Ok, well I met this guy tonight who like totally motivated me. His name is Rassis. I met him because I was feeling suicidal and walked down the street in the pouring rain w/ a bible, sat on this bridge over the gorge, and thought about jumping. I was depressed over my training, crashing hard from my cycle. A dirty musclebound black gentlemen came out of the fog from nowhere, walked by and asked me"how much you bench nigga'?" I looked startled and replied "250 sir" he says to me that it's good weight for my size, and he didnt expect that kind of iron from a white boy like myself. Rassis was musclebound, about 320 shredded, but filthy. He was wearing a pair of dirty overalls and he looked like he had just crawled out of a coal mine. His hair looked like Don Kings, and he wore a necklace made out of some Wooly Mammoth teeth. He was missing teeth from where he lost it w/ some heavy dumbbells once he said. He then asked me if he could see the bible I had stuffed in my jacket? "Rassis, how do you know I have a bible?" I said. Rassis replied "Dont worry, I've been in this game so long I sense everything...I sense WTF a nigga' thinks when he see's me walk by. I look like a dirty coal mining overall wearing mother****er!!!" I said "Come again?" Thats what you have been thinking standing here looking at me, he says. I felt a feeling rush through my entire body that I have never felt before, it felt as if all my problems had dissapeared for that very moment, and a higher power had drifted through my soul. We talked some training for awhile, and he told me some old timer strategies and tricks of the trade. He also talked about his competitions and how Golden Era bodybuilding really went down. "Hell, niggaz deeze' days dont wanna work fo' shit!!! Back in my day you wasnt even allowed in da' gym till' u could press w/ 300lbs. It wasnt like that pussy Gold's Gym you train at, they didnt harass the **** out yo' ass fo' military pressin wit' da 110's, and if a motha****a' even thought bout' proachin' you, he damn well betta' be jacked and back his shit up, or backdafukup!!!!!" Wait a second I said. You know where I train now, are you a stalker or something." He then replied to me,"First of all, dont ever raise your voice to me again, and you dont make eye contact wit' me until you've earned that right, I told your skinny white ass from the get go, I know everything about everyone.......you best not forget that." That shocking feeling as if some higher power ran through my body began to run through it again, like wildfire. "I know why you've come to this bridge Stacked, and your ****in' up wit' dat mindframe you got, one of dem' pussies at Gold's do this to you? who make u think this way? "I dont know Rassis, lately shit has just been falling off. I mean, I'm coming off cycle, crashing pretty hard, depressed, women problems, money, etc etc." Rassis listened softly as I went on for 10 minutes about my problems. "So you just goin' walk away, u goin' give up, you goin' let society bring you down, and dat pussy ass gym, and dat Fear Factor softy TV show influence you and bring yo' goody two shoe white ass, to jumping off dis MUTTA.......FU*KIN' GORGE.... WIT A BIBLE IN YO' GOD DAMN HANDS!!! I looked at the ground and cried out to Rassis that I didnt know what to do anymore. He grabbed me by the arm and pulled me back up. "NIGGA, GIT' UP!!! he shouted in a drill sergeant like voice. THIS SHIT IS A MARATHON, IT AINT NO SPRINT, AND THERE AINT NO GOD DAMN FINISH LINE!!! NOW YOU GOIN' WOLF DOWN DEM' SHAKES, YOU GOIN' TRAIN LIKE YO' LIFE DEPEND ON IT, AND WE GOIN PUMP YOU UP WHITE BOY" His speech was 10 times harsher than the Sergeant from Full Metal Jacket. He then said to me "Now theres alot about this game you dont know, and I'm here to help. Tonight lets go get some pizza at this place down the road, have a few Newports, and forget about it" So we went and got some grub and had some cigarettes. I smoked 2, Rassis had 13 of them back to back as he spoke of his glory days of bodybuilding. I then thanked him for his motivating words and his help, and he replied "Dont mention it, I'll be at your gym at 5am tomorrow morning so we can train, be there or be a bitch" He kindly took my Newports away and crushed them in the cold wet puddle beneath his foot, with his size 15 Timberland boot.He then placed his giant hand on my shoulder and said to me "Get some rest boy, starting tomorrow.......IT'S ON!!!" And then, jut as he appeared that night.........he disappeared into the fog.
Stay tuned for tomorrows story of our first day at the gym together, we're doing some shoulders and arms. I gotta sleep, we're jogging there in the morning, it's going to be tough!!!