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Thread: So this James Frey guy

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jul 2005

    So this James Frey guy

    wrote a million little pieces, now exposed as a liar Think he cares, he made millions of ****ing dollars..

    Anyway, my girl is right pissed off about the situation. She went through rehab (heroin addiction) 5 years ago, so she's taking his lies personal. I bought her this and his second book for x-mas, she loved them. Tonight she burned them in my woodstove

    This dumb **** is freying () like steak in the media. Their ripping him to shreds.

    but hey, hes rich

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jun 2005
    this guy wrote books??
    bout drugs???
    and why their ripping into him???
    what did he lie bout??/ just trying know whats the story here...

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Nov 2003
    Brooklyn, NY
    Quote Originally Posted by collar
    this guy wrote books??
    bout drugs???
    and why their ripping into him???
    what did he lie bout??/ just trying know whats the story here...

    He supposedly embelished a lot of his stories and some of his stories of his illegal adventures was totally made up and were supposed to be real. He went on Oprah explaining the crazy life he's had and all the crazy illegal things he's done from getting high to punching cops to selling drugs but it turned out some of the things didnt add up.

  4. #4
    Join Date
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    Not here. Not there.
    Quote Originally Posted by USfighterFC
    He supposedly embelished a lot of his stories and some of his stories of his illegal adventures was totally made up and were supposed to be real. He went on Oprah explaining the crazy life he's had and all the crazy illegal things he's done from getting high to punching cops to selling drugs but it turned out some of the things didnt add up.
    I think the reason that it is such a big deal is because they marketed the book as a "memoir." A lot of people, especially recovering addicts, took his story as their own. Almost all of it is a lie and they feel really let down. Not cool at all. They should move it to the fiction section. And he made a crapload of money. Both of his books are on the best sellers list right now.

    Evil, I feel sorry that this a-hole upset your girl. You said she went through rehab 5 years ago, that isn't an easy thing. She sounds like she is strong person, tell her to hang in there.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jul 2005
    Quote Originally Posted by KhrisiGirl

    Evil, I feel sorry that this a-hole upset your girl. You said she went through rehab 5 years ago, that isn't an easy thing. She sounds like she is strong person, tell her to hang in there.

    she's not so much upset as she is disgusted with herself for believing him (or so she says)

    Something about his girlfriend dying after rehab too. My girl is real pissed about that one.

    Apparently Oprah isnt happy with him either

    And ya, she's great. She's done a ton for herself since those days, including getting a great education and getting in absolutely amazing shape Thanks Khrisi

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Nov 2002
    North Charlotte
    if it helped her tell her to shut up and thank him... who cares if he wasnt stupid enough to make retarded decisions like she did.. shes mad bc in real life, hes better than her

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Jul 2005
    Quote Originally Posted by decadbal
    shes mad bc in real life, hes better than her

    If you say so man. arguing with your ignorant ass on the internet would make as much sense as caring about the shit you spew..

  8. #8
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    North Charlotte
    Quote Originally Posted by Evil Predator
    If you say so man. arguing with your ignorant ass on the internet would make as much sense as caring about the shit you spew..
    exactly, now go hang out with your heroin queen

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Jul 2005
    go **** yourself deca.. piece of shit..

  10. #10
    Join Date
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    North Charlotte
    hahahahaha go reread the book hero

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Jul 2005
    never read the book in the first place... Ive no interest in reading it..

    Is their a reason your such a dumb**** asshole?

  12. #12
    Join Date
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    North Charlotte
    im not a dumbasshole. just honest... if the book helped her, then she should say thank you, no matter if he lied or not.. she was, or is an addict... you said that, or something close to it. then im sure shes stolen or lied, or hurt ppl to get the shit she wants.. which puts her in a catagory below anyone else... can she redeem herself..yea... has she... maybe, i dont know. but everyone defending, and standing up for ppl who are always causing the problems in the world... phuck that, and them.. the world would be much better without ppl like that in it.. if that bothers you, then cry to her about it. think what you want, but the truth hurts like a bitch.... i guess you dont like hearing it... either way... i give a dam

  13. #13
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    North Charlotte
    and let me just add this... EP, i didnt at all mean to offend or come across wrong to you, or about her.. i am just sick of ppl always doing drugs, and hurting innocent ppl and then getting away with it, and using it later in life as a crutch the same way someone would use a real handicap. ppl who abuse drugs, lie, steal and so on and basically ruin the lives of the ppl around them who care about them.. arnt as good as those of us who choose a better road.. i know that hurts and pisses off alot of ppl. but its the truth. a crackhead who steals or a heroin addict who blows a guy to get more isnt worth anything to me.. they help no one, the contribute to society in a positive manner how.. they dont. i personally now am fully at the point in life where i want the best for everyone, you, me, your family and mine. and when i read about someone who went thru rehanb, got inspiration from some guys book, then is mad bc the book is fiction... that just seems to me like horseshit.. i didnt at all mean anything disrespectful toward you EP

  14. #14
    Join Date
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    Not here. Not there.
    Quote Originally Posted by Evil Predator
    she's not so much upset as she is disgusted with herself for believing him (or so she says)

    Something about his girlfriend dying after rehab too. My girl is real pissed about that one.

    Apparently Oprah isnt happy with him either

    And ya, she's great. She's done a ton for herself since those days, including getting a great education and getting in absolutely amazing shape Thanks Khrisi
    I believe that people can be redeemed and it isn't for me to decide if they are or not. The fact that your girl went through rehab and has gone on to be productive speaks for itself.

    I don't judge because I am not qualified to and I have no stones to throw...

  15. #15
    Join Date
    Jul 2005
    Quote Originally Posted by decadbal
    im not a dumbasshole. just honest... if the book helped her, then she should say thank you, no matter if he lied or not.. she was, or is an addict... you said that, or something close to it. then im sure shes stolen or lied, or hurt ppl to get the shit she wants.. which puts her in a catagory below anyone else... can she redeem herself..yea... has she... maybe, i dont know. but everyone defending, and standing up for ppl who are always causing the problems in the world... phuck that, and them.. the world would be much better without ppl like that in it.. if that bothers you, then cry to her about it. think what you want, but the truth hurts like a bitch.... i guess you dont like hearing it... either way... i give a dam

    See, thats a little better than some smartass comment about a person you know nothing/very little about.

    She went through hell man.She stole (had a record, was pardoned a few years ago tho), lied, hurt a ton of people. Today she's an RN on a childrens respiratory floor and does more for people than you or I could ever hope to.

    Not everyone who screws up is a write off. And you spouting shit like "heroin queen" and calling her down speaks more of you than it does of her...

  16. #16
    Join Date
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    North Charlotte
    incase youve forgotten or didnt know, i was a PO... so i generally have a very low opinion of anyone in the drug community.. rec drugs.. im glad to see she moved past that.

  17. #17
    Join Date
    Jul 2005
    Quote Originally Posted by decadbal
    incase youve forgotten or didnt know, i was a PO...
    Nevermind, I didnt know, I'll consider you forgiven

    She's just one of the lucky ones man, one of the ones who had a father who wouldnt stop trying to help her, hoping that one day she'd actually want it. When she finally took it, he paid for her education and helped get her back on her feet.

  18. #18
    Join Date
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    Training my ninja Degu
    I think it's that Oprah told everyone to be angry with him... and we have no other choice. Nobody wants to mess with "the O."

  19. #19
    Join Date
    Aug 2005
    ya i saw that on oprah man he messed up what a dumbass

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