matter of minutes.. These situations in myself are set off by high levels of stress, brought on over a long time period (lets say a week). It was very bad when I was in college, right around finals time. All the stress would build up and I would make my mind work over time thinking about the time I was wasting not studying by being at work or practice. After about 5 days of this stress, you would find me in my house cleaning from top to bottom, and could expect to find me curled on my couch crying by the next day.

    Cleaning is my BIG SIGN!!!! Since i was away at school, I knew that if I had an attack my mom would have to come get me and bring me home, or atleast stay and take care of me, so I would clean because I was mentally and physically preparing for an attack, bipolar and and attack on my home from my mom. Some people don't have big signs... Im lucky to have them because then I can warn and prepare people im around to watch out and how to take care of me.

    Ok I think I have shared to much for now.

  13. #13
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    Everyone is so afraid of asking for help or doing anything to fix their problems..

    We all take medications for something.. it's the people that don't i guess that i shy away from ( clearer from my above post)

  14. #14
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mizfit
    Hun you take medication though right?

    I think that is what the important thing is...the one person i came into contact with didn't

    Biggest problem i think in society is that people don't seem to seak help when they need it
    NO I don't. I have a bottle of Rx Lithium in case I feel myself going to somewhere that I cannot control. In all honesty the reason I started working out 2 years ago was because i became dependant on Rx for bipolar and gained 30 lbs in one summer from them... i was told that they might cause weight gain, but never saw it, I was taken over by how well i could sleep and not wake up with night sweats thinking someone was coming for me ( long story) I never saw it come on me till I stopped taking the Zyprexa.

    I was off it for a long time, almost a year and 1/2, when I had another attack, this time in May of this year. I finally got to the bottom of what my body needs. Lithium, my brain does not produce enough, I take it when I know its going to be bad. Not when I have a little attack, which quite honestly can happen as frequently as once a week, but I have become so aware of my own body that I can say to Vette "Im about to have an attack" and he knows how to act as does my mom, and Im ok, i just have to get throught it myself.

    i told myself long ago that I would never be chemically dependant on a drug for the rest of my life, and Im not, I only take it when I really need it, other wise it is just a mind game, just like dieting , or anything else, you can control it with your mind.

  15. #15
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    I'm not gonna ask in chat because i know issues like this r personal but i have a few questions in pm.. if u dont mind..

    And yes someone close to me was bipolar.. and it stung...really bad... they were in denial however and never saught help or did anything about it..

    I think that is one of the issues with a lot of the meds.. just too strong.. but i wonder if someone just beign aware they r afflcited and knowing the signs is enough.. it sounds like in some cases it might.

    Quote Originally Posted by ttuprincess
    NO I don't. I have a bottle of Rx Lithium in case I feel myself going to somewhere that I cannot control. In all honesty the reason I started working out 2 years ago was because i became dependant on Rx for bipolar and gained 30 lbs in one summer from them... i was told that they might cause weight gain, but never saw it, I was taken over by how well i could sleep and not wake up with night sweats thinking someone was coming for me ( long story) I never saw it come on me till I stopped taking the Zyprexa.

    I was off it for a long time, almost a year and 1/2, when I had another attack, this time in May of this year. I finally got to the bottom of what my body needs. Lithium, my brain does not produce enough, I take it when I know its going to be bad. Not when I have a little attack, which quite honestly can happen as frequently as once a week, but I have become so aware of my own body that I can say to Vette "Im about to have an attack" and he knows how to act as does my mom, and Im ok, i just have to get throught it myself.

    i told myself long ago that I would never be chemically dependant on a drug for the rest of my life, and Im not, I only take it when I really need it, other wise it is just a mind game, just like dieting , or anything else, you can control it with your mind.

  16. #16
    Quote Originally Posted by Mesomorphyl
    He did not show any symptoms or signs until after my nephew was born... Then he started taking apart his toys saying the house was bugged... My sister tried to hang in there. Four years worth. She started getting grey hair and she is only 33.
    Is he maybe Skitso (<-- I have no idea how you spell it). I know that they also have massive mood swings and see things that arent there.

  17. #17
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    Quote Originally Posted by ttuprincess
    honestly I do not feel, from my readings on my own disease, that this man has bipolar, I think he has serve anger problems and other things of that nature, but you do not act that way all the time.. .bipolar is a cycle of happy and sads, a rollercoaster of emotions that you cannot control.... in one type of bipolar the person stays in one mode ( or part of the cycle for a while, maybe days or a week) and then crashes down to the extreme oppposite.
    He is bipolar... at times had ups and downs as well as 5 or 6 doctors diagnosed his problem as bipolar. He was even institutionalized once and after taking meds got better. He has always had problems controlling his anger once enraged. He slept a whole bunch in his depressed mode.

    The kids suffer the most, my sister said he called them last night and said my sister was ruining Xmas. Told the kids he knows they dont love him and their mom is a whore and he would kill their grandpa... I just heard this about 30 minutes ago.

  18. #18
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    Quote Originally Posted by Nismo
    Is he maybe Skitso (<-- I have no idea how you spell it). I know that they also have massive mood swings and see things that arent there.
    The doctors said bipolar with paranoid delusions.

  19. #19
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mesomorphyl
    He is bipolar... at times had ups and downs as well as 5 or 6 doctors diagnosed his problem as bipolar. He was even institutionalized once and after taking meds got better. He has always had problems controlling his anger once enraged. He slept a whole bunch in his depressed mode.

    The kids suffer the most, my sister said he called them last night and said my sister was ruining Xmas. Told the kids he knows they dont love him and their mom is a whore and he would kill their grandpa... I just heard this about 30 minutes ago.
    while me may be diagnose bipolar, these are not bipolar actions... he needs to have no contact with the kids... NONE AT ALL.. expetually if hes telling them things like that.. he should have no rights to see them at all.

  20. #20
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    Quote Originally Posted by ttuprincess
    while me may be diagnose bipolar, these are not bipolar actions... he needs to have no contact with the kids... NONE AT ALL.. expetually if hes telling them things like that.. he should have no rights to see them at all.
    The lawyer said it does not matter if the divorce decree(sp?) says he gets them. He says stuff to the kids alot. The summer before last he told his son he would buy him a baseball bat. When the time come he said "have your grandpa buy you one" my nephew told him no so this ass replied "then play with a broom stick for all I care"... I bought him the top of the line bat for senior league(just over 100 bucks, and the best money I ever spent after seeing his expression and the look in his eyes - I think kids remember that stuff)

  21. #21
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mesomorphyl
    The lawyer said it does not matter if the divorce decree(sp?) says he gets them. He says stuff to the kids alot. The summer before last he told his son he would buy him a baseball bat. When the time come he said "have your grandpa buy you one" my nephew told him no so this ass replied "then play with a broom stick for all I care"... I bought him the top of the line bat for senior league(just over 100 bucks, and the best money I ever spent after seeing his expression and the look in his eyes - I think kids remember that stuff)
    That was nice of you...

    But honestly then this thread has nothing to do with bipolar. It has to do with a person who cannot control his anger and needs help. His actions may be triggering the bipolar attacks, but they are not causing him to act this way. He is an angry man who needs help ... and YES your sister can fight with a lawyer against their dad seeing them as he is inflicting pain through words on them, she just needs to get it on tape.

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