Anyone know any sites were i can get funny bodybuilding tops like steroid comment ones and shut up lets squat???
Anyone know any sites were i can get funny bodybuilding tops like steroid comment ones and shut up lets squat???
hahaha, I like the one that says "Shut the **** up and train"
yer i wanna get the one that says "die big, die young, dianabol" i wreckon that it is the best t-shirt ever!!!
house of pain has a lotta good t-shirts and beanies... ...check it!
Originally Posted by SVTMuscle
yea some good ones
I like some of those too.
those are awesome. but i dunno how cool i'd feel running around with a shirt that says i inject, which dosnt comply to me right now anyways, but even when i do.. hmm...Originally Posted by system admin
eh who cares right ?
im sure my dad would haha
Originally Posted by SVTMuscle
Naaaaaah. Just tell him like it is.
haha be like "hell yah i inject dad" check out the gun show!
i would have no problem wearing the Tshirt, but i think i just wouldnt want to see everyone looking at me in the gym being "OMG he's on steroids!"
hey, **** em if they cant take a joke right? haha.
yah they're just jealous biotches!
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