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Thread: Wow... people intrigue me sometimes

  1. #1
    Join Date
    May 2004
    Canada eh

    Wow... people intrigue me sometimes

    So I go out for dinner tonight and a couple drinks, seeing as everyone is home for the holidays.. Well I end up chillin with a couple buds and this one guy who is outta town starts chatting with me.. Asks me how much I weigh, I tell him, hes shocked to shit... Starts telling me all about his roid days etc.. never mentions working out or diet.. Says if Im anything like him I should just take the "quick way"... I try and ignore it explaining that I am bulking right now... he looks at me and tells me to take some CLEN .... So I explain bulking... he looks at me and asks me if I have been eating mcdonalds and BK everyday.. I say no and he tells me that I need to do my research grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr.... I think the look I gave him let him new I wasnt impressed and that was the end of the convo.... some ppl
    Last edited by needmorestrength; 12-23-2005 at 11:35 PM.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Dec 2005
    Back to Sin City


    Quote Originally Posted by needmorestrength
    So I go out for dinner tonight and a couple drinks, seeing as everyone is home for the holidays.. Well I end up chillin with a couple buds and this one guy who is outta town starts chatting with me.. Asks me how much I weigh, I tell him, hes shocked to shit... Starts telling me all about his roid days etc.. never mentions working out or diet.. Says if Im anything like him I should just take the "quick way"... I try and ignore it explaining that I am bulking right now... he looks at me and tells me to take some Clent .... So I explain bulking... he looks at me and asks me if I have been eating mcdonalds and BK everyday.. I say no and he tells me that I need to do my research grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr.... I think the look I gave him let him new I wasnt impressed and that was the end of the convo.... some ppl

    Who doesn't like Clent?

  3. #3
    Dont worry, I was having a convo the other day with this kid that was soo damn drunk it wasnt even funny. Saying hes taking superdrol right now and had 18 shots..I was just like oh ur a smart one etc. Said.." should juice with me this summer..if you dont im gonna get bigger than you" I never really get in detail with ppl have no clue what theyre talking about so I was just kinna bein people were around so I couldnt really act like I knew too much what I was talkn bout cuz theyd be like you take steroids! He told me hes gonna do test250 for 6 weeks and get huge! haha man...that was a lotta fun. I was like how is your diet and hes like oh its good..I eat so much..I eat wendys like 3 times a day. I tried so hard holding in the laughter. Sorry bout the grammar

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Apr 2005
    Deep in some Guts!!! haha
    Quote Originally Posted by chest6
    Dont worry, I was having a convo the other day with this kid that was soo damn drunk it wasnt even funny. Saying hes taking superdrol right now and had 18 shots..I was just like oh ur a smart one etc. Said.." should juice with me this summer..if you dont im gonna get bigger than you" I never really get in detail with ppl have no clue what theyre talking about so I was just kinna bein people were around so I couldnt really act like I knew too much what I was talkn bout cuz theyd be like you take steroids! He told me hes gonna do test250 for 6 weeks and get huge! haha man...that was a lotta fun. I was like how is your diet and hes like oh its good..I eat so much..I eat wendys like 3 times a day. I tried so hard holding in the laughter. Sorry bout the grammar

    THAT WAS YOU!!!!!??????

  5. #5
    Join Date
    May 2004
    Canada eh
    Quote Originally Posted by chest6
    Dont worry, I was having a convo the other day with this kid that was soo damn drunk it wasnt even funny. Saying hes taking superdrol right now and had 18 shots..I was just like oh ur a smart one etc. Said.." should juice with me this summer..if you dont im gonna get bigger than you" I never really get in detail with ppl have no clue what theyre talking about so I was just kinna bein people were around so I couldnt really act like I knew too much what I was talkn bout cuz theyd be like you take steroids! He told me hes gonna do test250 for 6 weeks and get huge! haha man...that was a lotta fun. I was like how is your diet and hes like oh its good..I eat so much..I eat wendys like 3 times a day. I tried so hard holding in the laughter. Sorry bout the grammar
    LOL...its amazing eh...

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Dec 2002
    And to think, during this entire stupid convo, someone was kissing your girl!!

    Sorry, I just read the other thread.


  7. #7
    Join Date
    May 2004
    Canada eh
    Quote Originally Posted by SwoleCat
    And to think, during this entire stupid convo, someone was kissing your girl!!

    Sorry, I just read the other thread.

    OUCH lol

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