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Thread: Steroids screwed me over...need some help.

  1. #41
    Join Date
    Aug 2004
    RIP Brother...
    Quote Originally Posted by tranzit
    You sound like a weak person to me. Steroids shouldnt have fallen into your hands. Dont blame steroids becouse your a ****up blame yourself. Think im being harsh all you want, this is my pet peeve, people who dont take responsiblity for their own actions. To me your just as bad ass that kid at the steroid hearings parents who blamed Mark Mcgwire for their kid killing himself.
    Istead of blaming themselfs for being bad parents. Or those stupid ****ing smokers who are dieing and sueing the tabacco companys for it. Or the fat slabs of shit that were trying to sue mcdonalds becouse they said the food made them fat. Take responsiblility for yourself and stop blaming your short commings on everything else but what it is.
    tranzit your post shows your ignorance.
    Depression is not just something that affects weak people, it can be triggered by all sorts of different things and I don't see any reason why it couldn't be triggered by taking something that affects hormone levels and therefore mood.
    This guy is merely asking for help and advice for a problem he believes was triggered by the use of steroids, so where better to ask than here?

  2. #42
    Join Date
    Jul 2005
    ahhh.... blame the juice....

    Maybe this is craig titus posting

  3. #43
    Join Date
    Nov 2004
    Middle East
    Yes, anyone that understands depression knows that it's a chemical inbalance in the brain and not something you can really talk yourself out of. Medication is really the only thing that can control it. I have had similar experience while running Test alone at a low dosage. It, however, was not as profound. I experienced a lot of zoning out, paranoia, and general thoughts that someone was out to get me. Very irrational thoughts, but not something I could control. Which is why I ended my last cycle at week 7 and jumped into PCT. Peoples reactions to these substances are not uniformed across the board. Give the guy a break, this was a lesson learned the hard way for him. So Im sure he wont be touching anabolics for a while to come...

  4. #44
    Join Date
    Dec 2002
    Quote Originally Posted by thegodfather
    Yes, anyone that understands depression knows that it's a chemical inbalance in the brain and not something you can really talk yourself out of. Medication is really the only thing that can control it. I have had similar experience while running Test alone at a low dosage. It, however, was not as profound. I experienced a lot of zoning out, paranoia, and general thoughts that someone was out to get me. Very irrational thoughts, but not something I could control. Which is why I ended my last cycle at week 7 and jumped into PCT. Peoples reactions to these substances are not uniformed across the board. Give the guy a break, this was a lesson learned the hard way for him. So Im sure he wont be touching anabolics for a while to come...
    This is all very true indeed.


  5. #45
    Join Date
    Dec 2002
    Quote Originally Posted by tranzit
    You sound like a weak person to me. Steroids shouldnt have fallen into your hands. Dont blame steroids becouse your a ****up blame yourself. Think im being harsh all you want, this is my pet peeve, people who dont take responsiblity for their own actions. To me your just as bad ass that kid at the steroid hearings parents who blamed Mark Mcgwire for their kid killing himself.
    Istead of blaming themselfs for being bad parents. Or those stupid ****ing smokers who are dieing and sueing the tabacco companys for it. Or the fat slabs of shit that were trying to sue mcdonalds becouse they said the food made them fat. Take responsiblility for yourself and stop blaming your short commings on everything else but what it is.
    This is borderline flaming, and it actually is.

    Lower your dosages and increase your understanding of tact. Fact is that no one knows exactly why he feels as he does, so passing judgement is not something that can be done fairly.

    I didn't see a reason why he would feel like this given the entire situation, but you don't see me demeaning him as I give my opinion on the situation.

    As of late you have a lot of uprisings like this that really stick out, so please, try to calm down a bit. Other mods might not have been so nice in this instance.......


  6. #46
    Dude good luck with all your issues. You may need some PCT. And call your girl back.

  7. #47
    Join Date
    Nov 2003
    Brooklyn, NY
    Quote Originally Posted by tranzit
    You sound like a weak person to me. Steroids shouldnt have fallen into your hands. Dont blame steroids becouse your a ****up blame yourself. Think im being harsh all you want, this is my pet peeve, people who dont take responsiblity for their own actions. To me your just as bad ass that kid at the steroid hearings parents who blamed Mark Mcgwire for their kid killing himself.
    Istead of blaming themselfs for being bad parents. Or those stupid ****ing smokers who are dieing and sueing the tabacco companys for it. Or the fat slabs of shit that were trying to sue mcdonalds becouse they said the food made them fat. Take responsiblility for yourself and stop blaming your short commings on everything else but what it is.

    Shitty post

  8. #48
    Join Date
    Dec 2005
    Looks like a large hand
    Quote Originally Posted by Dubsta
    Swole, there is no doubt in my mind that you are right. There is no way they can act the same for everyone...and there are a few people out there that this has happened it is not just me...

    It is just weird man, I started to notice my feelings for things changing, not wanting to be in the gym, no appetite, totally screwed up things with my girl....I'm just in such a weird state...and a total minute I think one thing, the next, totally different...last night I was sure I should be apart from my girl, today I want her back..and I know tomorrow I wont.

    I can be playing with people like I am...I don't have two clues what to do...

    I feel for you man, your problem is real, your emotions are real. Some how you must put aside your feelings, rationalize, think things through. One step at a time. Keep your thinking straight, truth is your anchor. Though you may feel fear, ask yourself is there anything to fear. If the answere is yes, then investigate it. I tell you the truth, every time I have hit rock bottom, the lord has been there to give me the strength to stand, It is His promise. He puts his hand over my shoulder, I see the wounds in his hands, then I realize his sacrifice rather than my inconvenience, the hoplessesness beginns to deteriorite.
    If things continue to get worse, counter your negitive thoughts with that which is good. "Know therfor and understand" The finite man cannot fully relate to how you feel, but there is one who does, his name is faithful and true.
    You will be ok. I know how it feels when life is a mess and the doors seem to be closed from all ends. Lonliness and fear creep in, making life seem hopless and dark, Your feelings act as if it is world war four.

    Counter them with truth that is undergirded by reason, and hold on.

    Ignore how you feel, work the situation through with some one close to you.

    Remember, Jesus actually enters into our pain, He is not blinded by you, He will not sit by.

    Ask Him

    25 "Therefore I say to you, do not worry about your life, what you will eat or what you will drink; nor about your body, what you will put on. Is not life more than food and the body more than clothing? 26Look at the birds of the air, for they neither sow nor reap nor gather into barns; yet your heavenly Father feeds them. Are you not of more value than they?

    THe first senctence sums up the paragraph beutifully.

    Donot be afraid. It is said that when God feels furthest away, in actuality he in closest. Do not worry, you are not forgotten.

  9. #49
    Join Date
    Dec 2005
    Looks like a large hand
    Sorry, my grammars sucks, sometimes I feel I am cursed in this area.

  10. #50
    Join Date
    Sep 2005
    Show Me State
    Wish you nothing but the best I've had depression and it is horrible but you can beat it so hang in there brotha.

  11. #51
    Join Date
    Apr 2005
    Quote Originally Posted by NotSmall
    tranzit your post shows your ignorance.
    Depression is not just something that affects weak people, it can be triggered by all sorts of different things and I don't see any reason why it couldn't be triggered by taking something that affects hormone levels and therefore mood.
    This guy is merely asking for help and advice for a problem he believes was triggered by the use of steroids, so where better to ask than here?
    I agree. (When I got my anger under control I deleted the rest of my comment)
    Last edited by mesomorph; 01-03-2006 at 08:20 PM.

  12. #52
    Join Date
    Nov 2005
    Washington state
    What you dont seem to understand is that I am on depression medication. Have been for years. So as far as my ignorance goes thats just not the case.
    I might have come across harsh in this post but i am speaking from experience. Blaming steroids for not being able to control yourself is rediculas. I also find it rediculas that he didnt stop right away when he started to feel these problems comming on. As i said he should have never been on steroids in the first place. If you cannot control yourself, or feel that you are slipping into a depression you should be mature enough to get off of them before it gets worse. Furthermore, if you do your research before hand you will know what to expect and what to do if things get out of hand. I view this in the same way i view people who log on here and say.. i beat the shit out of my wife/kids/friends but i was using steroids so thats my excuse. I have roid rage. I am not insensative to the fact that people have issues and depression plays a huge part in those issues at times. What i have a problem with is when somone logs on here or anywhere else or comes on the news and says my problems are from this.. Your problems are not from steroids, your problems are from a chemical imbalence that you have that may or may not have been effected by the chemical you injected into your body before doing the research you should have. If he would have logged on here and said that he was very depressed and it might have somthing to do with the steroids and asked for help that was fine. But he logged on here and basicly said steroids ruined his life and as i said i dissagree. And SC i was not flaming anyone, as with everything else on this forum when you post you are going to get alot of diffrent reactions as i said mine sounded harsh and i belive that has alot to do with me trying to relay my opinion through typing instead of face to face. If i offended anyone whitch i seems like i did i appologize.

  13. #53
    Join Date
    Nov 2005
    Washington state
    wow.. i just read what he posted and what i posted a few times.. yeh i can see how that was a little uncalled for. As i said i have my opinions about placing blame on things other then yourself. But the way i was raised i was tought to take the rap for my own actions.
    But i did come across very harsh.
    here is where i could blame the pain i am in.. the vicodin i am on.. or the 1500mg of test a week i am taking.. but im not going to.. i am an outspoken asshole and somtimes my opinion makes me sound like a complete asshole.. so for that i am sorry.. ill check myself.

  14. #54
    Join Date
    Feb 2004
    Quote Originally Posted by Dubsta
    Did you tell your doc that you were taking or have taken gear?
    No I didn't- there is no need to.

  15. #55
    Join Date
    Sep 2004
    Quote Originally Posted by tranzit
    What you dont seem to understand is that I am on depression medication. Have been for years. So as far as my ignorance goes thats just not the case.
    I might have come across harsh in this post but i am speaking from experience. Blaming steroids for not being able to control yourself is rediculas. I also find it rediculas that he didnt stop right away when he started to feel these problems comming on. As i said he should have never been on steroids in the first place. If you cannot control yourself, or feel that you are slipping into a depression you should be mature enough to get off of them before it gets worse. Furthermore, if you do your research before hand you will know what to expect and what to do if things get out of hand. I view this in the same way i view people who log on here and say.. i beat the shit out of my wife/kids/friends but i was using steroids so thats my excuse. I have roid rage. I am not insensative to the fact that people have issues and depression plays a huge part in those issues at times. What i have a problem with is when somone logs on here or anywhere else or comes on the news and says my problems are from this.. Your problems are not from steroids, your problems are from a chemical imbalence that you have that may or may not have been effected by the chemical you injected into your body before doing the research you should have. If he would have logged on here and said that he was very depressed and it might have somthing to do with the steroids and asked for help that was fine. But he logged on here and basicly said steroids ruined his life and as i said i dissagree. And SC i was not flaming anyone, as with everything else on this forum when you post you are going to get alot of diffrent reactions as i said mine sounded harsh and i belive that has alot to do with me trying to relay my opinion through typing instead of face to face. If i offended anyone whitch i seems like i did i appologize.
    Bro you need to realize no one is going to take your steroids away, not baseball, not the goverment, so quit worrying about the "news" and people blaming things on "juice". This site is for us to all LEARN and HELP each other, and we have a brother who is having a difficult time in LIFE. I think we may all forget at times there are things that are on a different level than the gym, the physical look of our bodies,our supplements or juice. This bro needs positive answers and concerns. I am not trying to correct you as I am not concered with you as I am with this bro.
    He may have had these issues underlying and its a coincidence they arose while on juice, or not. The point is human life and feelings are more important than public view of steroids.

  16. #56
    Join Date
    Sep 2004
    Quote Originally Posted by tranzit
    wow.. i just read what he posted and what i posted a few times.. yeh i can see how that was a little uncalled for. As i said i have my opinions about placing blame on things other then yourself. But the way i was raised i was tought to take the rap for my own actions.
    But i did come across very harsh.
    here is where i could blame the pain i am in.. the vicodin i am on.. or the 1500mg of test a week i am taking.. but im not going to.. i am an outspoken asshole and somtimes my opinion makes me sound like a complete asshole.. so for that i am sorry.. ill check myself.
    Well I just read this after I posted to you. I appologize that I didnt read this prior to posting.

    P.S.- if your in pain I would maybe suggest watching that vicodin intake with the juice as vikes are ridiculously toxic on the liver, and thats alot of Test.

  17. #57
    Join Date
    Nov 2005
    Washington state
    It's ok man.. like i said i was being an asshole.
    I only take my Vics at night 3 of them for pain and to sleep.
    and im actualy taking 1750mg of test. but its not really a big deal im a little more on edge about some stuff but nothing i cant handle.

  18. #58
    Join Date
    Sep 2004
    Quote Originally Posted by tranzit
    It's ok man.. like i said i was being an asshole.
    I only take my Vics at night 3 of them for pain and to sleep.
    and im actualy taking 1750mg of test. but its not really a big deal im a little more on edge about some stuff but nothing i cant handle.

    Best of luck with the stuff thats bothering you. Make it happen bro.

  19. #59
    Join Date
    Nov 2005
    I just want to thank everyone for their comments, with any luck I will get through this just fine and get back to my normal life...and the way I did things. I am really trying, and this is really I's not me.

    Tranzit, it's ok man, you can flame me...that's fine. I can see what you are saying, but you have to understand, this all happened within like a week or two, so once I really started to notice, I did the proper thing and began to stop taking steroids and now I'm headed into PCT. I have a very strong feeling that the gear has a lot to do with what is going on. And you know what, if it doesn't, that's fine....I won't do it again no matter what.

    Just remember, this shit can effect people very differently....and for was a negative experience.

    Thanks again everyone, I really helps to have so many great people pulling for me...I will update with what the doctor says tomorrow...

  20. #60
    Join Date
    Dec 2002
    Quote Originally Posted by tranzit
    wow.. i just read what he posted and what i posted a few times.. yeh i can see how that was a little uncalled for. As i said i have my opinions about placing blame on things other then yourself. But the way i was raised i was tought to take the rap for my own actions.
    But i did come across very harsh.
    here is where i could blame the pain i am in.. the vicodin i am on.. or the 1500mg of test a week i am taking.. but im not going to.. i am an outspoken asshole and somtimes my opinion makes me sound like a complete asshole.. so for that i am sorry.. ill check myself.

    Thanks for stepping up like this, it's appreciated.

    Most wouldn't respond or wouldn't shoulder the blame.

    Props to you for this.


  21. #61
    Join Date
    Dec 2002
    Quote Originally Posted by mark956101957
    No I didn't- there is no need to.
    I would think there is a HUGE need to do so.

    Seeing as he believes that is the culprit of his issues.


  22. #62
    Join Date
    Nov 2003
    Brooklyn, NY
    Quote Originally Posted by witzy2323
    Bro you need to realize no one is going to take your steroids away, not baseball, not the goverment, so quit worrying about the "news" and people blaming things on "juice". This site is for us to all LEARN and HELP each other, and we have a brother who is having a difficult time in LIFE. I think we may all forget at times there are things that are on a different level than the gym, the physical look of our bodies,our supplements or juice. This bro needs positive answers and concerns. I am not trying to correct you as I am not concered with you as I am with this bro.
    He may have had these issues underlying and its a coincidence they arose while on juice, or not. The point is human life and feelings are more important than public view of steroids.

    Good man

  23. #63
    Join Date
    Feb 2004
    Quote Originally Posted by SwoleCat
    I would think there is a HUGE need to do so.

    Seeing as he believes that is the culprit of his issues.

    If he takes anti depressants no matter what the reason it is going to work or it isn't. He could stop the cycle and wait it out and see if he does recover and see for sure what the cause is. But my concern was for him to get help asap since he seemed to be sinking fast. Thats all I meant.

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