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Thread: Defending Ergogenics...

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Oct 2002

    Defending Ergogenics...

    I was at work and had another one of those retarded conversations... a guy I work close to was watching me reading an article on metabolism while popping Vitamin C's, EFA's, a Multi-Vitamin and mixing an MRP during the day...

    HIM: You keep taking all that stuff you do, it can't be natural or good for your body...

    Me: So what is natural or good for my body? Is natural the trans-fatty acids found in all the food people typically eat? Or the food that big markets and franchises strip of natural fats in place of synthetic sugars and materials?

    HIM: But don't you think what you are doing could lead to health problems?

    Me: Don't you think eating excessive amounts of fast food and inhaleing the general toxins that are being pumped into the air will cause health problems? Especially when you don't supplement with something that can help protect from some of the damage found at the cellular level?

    How about you? Don't you think your lack of excercise will cause health problems - you did have a heart attack in your late 30's.

    HIM: I don't know... if you need something like Vitamin C then you should just eat an orange...

    Me: So the minute amount of Vitamin C found in an orange is good enough? Good enough for who? The FDA? The FDA set their guidelines over 50 years ago based on a 150-pound inactive male... I am a man well over 150 pounds and very active.

    In today's society my body is required to metabolize a lot more foreign and dangerous substances than those found 50 or 100 years ago... bacteria, inorganic substances, pollution and many other things are not getting better with time. Sh!t, today you can't even walk outside without risk of skin cancer or worrying about that big hole in the ozone.

    On top of all that - I am doing a lot work in the gym which puts more stress on my system... while conditioning it.

    HIM: You should be able to do whatever it is your trying to do this without all this stuff...

    Me: My body hates me. It doesn't want what I want - to be big and relatively lean. And you have to eat abnormal to be abnormal. The majority of the population is fat and lazy - that's what normal, or average gets you. Look at your big gut brah... thats what you get when you neglect even the basic nutritional and physical activity needs.

    We can go back and forth on this - but you are touching on something I have spent over 10 years researching and applying. Don't preach about something you haven't taken the time to learn about. Talk what you know - not what you want to know...

    HIM: I don't need to read about any of that stuff... [lights up a cigarette]


  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jun 2005
    lol.. there are alot of these types.. What people don`t know about is dangerous to them. Just the way it is.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Dec 2001
    Scotty, beam me up
    stupid people everywhere.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    May 2004
    El Paso, Texas
    He's closed minded and predjudiced. You waisted valuable reading/eating time on him. You shoulda just rolled your eyes to begin with.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Sep 2004
    Pitt/New Jersey/No source
    I have dealt with people like this and I know its hard for them to take information like that seriously from someone my age. (21) But in a few years when they call BS on what I say, Ill just whip out my MD identification. Its situations like this that keep me driven to keep learning and although i know its impossible, I strive to educate everyone and in general make the world we live in a better healthier place. Dont worry about ignorance TO THEM, ITS BLISSFULL to not know anything.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Nov 2002
    North Charlotte
    did u slap the milkshake out of his hand, i would have just for cause and effect

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Oct 2002
    Quote Originally Posted by decadbal
    did u slap the milkshake out of his hand, i would have just for cause and effect
    Its kinda funny - cause when he eats lunch - he EATS... I'm like, "Dude, take a plate and that's it... one plate! And what's all this extra bullsh!t on the side and ice cream to boot!" And of course he says, "Well, I skipped breakfast and probably won't each much tonight either"... blah...

    He's a cool guy, really - he has had one heart attack already and says what I am doin' is going to eventually give ME health problems... lol...

  8. #8
    Join Date
    May 2004
    El Paso, Texas
    And you're older than him right? Tell him "I'm older than you and I'm much less likely to have a heart attack before you have another one. So, just let me do what I do. You do what you do, and we'll see who has the next heart attack-ack-ack-ack-ack, you ought to know by now."
    Sorry, turned into a song there.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Oct 2002
    Hes 49 now... had his first heart attack about 10 years ago... I'm 28 next month...

  10. #10
    basically but too stubborn to accept it. I talk to these people all the time. They find some way out of it. I use the "So normal is average 20lbs overweight" and they will be like "yea, basically" there is no way around it. You can't win with these people. You would think he would ATTEMPT to change his ways after one heart attack, right?

  11. #11
    Join Date
    May 2002
    I know this is old but I like reading War's stuff...

    I'm surprised you didn't take your number 12" or 13"s to his noodle... Damn HR rules... You should be allowed to beat workmates... At least when their inherently stupid.

    I guess people really don't get the big picture... That Middle age isn't 30 anymore... That is one reason I do still have issues with text in High Schools that teach nutrition on fouled averages... An ease reference to show someone how fouled up this data is... go online and pull up a metabolic calculator... where you punch in your weight, height and age... Mine always says obese. War I bet yours will say the same..

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Dec 2003
    S.Florida by way of NY
    what an idiot

  13. #13
    Join Date
    Dec 2001
    Scotty, beam me up
    Quote Originally Posted by mmaximus25
    I know this is old but I like reading War's stuff...

    I'm surprised you didn't take your number 12" or 13"s to his noodle... Damn HR rules... You should be allowed to beat workmates... At least when their inherently stupid.

    I guess people really don't get the big picture... That Middle age isn't 30 anymore... That is one reason I do still have issues with text in High Schools that teach nutrition on fouled averages... An ease reference to show someone how fouled up this data is... go online and pull up a metabolic calculator... where you punch in your weight, height and age... Mine always says obese. War I bet yours will say the same..
    well the avarage american your weight and height is probably obese....

  14. #14
    Join Date
    Feb 2006
    next time tell him "U were flying on an airliner over iraq, on your way to visiting your father who was studying in Tibet.. this was when you were just a little kid, but the plane crashed. These Iraqis swarmed you, and were paddling you for days n days,, and from that day on, u promised yourself u'll never find yourself in that situation again, so i started lifting......

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