So I go out for dinner tonight and a couple drinks, seeing as everyone is home for the holidays.. Well I end up chillin with a couple buds and this one guy who is outta town starts chatting with me.. Asks me how much I weigh, I tell him, hes shocked to shit... Starts telling me all about his roid days etc.. never mentions working out or diet.. Says if Im anything like him I should just take the "quick way"... I try and ignore it explaining that I am bulking right now... he looks at me and tells me to take some CLEN.... So I explain bulking... he looks at me and asks me if I have been eating mcdonalds and BK everyday.. I say no and he tells me that I need to do my research
grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr.... I think the look I gave him let him new I wasnt impressed and that was the end of the convo.... some ppl