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Thread: i JUST wanna SAY..!..

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Feb 2005
    lol im not telling :D

    i JUST wanna SAY..!..

    When i see women Chugging beer.. i find that a turn off .. something classy like a Martini thats cool but CHUGGING beer.. shows they just wanna get drunk.. thats not sexy IMO

    Women Smoking is also not sexy IMO

    Just wanted to share that thnx for listening

  2. #2
    Join Date
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    BITE ME! I love beer!

    Just proves... only a real man can handle a real woman!

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Feb 2005
    lol im not telling :D
    Quote Originally Posted by ttuprincess
    BITE ME! I love beer!

    Just proves... only a real man can handle a real woman!
    u chug? or u sip?

  4. #4
    Join Date
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    a small room
    I like girls who wear their hair in pigtails and wear flip flops...but only if they have cute feet...different strokes ect...

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jun 2005
    smoking is a major turn off...

  6. #6
    Join Date
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    Quote Originally Posted by NewKid
    I like girls who wear their hair in pigtails and wear flip flops...but only if they have cute feet...different strokes ect...
    word thats hot... but i agree with u too tai, when girls do that shit its gross especially smoke. i used to hook up with a girl that smoked. right after puttin out a butt she would fool around with me. it was gross as ****, after a lil bit i just told her its gross as ****, she took it offensive and i havent talked to her in a while...

  7. #7
    IamUnwritten Guest
    Quote Originally Posted by ttuprincess
    BITE ME! I love beer!

    Just proves... only a real man can handle a real woman!


  8. #8
    Join Date
    Jun 2004
    I hate seeing girls smoking, major turn off.

  9. #9
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    Quote Originally Posted by taiboxa
    u chug? or u sip?
    depends on how drunk i need to be

  10. #10
    Join Date
    May 2002
    Quote Originally Posted by ttuprincess
    BITE ME! I love beer!

    Just proves... only a real man can handle a real woman!

  11. #11
    Join Date
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    Quote Originally Posted by abstrack
    wait...what school did i go to?? oh thats right, should explain everything!!!!!

  12. #12
    Join Date
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    Miami, Florida
    i like girls who put out on the first date....

  13. #13
    Join Date
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    Not here. Not there.
    Quote Originally Posted by ttuprincess
    depends on how drunk i need to be
    LMAO!!! Also depends how ugly the guy is!!

  14. #14
    Join Date
    Nov 2002
    North Charlotte
    to be honest, and i dont wanna offend ttu, bc i actually almost like her but girls i see or meet in a bar, i view as ass, no brain, no personality, just somewhere to stuff my cock, then ignore and treat like nothing.. but those days are over anyway, i dont

  15. #15
    Join Date
    Dec 2005
    I hate seeing a girl smoke also, and when a girl is like, i gotta take a piss, and one that swears. act like a lady damnit

  16. #16
    Join Date
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  17. #17
    Join Date
    Feb 2005
    lol im not telling :D
    Quote Originally Posted by decadbal
    to be honest, and i dont wanna offend ttu, bc i actually almost like her but girls i see or meet in a bar, i view as ass, no brain, no personality, just somewhere to stuff my cock, then ignore and treat like nothing.. but those days are over anyway, i dont
    yes i concur completely i have found better women at GWAR Concerts than i have at bars

  18. #18
    Join Date
    Aug 2005
    i love chugging beer,i guess thats probly why i can out drink half my guy friends now

  19. #19
    Join Date
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    northern cali
    i think its sexy when a lady can hold her alcohol. hell, i think everything a lady does is sexy... as long as shes pretty

  20. #20
    Join Date
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    Quote Originally Posted by decadbal
    to be honest, and i dont wanna offend ttu, bc i actually almost like her but girls i see or meet in a bar, i view as ass, no brain, no personality, just somewhere to stuff my cock, then ignore and treat like nothing.. but those days are over anyway, i dont
    Yup, women who "chug" bear at bars, just come off as an easy lay imo. Maybe it's just the way I was raised... but personally at a bar, there is nothing more sexy than a lady sipping on a glass of wine, cosmo, or martini. Margarettas are hot too.

  21. #21
    Join Date
    Sep 2005
    well when im at parties nothin is better than seein a chick bong some beers or do a few keg stands. to me it just seems like they are out for the same reason we are to get smashed in as short a time possible and have fun..

  22. #22
    Join Date
    Feb 2005
    lol im not telling :D
    Quote Originally Posted by cfiler
    Yup, women who "chug" bear at bars, just come off as an easy lay imo. Maybe it's just the way I was raised... but personally at a bar, there is nothing more sexy than a lady sipping on a glass of wine, cosmo, or martini. Margarettas are hot too.

  23. #23
    Join Date
    Sep 2005
    Chug or sip??? I thought it was spit or swallow?

    Maybe we are talking about different things..

    Bad Oldman bad!!

    Smoking is gross no matter who is doing it..


  24. #24
    Join Date
    Sep 2005
    i like when some chick chug beer or beer bong so then they get real drunk and then u get to do whatever you want with them......!

  25. #25
    Join Date
    Nov 2002
    North Charlotte
    the two trashy things to me are this... a girl who smokes... and girls fighting, nothing says white trash anymore to me than a girl in a fight, or talkin about kickin some other girls ass... thats complete trailor park.. but it is entertaining..hahah

  26. #26
    Join Date
    Jul 2005
    Cigarettes are gross on all counts. I don't care how hot the chick is.

    Honestly, I haven't seen a girl chug beer, or at least I don't remember ever seeing one. Frankly, I wouldn't want to either.

  27. #27
    Join Date
    Jul 2005
    Quote Originally Posted by decadbal
    girls fighting, nothing says white trash anymore to me than a girl in a fight, or talkin about kickin some other girls ass...

    I have seen latin chicks fighting as well.... Nasty.....

  28. #28
    IamUnwritten Guest


    You guys are turning this into something SO naughty! Wow, any guy that sits there and takes advantage of a drunk girl is SO nasty! Stupid society puts all the freaking pressure on women and how THEY are supposed to act! Sometimes I just wish I had a d!ck (oops, how un-lady like of me ) so I could walk around grabbing myself in public, burping, getting laid and blaming everything on women - lets not forget the #1 advantage: peeing standing up!

    Oh well.....

  29. #29
    Join Date
    Sep 2005
    a small room


    Quote Originally Posted by IamUnwritten
    You guys are turning this into something SO naughty! Wow, any guy that sits there and takes advantage of a drunk girl is SO nasty! Stupid society puts all the freaking pressure on women and how THEY are supposed to act! Sometimes I just wish I had a d!ck (oops, how un-lady like of me ) so I could walk around grabbing myself in public, burping, getting laid and blaming everything on women - lets not forget the #1 advantage: peeing standing up!

    Oh well.....
    WHAT PRESSURE!...women act as trashy as they want and it is accepted...

    Personally...yes the more lady like and the more resistant a girl is to physical advances the more I am attracted to her...but society as a whole would frown on a person like that...

  30. #30
    IamUnwritten Guest
    Quote Originally Posted by decadbal
    the two trashy things to me are this... a girl who smokes... and girls fighting, nothing says white trash anymore to me than a girl in a fight, or talkin about kickin some other girls ass... thats complete trailor park.. but it is entertaining..hahah
    what about a girl threatening to kick a guy's ass?

  31. #31
    IamUnwritten Guest
    Quote Originally Posted by NewKid
    WHAT PRESSURE!...women act as trashy as they want and it is accepted...

    Personally...yes the more lady like and the more resistant a girl is to physical advances the more I am attracted to her...but society as a whole would frown on a person like that...

    Well, it's not as accepted as you think. I actually work in the club industry (to help pay for med school) and I promote/work for them and it always seems to be the same type of people all the time! I personally can say that I am probably one of the only girls who works in the club industry/goes clubbing that NEVER goes home with a guy or makes out w/random guys. People def. know that I'm not one of those types of girls - but then in the end it ends up screwing you over! "The people to know" get pissed off cause you don't reciprocate their advances, guys start talking crap about you or say that they "HAVE gotten with you!" It's totally a double-edge sword!

    Women act as trashy as they want and its accepted by the guy who wants to have sex w/them! It sucks cause those trashy girls give us good girls a bad rep. But what I don't get is...why should a girl have to be more resistant and lady-like to physical advances you make to her? Why can't you just NOT do that and be gentle-man like instead? Sorry, nothing personal against you, it's just that I'm in a "I hate men" phase of my life right now cause I'm sick of the crap. Kind of sucks....

  32. #32
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    Quote Originally Posted by cfiler
    Yup, women who "chug" bear at bars, just come off as an easy lay imo. Maybe it's just the way I was raised... but personally at a bar, there is nothing more sexy than a lady sipping on a glass of wine, cosmo, or martini. Margarettas are hot too.
    that maybe how you see it but I'll be honest... most of my friends are guys, I love to go out with the boys and have fun, be loud and get roudy, but I'll be damned if anyone htinks im easy... I have Vette with me, no ones gonna mess with me... I dont dress slutty, jeans and a tank are fine for me. I like to hang with girls who drink beer as well...

    i have at theory... go to a bar, look at the girls ordering fruity drinks.. they are also the ones who took 5 hours ot get ready to go out, have a slutty outfit on, way to much make up and even more hair spray, and (this is the kicker) their purse matches their outfit..These are the girls who are actually under aged...

    While find the one whos dressed to have fun, and drinking a beer, probably have a "universal purse" and very little make up and a ponytail, shes of age, and ill be damn well sure shes gonna we way more fun to hang out with because shes not worried about how she looks walking or if shes sucking it all in... shes wout to be out, not be seen.

    And Deca.. .i kinda like you too!

  33. #33
    Join Date
    Jul 2005
    Quote Originally Posted by IamUnwritten
    what about a girl threatening to kick a guy's ass?
    I think I would get turned on.

  34. #34
    Join Date
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    Quote Originally Posted by IamUnwritten
    what about a girl threatening to kick a guy's ass?
    I like you!!!!!

  35. #35
    Join Date
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    a small room
    Quote Originally Posted by IamUnwritten
    Well, it's not as accepted as you think. I actually work in the club industry (to help pay for med school) and I promote/work for them and it always seems to be the same type of people all the time! I personally can say that I am probably one of the only girls who works in the club industry/goes clubbing that NEVER goes home with a guy or makes out w/random guys. People def. know that I'm not one of those types of girls - but then in the end it ends up screwing you over! "The people to know" get pissed off cause you don't reciprocate their advances, guys start talking crap about you or say that they "HAVE gotten with you!" It's totally a double-edge sword!

    Women act as trashy as they want and its accepted by the guy who wants to have sex w/them! It sucks cause those trashy girls give us good girls a bad rep. But what I don't get is...why should a girl have to be more resistant and lady-like to physical advances you make to her? Why can't you just NOT do that and be gentle-man like instead? Sorry, nothing personal against you, it's just that I'm in a "I hate men" phase of my life right now cause I'm sick of the crap. Kind of sucks....
    Its completely fine and I understand what you are saying...

    Let me make it clear that I am a gentleman and I dont push myself on girls...I was referring to the reputation that I CAN SEE with my own eyes...and also what girls talk about...its not all just guys telling stories you know... shouldnt be a good girl because thats what guys should be a good girl if that is who you are and you think it is the right thing to do...and thats without getting religious...

  36. #36
    Join Date
    Jul 2005
    Quote Originally Posted by IamUnwritten
    I actually work in the club industry (to help pay for med school) and I promote/work for them and it always seems to be the same type of people all the time! ..
    I did nightclub promotions on South Beach for five years. To me, it's more like, different people, same sh*t.

  37. #37
    IamUnwritten Guest
    Quote Originally Posted by Keyser Sozey
    I think I would get turned on.
    hahha! Well, I would have to say that I've done that a couple of times. Last weekend I had this guy hitting on me then getting pissed off at me cause I wasn't interested so he started yelling in my face (very scary!) so I punched him in the chest and he fell down. hehehe. sometimes its just got to be done!

  38. #38
    IamUnwritten Guest
    Quote Originally Posted by Keyser Sozey
    I did nightclub promotions on South Beach for five years. To me, it's more like, different people, same sh*t.

    yeah, that's what I mean...same type of people (meaning different people but same problems). It's SO much more fun when you don't know so much about the industry - just more innocent.

  39. #39
    IamUnwritten Guest shouldnt be a good girl because thats what guys should be a good girl if that is who you are and you think it is the right thing to do...and thats without getting religious...

    I TOTALLY agree with you. I'm a good girl cause I want to be and that is for nobody else. I believe that certain things are meant to be "special" and not just tossed around cause your horny! Go take care of yourself - better than going out w/someone random and catching some nasty disease! (By the way, that's meant towards everyone and not you personally). I think once you've trully been in-love, your perspective changes (at least for me)

  40. #40
    Join Date
    Jul 2005
    Quote Originally Posted by IamUnwritten
    hahha! Well, I would have to say that I've done that a couple of times. Last weekend I had this guy hitting on me then getting pissed off at me cause I wasn't interested so he started yelling in my face (very scary!) so I punched him in the chest and he fell down. hehehe. sometimes its just got to be done!
    You nailed a dude in the chest? Now I'm really hot.

    Would you mind if I shot you a pm?

    Seriously though, in that business you have to be on your toes. I can't even count how many times I threw scumbags out of the club head first. Yes, I was doing the promotion, but my security where all my close friends, and when someone would get out of hand in my place I would take it very personal. So, I was the guy that would get the contract w/ the club for x amount of Saturdays, and make all of the flyers/posters, but I'd also get my nose dirty if need be.

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