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Thread: Sluts.. who would marry one??

  1. #1
    Join Date
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    In the Gym, if i could

    Sluts.. who would marry one??

    Ok, all you guys say you love sluts..

    1st... a slut is someone that will sleep with just about anyone... and often with many partners, displaying unsafe sex practices...

    2nd.. you are only a temporary thing to them, thus of no real value, or consequense, they dump you before you can hurt them

    3rd.. baggage baggage baggage..

    4th.. how many women have you really been with??? does that make you a slut?? does all of the above apply to you??

    The answer to your every question


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  2. #2
    Join Date
    Apr 2005
    Quote Originally Posted by spywizard
    Ok, all you guys say you love sluts..

    1st... a slut is someone that will sleep with just about anyone... and often with many partners, displaying unsafe sex practices...
    2nd.. you are only a temporary thing to them, thus of no real value, or consequense, they dump you before you can hurt them

    3rd.. baggage baggage baggage..

    4th.. how many women have you really been with??? does that make you a slut?? does all of the above apply to you??

    So in other words, 99.9% of all men

  3. #3
    Join Date
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    gates of hell
    Sluts have their place in society, but I would never marry one. I just want to have a loving family and strong, healthy children over sex.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Nov 2004
    A good wife and home and a slut on the side.

  5. #5
    Join Date
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    Brooklyn, NY
    I've dates sluts......i dont know why but i did....i wouldnt marry one if hoss's life depended on it

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Mar 2005
    This question always gets me because of the double standard and I just don't accept it, being a woman and all. It seems to me that men aren't considered sluts because they will have sex at least once with any women that is willing. He is consider virile and a stud muffin. Women on the other hand are expected to save themselves for the "right" guy, a long term relationship, something that could possibly be serious. Women enjoy sex as much as men and they deserve to have as many partners (safely of course)as their male counterpart, without being considered a slut. It doesn't mean that they will never settle down and be loving caring individuals, and good homemakers. IMO

  7. #7
    Join Date
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    great white north
    Quote Originally Posted by LAW
    This question always gets me because of the double standard and I just don't accept it, being a woman and all. It seems to me that men aren't considered sluts because they will have sex at least once with any women that is willing. He is consider virile and a stud muffin. Women on the other hand are expected to save themselves for the "right" guy, a long term relationship, something that could possibly be serious. Women enjoy sex as much as men and they deserve to have as many partners (safely of course)as their male counterpart, without being considered a slut. It doesn't mean that they will never settle down and be loving caring individuals, and good homemakers. IMO

    I agree

  8. #8
    Join Date
    May 2005
    in your girls panties

  9. #9
    Join Date
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    in your girls panties
    I'm a male slut however I practice safe sex

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Jul 2004
    Quote Originally Posted by LAW
    This question always gets me because of the double standard and I just don't accept it, being a woman and all. It seems to me that men aren't considered sluts because they will have sex at least once with any women that is willing. He is consider virile and a stud muffin. Women on the other hand are expected to save themselves for the "right" guy, a long term relationship, something that could possibly be serious. Women enjoy sex as much as men and they deserve to have as many partners (safely of course)as their male counterpart, without being considered a slut. It doesn't mean that they will never settle down and be loving caring individuals, and good homemakers. IMO
    I think the problem is that women take something inside of them. When a woman has too much sex she gets loose (i.e. a loose woman.) When a man has sex there is no observable difference. I was actually known as the "town slut" for a while here in Germany. So it happens to men too.

    In case you haven't realized we are living in a misogynistic, racist, biased ass world. It happens to everyone, not just women. Stay strong!

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Mar 2005
    Hey, it's no biggie for me. I was in a 27 year marriage and now a 3 year relationship. I just was giving my .02 . As far as loose woman, i'ed have to see written proof cause I just don't agree. It contracts after ward and doesn't stay stretched. Nothing makes a women looser then a vaginal birth.

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Jan 2002
    I think most guys like the idea of trashy woman... until they sleep with one and two days later their dick falls off.

  13. #13
    Join Date
    Jun 2004
    Hell no, but if i was a muslim, i would marry 4!

  14. #14
    Join Date
    Jun 2004
    Quote Originally Posted by LAW
    This question always gets me because of the double standard and I just don't accept it, being a woman and all. It seems to me that men aren't considered sluts because they will have sex at least once with any women that is willing. He is consider virile and a stud muffin. Women on the other hand are expected to save themselves for the "right" guy, a long term relationship, something that could possibly be serious. Women enjoy sex as much as men and they deserve to have as many partners (safely of course)as their male counterpart, without being considered a slut. It doesn't mean that they will never settle down and be loving caring individuals, and good homemakers. IMO
    Go sister.

  15. #15
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    Jul 2004
    Quote Originally Posted by LAW
    Hey, it's no biggie for me. I was in a 27 year marriage and now a 3 year relationship. I just was giving my .02 . As far as loose woman, i'ed have to see written proof cause I just don't agree. It contracts after ward and doesn't stay stretched. Nothing makes a women looser then a vaginal birth.

  16. #16
    Join Date
    Oct 2005
    Some Fort out there...
    Sluts are good for one thing and one thing only. But I would never marry one.

    But it would suck to marry a good girl and to later find out that she is an ex-slut..... ex-slut is that possible?

  17. #17
    Join Date
    Nov 2003
    Brooklyn, NY
    Quote Originally Posted by LAW
    This question always gets me because of the double standard and I just don't accept it, being a woman and all. It seems to me that men aren't considered sluts because they will have sex at least once with any women that is willing. He is consider virile and a stud muffin. Women on the other hand are expected to save themselves for the "right" guy, a long term relationship, something that could possibly be serious. Women enjoy sex as much as men and they deserve to have as many partners (safely of course)as their male counterpart, without being considered a slut. It doesn't mean that they will never settle down and be loving caring individuals, and good homemakers. IMO

    So if a woman has sex with 60 guys she something shoudn't be said of her? To me that is a whore.

  18. #18
    Join Date
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    Brooklyn, NY
    Quote Originally Posted by NYGIANTS21
    Sluts are good for one thing and one thing only. But I would never marry one.

    But it would suck to marry a good girl and to later find out that she is an ex-slut..... ex-slut is that possible?

    it actually is.....I dated one.....she was promiscuous when she was a teenager but grew out of it and just strictly had sex if she dated someone and if she didnt she did nothing. It annoyed me she was a slut but she hadn't acted on that kind of behavior in years. But she wasnt too bad to begin with just more guys than I would've liked.

  19. #19
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    And when you do date "non sluts" do you tell them how many women you've had? Or is that a question that you ask of her. All I would want to see is your clean bill of health or there would be no second date. (guess Im feeling fiesty today- that's what happens when you hit the gym at 6.)

  20. #20
    Join Date
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    Some Fort out there...
    do women really tell you the truth of how many people they have been with?... I know that i bend the truth a little.. LOL

  21. #21
    Join Date
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    northern cali
    i think the reason girls are considered sluts if they hook up with lots of people is because it is so easy for practically any girl to get laid, regardless of how attractive she is. most guys are desperate to get laid, and they will fu_k just about anything. seriously, ive met some UGLY girls, and ive seen them get hit on too... that is just horrible.

  22. #22
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    Quote Originally Posted by LAW
    And when you do date "non sluts" do you tell them how many women you've had? Or is that a question that you ask of her. All I would want to see is your clean bill of health or there would be no second date. (guess Im feeling fiesty today- that's what happens when you hit the gym at 6.)

    I tell the truth whenever it comes up. I have nothing to hide and it's not a number that is astronomically high that would make someone think twice of me. If a girl is a slut then I dont take any chances with them and practice the safest sex I can practice.
    Last edited by USfighterFC; 01-05-2006 at 11:46 AM.

  23. #23
    Join Date
    Mar 2005
    There is a women in our town who's supposedly her husband hasn't had sex with her in years. Now she goes to bars, gets totally trashed Johnny black on the rocks, 6 shots with beer, and picks up a guy, does it in his car with him and comes in for more. I've seen this for myself. That is a women with a serious psychological problem. I feel sorry for her because she needs help, big time! I can't use the S word. It's not a number it's a behavior.
    If you never find the right person until your 60 and you have been in 1 year relationships from 18-60 then logically you have been with 42 men/ or women.
    Older people are very bad at practicing safe sex. They seem to live in a bubble & don't think they can contract anything. It's sad but true.

  24. #24
    Join Date
    Aug 2004
    I wouldn't marry a slut, but they have their uses

    Another thing, I wouldn't cheat on a non-slutty wife with a slut

  25. #25
    Join Date
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    Washington DC
    Quote Originally Posted by LAW
    This question always gets me because of the double standard and I just don't accept it, being a woman and all. It seems to me that men aren't considered sluts because they will have sex at least once with any women that is willing. He is consider virile and a stud muffin. Women on the other hand are expected to save themselves for the "right" guy, a long term relationship, something that could possibly be serious. Women enjoy sex as much as men and they deserve to have as many partners (safely of course)as their male counterpart, without being considered a slut. It doesn't mean that they will never settle down and be loving caring individuals, and good homemakers. IMO
    I know some women who enjoy football as much as or more than men. Does that mean that it's okay for a female to put on a cup and go outside and kick the shit out of someone in a football game? It's okay sure, but who wants a woman with a facial scar? "It's an old football injury"

    Sorry, but I'm gonna vent now:

    Or how about a woman who enjoys hunting or being "out-doorsy", would you wanna be with a chick that you just watched take a dump in the woods and wipe her ass with leaves? NOT ME or any other self respecting man I know!

    Double standard? Sure! But there are so many things that make men and women different that you cannot fairly make any comparisons regarding certain issues. Especially regarding sex and how many partners they've had.

    I did marry a SLUT. I had no idea until later on and she started telling me stories and making comparisons to other guys. What a skank she turned out to be.
    She was a horrible house keeper, lousy at everything, and could not get a job. Worthless whore! All she could do is spend all my goddamn money!

    Now, she has a job working for her parents. If not for them, she might be uttering "welcome to wal-mart" 1000 times a day.

    By the way, 2 weeks after we seperated, she was sleeping with my neighbor. About 2 months later, she was pregnant by someone else (not the neighbor) Then, she was engaged to someone else about a month after that and got pregnant again. Both times she miscarried.

    Who knows who the stud of the week is now?

  26. #26
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    Well, I'd be a hipocrite if I ran around judging people because of their past. Mine isnt so clear and straight to begin with.

    My girlfriend has a terrible past, it made her who she is today, im happy she is who she is today. Am I going to marry her? I dont know, its a little early to tell, but I dont know what I'd do without her right now.

  27. #27
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    RIP Brother...
    Quote Originally Posted by LAW
    This question always gets me because of the double standard and I just don't accept it, being a woman and all. It seems to me that men aren't considered sluts because they will have sex at least once with any women that is willing. He is consider virile and a stud muffin. Women on the other hand are expected to save themselves for the "right" guy, a long term relationship, something that could possibly be serious. Women enjoy sex as much as men and they deserve to have as many partners (safely of course)as their male counterpart, without being considered a slut. It doesn't mean that they will never settle down and be loving caring individuals, and good homemakers. IMO
    Funny thing is I've heard women whinge about this apparent double standard many times but the irony is that when guys call a promiscuous girl a slut they almost mean it as a compliment, the only group of people who spitefully call promiscuous girls sluts are guess who? - other girls!

  28. #28
    Join Date
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    Somewhere in cyberspace..
    I'd marry kelly, she gives the best head ever. If she dumped me, I wouldnt miss her--just her mouth/throat.

  29. #29
    Join Date
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    Training my ninja Degu
    Wouldn't marry a slut. If I was a chick, I wouldn'y marry a man whore either.

    Sluts = No

    never been with one, never will.

  30. #30
    Join Date
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    problem is that you never know if some pretty girl you just met is a slut or not. ive met plenty of girls that dont seem like total whores but they are.

  31. #31
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    Women have iny's and men have outy's. There are more diseases to be stored in the iny, its like a pocket, if its big enough you can put anything in it. Us men think- if theres a hole theirs a way........LMAO...

    Would i marry a slut? good question. I need sex everyday, so as long as my girlfriend is still doing things right then i don't need a slut.

  32. #32
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    Aside from the description abouve, is there a specific number you guys consider a slut? One for every year she's been alive? MOre? Less? I would never marry or date one, "can't make a hoe a housewife". And as bad of a double standard it is, the reasoning behind it is that dudes bone, girls get boned.
    Last edited by DNoMac; 01-05-2006 at 04:38 PM.

  33. #33
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    Quote Originally Posted by DNoMac
    What number do you guys consider a slut? One for every year she's been alive? MOre? Less? I would never marry or date one, "can't make a hoe a housewife". And as bad of a double standard it is, the reasoning behind it is that dudes bone, girls get boned.
    I guess so, if an 18 year old girl has been with 18 diff. men, I'd say she's a full on slut! Even if she started having sex when she was 14 or 15. When you're that age, you really don't have that many chances to be alone often with your mate. So, you'd almost have to be dropping panties every time you had a free minute!

    AMEN BROTHER! You definately can't make a ho a housewife!

  34. #34
    Join Date
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    I would never marry a slut...Not even a "re-born"...if that really exists.
    But I'd definitely keep one chained up in my garage for "personal" reasons.

  35. #35
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    You know whats great, when you see some girl that got tore up from the floor up in high school, walking around married to some guy that has no idea about her past. Damn if he only knew what I did to her.

  36. #36
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    the knowwhich1
    my friends i will share with u all the secret meaning of life.....

    be a man whoring bastard(no STD's tho!!!) play women, learn the sexual secrets of the karma sutra and tantra and crazy european sex. Do every bad thing u can, poop on girls, golden showers, rusty trombones with all the whores across the country then goto south carolina and find your wife there. They raise ladies to be wives there and the women are happy as long as you can support them. Never talk about your haunted past but dazzle them with your skills of the female body, open those secret sexual doors that they believed forever closed to them. give them that quadruple orgasm they only heard about in romance novels and live a happy life.

  37. #37
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    Quote Originally Posted by ironmike250
    AMEN BROTHER! You definately can't make a ho a housewife!
    I had to laugh at your post with the football and outdoor analogy. I've attempted explaining things like this to my girlfriend, but couldn't do it as well as you did. I'm not staying that women can't experiment and that guys are allowed to do what they please, but I think both should have class. Being a ho is such a fvcking turn off. I like the hard-to-get classy girls in terms of relationships.

  38. #38
    Join Date
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    the knowwhich1
    my girl sucks my cack....that $hit is weird

  39. #39
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    Quote Originally Posted by DNoMac
    I had to laugh at your post with the football and outdoor analogy. I've attempted explaining things like this to my girlfriend, but couldn't do it as well as you did. I'm not staying that women can't experiment and that guys are allowed to do what they please, but I think both should have class. Being a ho is such a fvcking turn off. I like the hard-to-get classy girls in terms of relationships.
    Agreed. Something sexy about the hard to get types!
    Here's something my co-worker said to me today: "for every hot girl you see, somewhere out there is a guy who is tired of fvckin her and wishes she would just get lost."

  40. #40
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    Quote Originally Posted by mushroomstampr
    my girl sucks my cack....that $hit is weird
    That's the funniest thing I've ever read in my life! I just woke the dead laughing!

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