about an hour after i workout i get crazy a$$ horney, does anybody else do this?
about an hour after i workout i get crazy a$$ horney, does anybody else do this?
Not me....usually I am tired as f*ck and two shakes of a dog's ass away from a coma.
yea, i usually think about sex when i wake up before cardio.. never post anything tho
maybe something to do with a surge of test after doing a hard workout
I couldn't have sex anyhow, I'd be eating.
**** no.. i am HORNY ALL DAY and NIGHT but not after i work out infact im so horny at night and the Miss's has not been putting that i kant sleep im sexually frustrated.. thats what happens when i go 2days w/o lovin.
but after working out i shoot slin and omfg it makes me feel like shit for 3hrs nad sex is the LAST THING I WANNA DO
sc is that one of your rides in your avatar, you should get some hydros and 20 spinners on that bitch
Dont high jack the thread. Keep your swoleism to PM buster.Originally Posted by THE_DOME
Ditto!Originally Posted by SwoleCat
I train, eat, jack one out(usually dont have energy for sex), then nap. Wake up and repeat
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