Got this from, me and the guy on alot of the adds (younger guy) by the name of Andrew will mail each other back occasionally when we've got time...
Just thought this was a cool email I got and I thought i'd share it with you all.
The things you are feeling are not new to me at all , I've got the benefit
of some years on you. What you need to do is embrace the solitude and
isolation you feel. Do not discard these useful emotions , they can serve
you well in your search for a place inside the arena. People come at me from
all directions and sometimes I dont know what they want from me. I keep
trying to give them what they want but its always changing. You have some of
the same problems with people's expectations like your parents.Thats why in
the end the only answer is to remember what the **** you came here to do ,
and never forget the raw feeling in your guts after you just smashed the
shit out of yourself for 2 hours. Thats your down payment on a place at the
table , that's what you owe. Stand on your own, be a Man , and pay what you
****ing owe....