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Thread: poor, broke ****ers who know how to hold up a line!!!!!!!!!

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Dec 2004
    the gym

    poor, broke ****ers who know how to hold up a line!!!!!!!!!

    It pisses me off to an extreme, its always these poor broke people who waste our time at places like convenient stores, gas stations, grocery stores, banks ,etc etc. Like the person in line at the gas station buying 50 ****ing scratch off tickets,"yeah, ummm lemmie git' two of dem' , and free of dese', and one of dose wild cherries, and wait....ok, here go my weekly numbers..." some of them will stand there close to the counter and scratch them off then jump right back in line, "it say I won a dolla', lemmie git one more of dose" I propose a special line at the gas station for ****ing scumbags who do this. Next on the list, broke people at the bank who have an account because why? My bank over here is ridiculous, the line is always out the door and they have like 2 tellers working. I'll just be sitting there watching somebody at the counter for 10 minutes thinking they must be depositing or withdrawing a fortune. Nope, its some scumbag Jerry's kid w/ a bunch of penny rolls, or a bunch of bullshit questions they could have answered if they bothered to call the automated #. But no!!! they insist on holding me up. Or the people who stand in line at the ATM checking their balance a million times as if some money magically popped up from their account. Today some dumb bitch was like "Ok, now are they going to charge me a service fee on my check deposit?" I'm just thinking if this moron bothered to read over her info she got when she signed up or opened her ears and listened she'd know. So I'm the very next one in line, waiting to be called and the God damn power flickers and their computers go down, son of a bitch!!!! I insisted she take my cash deposit and give me a hand written receipt, I waited there for like 30 min for all those morons. Next on my list, people who buy too much shit and dont know if they can pay for it. Ok, if your one of these you need to get yourself a calculator to bring w/ you and your scumbag family the next time you shop. They get all the way up there with their shit, and are short like 20 bucks. Some will take it in stride and pull some items away, others will dig through their purse in a desperate attempt to come up with like a fortune in change so they can buy their ice cream, or toys, or whatever crap they're pissing money away on. The point to this story is it's scumbags who make life difficult, for themselves, and for everyone. I hate scum****s

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Dec 2003
    S.Florida by way of NY
    breathe man .... breathe

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Oct 2004
    Toronto Canada
    You always seem so mad.. go buy a teddy bear

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Feb 2004
    Toronto 5days Miami 2days
    You have been very aggresive lately , I am like this too. But last time didnt you complain about guys wearing there pants to there ackles. To funny.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Dec 2003
    In the Gym, if i could
    wow.. relax man..

    not everyone is prosperous..

    i agree with you 100% trust me.. but damn.. life is too short..
    The answer to your every question


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    to his or her own opinions and prejudices, especially
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    If you get scammed by an UGL listed on this board or by another member here, it's all part of the game and learning experience for you,
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    I will not do source checks for you, the peer review from other members should be enough to help you make a decision on your quest. Buyer beware.
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  6. #6
    Join Date
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  7. #7
    Join Date
    Nov 2002
    North Charlotte
    go to a diff bank.. heart attack is knockin on your door brother... that or gettin shot by someone who doesnt value anything about your life

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Sep 2005
    Oh crap.. I almost wet myself I am lauging so hard... I was wondering when another SS thread was going to come up on how people are pissing him off

  9. #9
    Join Date
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    england/north east
    dam stack you make me laff

    but why so aggresive ?

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Dec 2004
    the gym
    Oh come on you guys, surely somebody can relate to some of this. I'm not overly aggressive, I just think of things sometimes.

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Sep 2004
    Pitt/New Jersey/No source
    STacked I totally agree with you on just about all of your rants man... But you just gotta like stuff go sometimes. People are stupid,ignorant, and senseless there is NOTHING you can do about it.

    hey didnt someone suggest stacked got his own forum... I think it might be time.

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Sep 2005
    toys for twats truck
    Quote Originally Posted by stayinstacked
    Oh come on you guys, surely somebody can relate to some of this. I'm not overly aggressive, I just think of things sometimes.
    OK, OK, i can relate also, now go calm down.......

  13. #13
    Join Date
    May 2005
    in your girls panties
    Quote Originally Posted by stayinstacked
    It pisses me off to an extreme, its always these poor broke people who waste our time at places like convenient stores, gas stations, grocery stores, banks ,etc etc. Like the person in line at the gas station buying 50 ****ing scratch off tickets,"yeah, ummm lemmie git' two of dem' , and free of dese', and one of dose wild cherries, and wait....ok, here go my weekly numbers..." some of them will stand there close to the counter and scratch them off then jump right back in line, "it say I won a dolla', lemmie git one more of dose" I propose a special line at the gas station for ****ing scumbags who do this. Next on the list, broke people at the bank who have an account because why? My bank over here is ridiculous, the line is always out the door and they have like 2 tellers working. I'll just be sitting there watching somebody at the counter for 10 minutes thinking they must be depositing or withdrawing a fortune. Nope, its some scumbag Jerry's kid w/ a bunch of penny rolls, or a bunch of bullshit questions they could have answered if they bothered to call the automated #. But no!!! they insist on holding me up. Or the people who stand in line at the ATM checking their balance a million times as if some money magically popped up from their account. Today some dumb bitch was like "Ok, now are they going to charge me a service fee on my check deposit?" I'm just thinking if this moron bothered to read over her info she got when she signed up or opened her ears and listened she'd know. So I'm the very next one in line, waiting to be called and the God damn power flickers and their computers go down, son of a bitch!!!! I insisted she take my cash deposit and give me a hand written receipt, I waited there for like 30 min for all those morons. Next on my list, people who buy too much shit and dont know if they can pay for it. Ok, if your one of these you need to get yourself a calculator to bring w/ you and your scumbag family the next time you shop. They get all the way up there with their shit, and are short like 20 bucks. Some will take it in stride and pull some items away, others will dig through their purse in a desperate attempt to come up with like a fortune in change so they can buy their ice cream, or toys, or whatever crap they're pissing money away on. The point to this story is it's scumbags who make life difficult, for themselves, and for everyone. I hate scum****s
    haha that might be the funniest thing i've ever read.

  14. #14
    Join Date
    Sep 2005
    I can relate to every thread you start when it comes to this but I do not let it get to me.. I normally wait outside and shank the people as they leave the building.. ummm.. I mean I just try to let it go.. That is what lifting weights is for.

  15. #15
    Join Date
    May 2005
    in your girls panties
    Who cares if he complains!

    This is the lounge man.

    I feel ya stacked. Those fukin broke azz mofkerz that hold up the line buyin scratch offz and think they're actually gonna hit it big really pizz me off at the convenient store. It's pretty much the same at any casino you go to also. People yelling and screaming over a 5 dollar blackjack. gimme a fukin break and than holding up the cashier line with a bucket full of pennies.

    MY advice eat a spunkmieyer muffin
    Last edited by Smak; 01-17-2006 at 03:24 PM.

  16. #16
    i'm an idiot
    Last edited by KeyMastur; 01-17-2006 at 03:22 PM.

  17. #17
    Join Date
    Dec 2005
    Washington DC
    For me, something similar happened this morning at starbucks. Dummasses trying to find a coffee card with money on it. Then, when they got done, they were like "oh shit we were holding up the line." I mean come on...It's f'n starbucks

  18. #18
    Join Date
    Sep 2004
    Pitt/New Jersey/No source
    Yo Ilovepussy(directed at the member, not that i don't) you should probably change your avatar its a bit vulgar and admin will most likely change it for you.

  19. #19
    Join Date
    Aug 2004
    how much effort does it take to type up this stuff? looks like your own forum isn't happening bro

  20. #20
    Join Date
    Dec 2002
    Jeezus.......u have to be kidding me.

    I give you 6 months before you have a major heart attack.


    I'd never be able to associate w/someone like you, too high strung and trippin' all the time......

    Damn.................smoke one or something.............


    Quote Originally Posted by stayinstacked
    It pisses me off to an extreme, its always these poor broke people who waste our time at places like convenient stores, gas stations, grocery stores, banks ,etc etc. Like the person in line at the gas station buying 50 ****ing scratch off tickets,"yeah, ummm lemmie git' two of dem' , and free of dese', and one of dose wild cherries, and wait....ok, here go my weekly numbers..." some of them will stand there close to the counter and scratch them off then jump right back in line, "it say I won a dolla', lemmie git one more of dose" I propose a special line at the gas station for ****ing scumbags who do this. Next on the list, broke people at the bank who have an account because why? My bank over here is ridiculous, the line is always out the door and they have like 2 tellers working. I'll just be sitting there watching somebody at the counter for 10 minutes thinking they must be depositing or withdrawing a fortune. Nope, its some scumbag Jerry's kid w/ a bunch of penny rolls, or a bunch of bullshit questions they could have answered if they bothered to call the automated #. But no!!! they insist on holding me up. Or the people who stand in line at the ATM checking their balance a million times as if some money magically popped up from their account. Today some dumb bitch was like "Ok, now are they going to charge me a service fee on my check deposit?" I'm just thinking if this moron bothered to read over her info she got when she signed up or opened her ears and listened she'd know. So I'm the very next one in line, waiting to be called and the God damn power flickers and their computers go down, son of a bitch!!!! I insisted she take my cash deposit and give me a hand written receipt, I waited there for like 30 min for all those morons. Next on my list, people who buy too much shit and dont know if they can pay for it. Ok, if your one of these you need to get yourself a calculator to bring w/ you and your scumbag family the next time you shop. They get all the way up there with their shit, and are short like 20 bucks. Some will take it in stride and pull some items away, others will dig through their purse in a desperate attempt to come up with like a fortune in change so they can buy their ice cream, or toys, or whatever crap they're pissing money away on. The point to this story is it's scumbags who make life difficult, for themselves, and for everyone. I hate scum****s

  21. #21
    ...tell us how you really feel...

  22. #22
    Join Date
    May 2004
    Canada eh
    Hey bro.. In all honesty I am worring about you?? Does every little thing piss you off .. Even if I experienced it I would certainly be too lazy to post everything that really pisses me off .... you need to chill.. does it do any good to get worked up over something so minor? Does it make it better?

  23. #23
    Join Date
    Mar 2003
    United States
    I love this guy!!!

    What about the trash at wal-mart or the grocery store taking 5 minutes to write a check? Use your damn check card and use all that time you would have wasted and balance your check book...and read a couple pages in 7 habits of highly effective people why dontcha

  24. #24
    Join Date
    Mar 2002
    Va Beach
    Quote Originally Posted by stayinstacked
    It pisses me off to an extreme, its always these poor broke people who waste our time at places like convenient stores, gas stations, grocery stores, banks ,etc etc. Like the person in line at the gas station buying 50 ****ing scratch off tickets,"yeah, ummm lemmie git' two of dem' , and free of dese', and one of dose wild cherries, and wait....ok, here go my weekly numbers..." some of them will stand there close to the counter and scratch them off then jump right back in line, "it say I won a dolla', lemmie git one more of dose" I propose a special line at the gas station for ****ing scumbags who do this. Next on the list, broke people at the bank who have an account because why? My bank over here is ridiculous, the line is always out the door and they have like 2 tellers working. I'll just be sitting there watching somebody at the counter for 10 minutes thinking they must be depositing or withdrawing a fortune. Nope, its some scumbag Jerry's kid w/ a bunch of penny rolls, or a bunch of bullshit questions they could have answered if they bothered to call the automated #. But no!!! they insist on holding me up. Or the people who stand in line at the ATM checking their balance a million times as if some money magically popped up from their account. Today some dumb bitch was like "Ok, now are they going to charge me a service fee on my check deposit?" I'm just thinking if this moron bothered to read over her info she got when she signed up or opened her ears and listened she'd know. So I'm the very next one in line, waiting to be called and the God damn power flickers and their computers go down, son of a bitch!!!! I insisted she take my cash deposit and give me a hand written receipt, I waited there for like 30 min for all those morons. Next on my list, people who buy too much shit and dont know if they can pay for it. Ok, if your one of these you need to get yourself a calculator to bring w/ you and your scumbag family the next time you shop. They get all the way up there with their shit, and are short like 20 bucks. Some will take it in stride and pull some items away, others will dig through their purse in a desperate attempt to come up with like a fortune in change so they can buy their ice cream, or toys, or whatever crap they're pissing money away on. The point to this story is it's scumbags who make life difficult, for themselves, and for everyone. I hate scum****s
    Welcome to any 7-11 in this area!

  25. #25
    u got some good points in this one. Haha someone today did that..they bought more stuff than $ they had. This stupid ass asked me to borrow $2..are you kidding? Maybe you should take out one of those 5 boxes or oreos in there fatty.

  26. #26
    Join Date
    Jan 2004
    Stacked you have been posting these " he hate me threads " more than usaual its just a matter of time before you pulverise someone i can see it happening now

  27. #27
    Join Date
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  28. #28
    Join Date
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    Brooklyn, NY
    Welcome to life

  29. #29
    Join Date
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    Quote Originally Posted by SwoleCat
    Jeezus.......u have to be kidding me.

    I give you 6 months before you have a major heart attack.


    I'd never be able to associate w/someone like you, too high strung and trippin' all the time......

    Damn.................smoke one or something.............


    To be totally honest with you, I post these for fun, it's just shit i think about when I'm out and about. I dont lose it out in public and I just had an EKG, Pulmonary stress test, and bloodwork done Friday, I'm perfectly fine,hahahhaahah. I dont have alot of questions about my diet or supplement use really. I know what works for me in both fields, however I'm not against learning or reading about others, helping others, and occasionally I have a question or two. It's more for fun bro, just having a good time. I couldnt hang out with you, you sag your pants bitch, j/k

  30. #30
    Join Date
    Oct 2002
    I guess venting here is probably better than snapping and beating the crap out of some dumb arse (who prolly really deserves it)

    Well, I don't if it's better, but it sure is entertaining!


  31. #31
    Join Date
    Mar 2004
    you know what stacked's posts remind me of? anyone ever see the family guy movie where peter gets a segment on the news and talks about what pisses him off? stacked, at the end of your rants you GOTTA throw in "and that really grinds my gears" haha

  32. #32
    Join Date
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    Quote Originally Posted by Animal Cracker
    Welcome to any 7-11 in this area!
    Yup. I went to buy a slurpee this summer, and accidently went on the day the welfare checks were sent out. There was a line-up of 20 dirty people buying scratch tickets. They were scratching them in the lineup, then buying more. What pissed me off was that they were letting eachother cut in line. I cut inine, and handed the teller a five and left. I'm not waiting in line, for my $3.78.

  33. #33
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  34. #34
    Join Date
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    Toronto Canada
    I just think u need a hug or a care bear

  35. #35
    Join Date
    Nov 2002
    North Charlotte
    Quote Originally Posted by Carlos_E
    remember when bdtr banned someone bc they posted that.. i laughed for a good two days when i saw it...

  36. #36
    Join Date
    Jun 2004
    wow bro u got some issues! I love hearing about them tho!!

  37. #37
    Join Date
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    2 WORDs : Anger management.

    but yeah ur spot on m8

  38. #38
    Join Date
    Dec 2005
    u gotta chill man "life is to short for me to keep my pants up" in the great words from jim jones

  39. #39
    Damm, is it me or this dude seens to be constipated 24/7?

  40. #40
    Join Date
    Jan 2006
    I love your stories man, keep em coming.......Especially the one about that little c0cksucker at the check out with the little discount card around his neck. I hate those little moth3rfvckin things..........KILL EM ALL!!!

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