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Thread: Need resume help

  1. #1

    Need resume help

    I graduated from MSU 2003, married and have a baby in 2005. I always worked for family business so do not have any other work expierence. I was not in any clubs at college. I am laid off for most the winter (family business is cement work)
    and I want to put my accounting degree to work. However problem is since I never did any interships, joined any frats, or did any community service I can not think on anything to make a full page of a resume. ANy help appreciated:
    I should of paid more attention to resume writing in college but never got around to it.
    Here is what I have so far
    PHONE ?????
    MAIL [email protected]
    5/2003 Michigan State University East Lansing Michigan Bachelors Degree Obtained a Bachelor of Arts with a major in Accounting
    1997-Present ??????? Construction ???????s Island, MI Laborer Responsible for various aspects of construction labor and concrete work.
    ??????, CEO, Health One Credit Union
    ?????????, President of ?????????? Construction
    My objective is to further sharpen my accounting skills in a corporate environment that will utilize my skills and education.
    Last edited by msu16366; 12-19-2005 at 06:27 PM.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Nov 2002
    North Charlotte
    just lie, change MSU to harvard

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Nov 2005
    No offence. Yet I sincerly hope that is not how you present you curriculam vitae. You HAVE TO SELL YOURSELF! Its just like a chick. You look your best, not torn clothes and badly shaved with crooked teeth. Well your CV has to look its best.THAT IS YOUR 1st impression. You have to sell yourself. They dont want to see fvking excuses and dont give a rats ass about you having a kid. Again no offence just trying to help. Brag about what you know and what you did. Heres a hint search for what the company does and try to relate yourself to it, what you have in common, why you think the company should hire you. If its a banking company say you did accnt in University, you were a manager, did financing at your last company, that you enjoy money related subjects, that your mastering of 2 languages facilitates.... etc.

  4. #4
    Well its not in that format, just some of the information, copy and paste did not work good from word to thread
    I really dont have anything to put in the resume rather than going to MSU and I always worked at the same place. I will try to incorporate some of things I have done for my company and compare that to skills of future company. Good advice
    Last edited by msu16366; 12-19-2005 at 07:37 PM.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Dec 2004
    What are you using to type it up? Make sure to at least use Words Resume template if you don't know what your doing.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Nov 2005
    I graduated from MSU in 2003, with a B.SC and an accounting major. In the years following my graduation I always worked for family business because I was intersted in working for small business(SMB) with people I was well acquainted with and wanted to nurture the business as well as my own knowledge and experience, it was a very successful venture for me to be involved in. I helped mature the business into -----etc. I was vice-president and events organizer around campus in an accountants clubs at college(You think there actually gonna call to see?). I took some time off for my family and took the occasion to travel most the winter, something I never had the occaision to do. It helped me get accustomed to other cultures, and business thinking as well as my passion for travelling, it was an enlightening experience. (family business is cement work)
    What I want to do for is, I want to put my accounting degree to work with my experience and vast knowledge. I think via my experince, education and knowledge, I may be a worthy asset capable of aiding you company in a affirmitive and constructive fashion. I have a keen interest in doing so, Ive read your mission statement. Please do not hesitate to contact me for further information.

    Total time for me to BS .....139 seconds. Took all the negativity and uncertainty for confident statements and optimistic statements. Now YOU take more then 139 seconds and think better for you curriculum vitae. Then youll just have to have a nice presentation.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Dec 2005
    Space Coast, FL
    When you're young and inexperienced, it can be very difficult to fill a resume. However, there are many online resources that you can use to give you some ideas.

    But, off the top of my head, I would suggest the following:

    First off, as someone already suggested, I would use the MS Word resume wizard. It simplifies things and gives you many options to customize your resume.

    Depending on how you did at school, under your education heading, you may want to include your GPA. If you received any academic awards, or were ever on the Deans list or Presidents list or anything like that, include it also. While most employers don't care a whole lot about grades, if they were exceptional, use it to you advantage. This can help fill up a few empty spaces.

    Under your work history, go into a little more detail as to what your responsibilies were. Particulary try to highlight any experience related to the job you are applying for. If you must, don't be afraid to embellish a little - if the employer even bothers to call your previous employer at all, it will just be to verify dates worked, postion and possibly salary. They won't get into specifics of everything that you ever did for the company.

    You might also want to create a heading entitled, "Summary of Qualifications" , which is included in the Word resume wizard. Under this heading you can list any skills that you have that you feel are relevant to the job. You can list general skills such as, "Highly organized and detail-oriented with the ability to handle multiple tasks in an efficient manner", or "Self motivated with initiative and ability to execute a job from start to finish", or "Flexible and creative problem solver". You can also list specific job related skills, such as software or tools that you are familiar with that you would be using on the job. You can use this category to really sell yourself and list as many skills as necessay to fill up the page.

    Again, these are just a few examples off the top of my head. There are many resources available if you do a little research. You may want to look at sample resumes from people applying for similar positions or just look at general resume formats to give you some ideas. Personally, I customize my resume for every job that I apply for so that I can highlight the qualifications and skills for that particular position. Another thing to keep in mind, is to use a spellchecker and carefully edit your resume for any possible errors. This is probably the biggest mistake that people make when submitting a resume, as nothing will get your resume discarded quicker than simple spelling errors. Good luck. I hope this helps.

  8. #8
    Thanks for all the help guys,
    I actually had breakfast with my grandpa today and talked with him about getting in the office and learning how to plan, bid jobs, and how to keep the company going. He said that would be a good idea and to call my other uncle who is the office guy.
    Thanks again for the help, as at times it all feels to overwhelming. Plus down the road if I switch careers than I can put on my resume how I bid jobs, profit analysis, ordering, etc, for my families company.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Sep 2004
    Bubba Army
    i set mine up looking at some sample resumes online. i believe it was a harvard grad.

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