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Thread: The way you look at you, and the way the general public does,too funny

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Dec 2004
    the gym

    The way you look at you, and the way the general public does,too funny

    It's hilarious, b/ to us we are always trying to better something or get bigger, but to the general public we're perfect or gigantic. I usually dont go out but last night my buddy and I went to this country bar over by his place. I almost wish I haden't worn my muscle shirt, b/ it seemed like every busted up trailer trash bitch was grabbing on me saying "damn, lemmie get some of that" Then this one dude who was so drunk I could hardly understand him kept saying to me "your the baddest mother****er in here" hahhaahhaa. I guess not too many bodybuilders around that area, I swear to God they all treated me like I was some sort of Superman. Still flattering though

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jan 2006
    F_ucken Two Bitches
    yeah its kind of weird, i look at myself and think i look like complete shit, but to other people i look so great and they wish they could look like me

  3. #3
    Join Date
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    El Paso, Texas
    I was in a rockbar/motor cycle bar. I was dancing and got hot. Took off my button up and just had my athletic cut under shirt on. People just kept staring. After the band got off stage, my chick went and introduced me to the band.
    I told them they sounded great, CD quality. The lead singer told me I looked great and asked me what I was on. I laughed and said, I'm all natty and look like shit. They all laughed at me and thought I was joking/nuts.

  4. #4
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    I'm not even that big and I get people calling me a bodybuilder. I am pretty lean and vascular which makes me look larger than 195 but I just like to think of myself as in really good shape. Even with my coat on I get compliments and some of my buddies sometimes make fun of me for being in shape. Of course they're jealous that they don't have the discipline to train themselves but it kinda gets embarassing when they do it out in a bar or club. I'm not there to draw that kind of attention to myself.

  5. #5
    Join Date
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    uk/ south east
    lol thats good shit guys, i hear ya..

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Aug 2004
    Quote Originally Posted by ~fuelforfire~
    yeah its kind of weird, i look at myself and think i look like complete shit, but to other people i look so great and they wish they could look like me
    Sweet, that is what its all about

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Dec 2002
    Quote Originally Posted by stayinstacked
    I almost wish I haden't worn my muscle shirt
    Oh please, you know you wore it purposely to show off and such.

    If you say no, that's b.s.

    We all do that from time to time when we know we will stand out.


  8. #8
    Join Date
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    Pitt/New Jersey/No source
    Living in a beach town you get a lot of looks and stares... I love it, I'm not gonna lie i saok it all. shit i work hard with eating and training i deserved to be stared, envied, admired by others..

  9. #9
    Join Date
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    F_ucken Two Bitches
    Quote Originally Posted by SwoleCat
    Oh please, you know you wore it purposely to show off and such.

    If you say no, that's b.s.

    We all do that from time to time when we know we will stand out.


    wow, thats so true

  10. #10
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    Quote Originally Posted by SwoleCat
    Oh please, you know you wore it purposely to show off and such.

    If you say no, that's b.s.

    We all do that from time to time when we know we will stand out.

    Actually the best is when drunk girls pull up your shirt to look at your abs. I'm usually wearing my coat but when I finally get hot and take it off I feel like the whole room is looking at me.
    Some people may call us shallow minded for putting so much time in trying to look better but the truth is it also makes you feel better. Training is therapeutic for me and getting in shape is just the well earned fruits of our labor so screw em and their jealous comments.

  11. #11
    Join Date
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    Toronto Canada
    I think some times ppl say they look like shit when they god damn know they look good:P

    Anyhow.. that' being said a lot of people who work out are obessessed with themselves anyhow.. so it doesn't matter how good they look, it's never good enough.. but boy do u still want the complements.

    Personally i am not an ego feeder.. I have dated some guys who were pretty good looking but i never feed their egos.. they had enough people doing it.. i was always able to find what was wrong with them:P Got to put them in their place


  12. #12
    Yup I see myself as not big enough all the time but friends/fam are like you look good etc. Psh..u knew what u were getting yourself into wearing that sleeveless!

  13. #13
    Join Date
    Apr 2004
    look beyond what you see
    lol you bodybuilders

    it's amazing, the friends i have who compete have such low confidence levels - because of that very fact, the culture demands perfection.

    poor bodybuilders

  14. #14
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    Nov 2005
    Personally i am not an ego feeder.. I have dated some guys who were pretty good looking but i never feed their egos.. they had enough people doing it.. i was always able to find what was wrong with them:P Got to put them in their place


    So meaning you also went out with underpriviliged looking guys as well? What enticed you? Would you nourish their non-existing ego as well?

  15. #15
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    Dec 2004
    the gym
    Quote Originally Posted by jerseyboy
    Actually the best is when drunk girls pull up your shirt to look at your abs. I'm usually wearing my coat but when I finally get hot and take it off I feel like the whole room is looking at me.
    Some people may call us shallow minded for putting so much time in trying to look better but the truth is it also makes you feel better. Training is therapeutic for me and getting in shape is just the well earned fruits of our labor so screw em and their jealous comments.

    I had a few try to look at my abs too, but I wouldnt let them, its bulking season,hahahahahaha.

  16. #16
    Join Date
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    northern cali
    people are always telling me that they are worried about me and that i have some kind of eating disorder and all that sh_t, but it really doesn't matter to me. sure im in good shape, but i will never be satisfied, and i think that is a good thing, because it keeps me motivated to keep at it.

  17. #17
    are you cutting or bulking tren bull?

  18. #18
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    Quote Originally Posted by Tren Bull
    people are always telling me that they are worried about me and that i have some kind of eating disorder and all that sh_t, but it really doesn't matter to me. sure im in good shape, but i will never be satisfied, and i think that is a good thing, because it keeps me motivated to keep at it.

    Oh yeah, I got that shit too. My buddy had his cousin and a couple of her freinds meet us there. We stopped and ate on the way, then like 3 1/2 hrs later I told them I had to get going to eat. They all thought it was wierd and bitching about how I just ate b4 I got there. I just felt like telling them "ok, look at me, and look at you, who knows more about this?"

  19. #19
    Quote Originally Posted by stayinstacked
    Oh yeah, I got that shit too. My buddy had his cousin and a couple of her freinds meet us there. We stopped and ate on the way, then like 3 1/2 hrs later I told them I had to get going to eat. They all thought it was wierd and bitching about how I just ate b4 I got there. I just felt like telling them "ok, look at me, and look at you, who knows more about this?"
    I say that a lot, to my friends of course. As soon as you say that they give the "I understand" face.

  20. #20
    Join Date
    Jan 2006
    New Joisey
    this thread is too funny, can you believe a girl told me i have "OCD" today cause i workout "too much" and my "muscles" are too big, has anyone seen my godamn pics, i weigh 154lbs. But yeh u know what... low confidence, body dysmorphia, ocd are all terms people have to use to justify our exemplary (to them abnormal) motivation in sculpting our bodies into the most beautiful work of art possible, and despite our individual motivation the end product is always the same, A HUMAN FVCKING MACHINE!!!!! and there is not much cooler than that imo.

  21. #21
    Join Date
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    New Joisey
    and yeh this was a good thread, mad props to stayinstacked cuz we know we ALL think about this more than we'd like to admit.

  22. #22
    Join Date
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    as of right now im trying to cut. i only eat a bulking diet when im on cycle

  23. #23
    why? sounds like recipe to lose all gains after cycle to me

  24. #24
    Join Date
    Mar 2005
    People always ask me at work how I put on so much muscle. I've gained about 30 lbs in just about 2 years of working there. I started weighing @ 167and right now I am at about 195. I always tell them that they would be surprised how changing you diet and eating right will help you reach your goals.

  25. #25
    Join Date
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    i dont know, i always run clen during pct, and ive had no problems keeping most of my gains after each cycle.

  26. #26
    Join Date
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    btw, im all for being hella roided out and all that, but i need to be skinny too. chicks like that look more

  27. #27
    Join Date
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    North Charlotte
    Quote Originally Posted by stayinstacked
    It's hilarious, b/ to us we are always trying to better something or get bigger, but to the general public we're perfect or gigantic. I usually dont go out but last night my buddy and I went to this country bar over by his place. I almost wish I haden't worn my muscle shirt, b/ it seemed like every busted up trailer trash bitch was grabbing on me saying "damn, lemmie get some of that" Then this one dude who was so drunk I could hardly understand him kept saying to me "your the baddest mother****er in here" hahhaahhaa. I guess not too many bodybuilders around that area, I swear to God they all treated me like I was some sort of Superman. Still flattering though
    hes in a wheelchair, he isnt buff.... dumbass hicks..hahaha

  28. #28
    Join Date
    Dec 2004
    the gym
    Quote Originally Posted by decadbal
    hes in a wheelchair, he isnt buff.... dumbass hicks..hahaha

    Ummm, the comic book superman I mean. The one who looked jacked, not horsie man

  29. #29
    Join Date
    Apr 2004
    Noo Yawk
    100% right, I went away this weekend and I had a terrible weekend diet wise, I drank so much beer, ate all this garbage because we were in a cabin without a grill of any sort and not too many supermarkets around and I looked puffy, not vascular at all, I thought I looked like fkn sh!t. So anyway the locks on the doors for the bathroom were messed up and this one girl just HAPPENED to walk in while i was taking one took one look at my body...said "damnnn!" and walked out lol. pretty flattering. But yea back to how we all think we look like sh!t, I've heard of something called body dismorphic disorder that a lot of lifters get...I wonder if any of us has it?

  30. #30
    Join Date
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    I don't see it as putting a lot of time into it. The diet becomes a away of life and other than the frequency is normal to me. Cardio for me has just become my waking up process and working out really isn't so time consuming that it interferes with my day. I think if you keep it in prospective that its just a part of your life and not its entirety, continue to do whats important to you and you and your family, you can sustain the sport for many years. As far as the looks are concerned, they are welcome and appreciated. Some will even ask what I do and may ask for recommendations. The juice conversation never happens, I avoid it. Look, at 47, I'm not perfect nor do I expect to be. You younger guys probably have it harder because your circle of friends are younger and in those circles there may still be some immaturity. The whole bodybuilding thing is different as an older man. Hey something to look forward too!

  31. #31
    Join Date
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    Scotty, beam me up
    which of these outfits did you wear

  32. #32
    Join Date
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    Quote Originally Posted by decadbal
    hes in a wheelchair, he isnt buff.... dumbass hicks..hahaha
    Actually he's not in a wheelchair anymore, Christopher Reeve died back in 2004.

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