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Thread: My GF beat da SHIT OUTTA ME ><

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Feb 2005
    lol im not telling :D

    Angry My GF beat da SHIT OUTTA ME ><


    yes thats right went to concert she got drunk i am so tired of being her dad and her always bitching at me for trying to tell her wat to do (WHICH I DONT) i just say shit like babe i think u had enuff u shud drink water for a while and she goes off on me BIG TIME

    so i let her drink all she wanted
    i had to leave concert early kuz she got into a fight w/ some dood
    and the bouncers were having trouble gettin her off so i picked the lil shit up and went home MISSED SEETHER but shinedown was great

    well on way home she is bitching at me (mind you i think we are engaged?) how im a looser and i dont understand her and shit.. then bitching about how im not fighting for her against Marcus (MARCUS is the BOSS VAMPIRE in UNDERWORLD EVOLUTIONS we saw it a few days ago) and then she trys to make me drive down som dirt road and shit like that thinking thats where we live

    then every car she see's she is like DEMONS everywhere! and freaking out

    well we get home she is horny we start to have sex kuz im on test and im like IM GETTING SOMETHING FOR ALL THIS BULLSHIT I PUT UP WITH well my pecker falls out kuz she is kinad UNCOORDINATED AS **** when drunk SHE GETS MAD as hell saying I DONT WANT HER and this and that and start BEATING ME ROFL she has never done this before.. she punched me 4 times.. 2 times then i wrapped her up and almost broke her arm she is like .. OWE UR HURTING ME in this cute lil voice i let her got BLAM BLAM 2 more >< i got 2 REALLY PRETTY SHINERS and then she slapped me twice for good measure

    after this bullshit she is like YOU WANNA HIT ME DONT YOU im like **** YES i do. she is like FINE DO IT RIGHT IN THE NOSE I DARE YA ><

    omg omg omg it took everythingi had not to pound this bitch... anyways she gets bitchy w/ me some more, telling me we are threw and gives me the ring back so im out here typing gettin redy to goto bed on the couch to get the **** away from that abusive creature just thought u all shud know .. oh and there was tons of other bullshit but i dont wanna bore you w/ that

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Nov 2005

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Aug 2004
    In the words of the great Iron Maiden:

    "Run to the for your life"

  4. #4
    Join Date
    May 2002
    not where I want to be
    why would you marry a girl like that? Sounds like she has lsd running through her veins.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Nov 2003
    Brooklyn, NY
    Honestly you shouldnt mess with girls like that. I once dated a girl that gave me two punches right into the mouth when I refused to be drawn into an argument. I grabbed her wrist locked it up and told her never to think of laying a hand on me again. I just locked it to she couldnt move and not to the point where it was hurting her. Next thing I know she's screaming and yelling at the top of her lungs and the cops show up and it made for quite a mess but it ended fine when I took off. Point being, you have no idea where this shit can end up when it gets abusive. One day you may just hit her back although I'm sure your not a woman beating type. But you never know. When the cops came to the door a woman cop explained she would take me to jail right now if my g/f would say the word but she didnt. It's just that easy to go to jail for it. Stay away from her bro at least for a while cuz that is some fvcked up shit that is def gonna land you in hot water someday.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Feb 2005
    lol im not telling :D
    well she never drinks she used to long ago then she stopped but she has UBER ANXIETY in crowds so thats like her only way of cooping. i thought maybe since she has been really working at it ... if just kinda let her go she might be able to portray some self control

    nope i was wrong but it was a test that had to be ran.

    other than that weird ass night everything really has been perfect ... odd

    here it is

    so 1 beer .. on empty stomache = WASTED
    3 long island tea's = OMFG i kant walk

    but i relaly truely lover her

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Nov 2003
    Brooklyn, NY
    Well def dont give her alcohol anymore.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Feb 2005
    lol im not telling :D
    Quote Originally Posted by USfighterFC
    Honestly you shouldnt mess with girls like that. I once dated a girl that gave me two punches right into the mouth when I refused to be drawn into an argument. I grabbed her wrist locked it up and told her never to think of laying a hand on me again. I just locked it to she couldnt move and not to the point where it was hurting her. Next thing I know she's screaming and yelling at the top of her lungs and the cops show up and it made for quite a mess but it ended fine when I took off. Point being, you have no idea where this shit can end up when it gets abusive. One day you may just hit her back although I'm sure your not a woman beating type. But you never know. When the cops came to the door a woman cop explained she would take me to jail right now if my g/f would say the word but she didnt. It's just that easy to go to jail for it. Stay away from her bro at least for a while cuz that is some fvcked up shit that is def gonna land you in hot water someday.
    yeah omg
    i almost instinctively jabbed her
    its a reflex when i get hit is to hit back w/ a jab as fast as possible OMFG i almost did i woulda KILLD HER i shit u not.. then i don know wtf i would do to my self.. im def it woulda broke her nose and maybe if some of her cheek bones since she has high indian cheek bons that are fragile... thank god i had a xanax inme before this shit escilated

  9. #9
    Join Date
    May 2002
    not where I want to be
    but i relaly truely lover her
    no offence but that sounds like those battered women who won't leave their abusive husbands/boyfriends b/c they love them soooo much.

    In all seriousness good luck to you, I hope you're a patient and lenient man

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Apr 2005
    Is that her in your Avatar ? Chinchilla's are just out of control when they get drunk bro !!!

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Feb 2005
    lol im not telling :D
    Quote Originally Posted by USfighterFC
    Well def dont give her alcohol anymore.
    i dont lol
    and since she is used to drinking back in her old days.. where a few beers she could handle.. after being pretty much dry for 6months.. she got hit like a rabbit punch .. it was funny at first but when she was starting fights and shit whcih IS NOT LIKE HER she is very VERY PASSIVE/ SHY / INSECURE
    all in all when she does not drink she is PERFECT and everything i could ever want

    i knwo we all have flaws

    that is her flaw, her insecurity breeds anxiety which makes her want alcohol to escape... oh what to do LOVE SUX and any advice is appreciated!

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Feb 2005
    lol im not telling :D
    Quote Originally Posted by symatech
    no offence but that sounds like those battered women who won't leave their abusive husbands/boyfriends b/c they love them soooo much.

    In all seriousness good luck to you, I hope you're a patient and lenient man
    ha true but this is the first time it has ever happend since we been together
    but early on in our relationship she was a drinker.. and she said she drank kuz she wasnt happy and hated her self... then she said i gave her "REASON" and she str8n up fast no drink no smoke everything PERFECT.. goto one concert she freaks out (It was her first and she didnt knwo wtf to expect) and low and behold i got a raging looney on my hands

  13. #13
    Join Date
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    Brooklyn, NY
    Quote Originally Posted by taiboxa
    yeah omg
    i almost instinctively jabbed her
    its a reflex when i get hit is to hit back w/ a jab as fast as possible OMFG i almost did i woulda KILLD HER i shit u not.. then i don know wtf i would do to my self.. im def it woulda broke her nose and maybe if some of her cheek bones since she has high indian cheek bons that are fragile... thank god i had a xanax inme before this shit escilated

    See this shit sounds like it's already in the making.

  14. #14
    Join Date
    Feb 2005
    lol im not telling :D
    Quote Originally Posted by USfighterFC
    See this shit sounds like it's already in the making.
    yep but its just a spike in the relationship and thats how im gonan veiew it.. an evil HOPEFULLY one time ORDEAL happans again i think i will ****ing KNEE her in the stomache or hook her in the kidney and call it good and give that bitch the "Tata"

  15. #15
    Join Date
    Nov 2003
    Brooklyn, NY
    Dont do shit bro I'm tellin ya you'll go to jail just like that. And then that shit will follow you around for life. Everyone always says "It happened just once". THen it happens again and again and again. I have to go with Symatech here and say that it sounds like denial in what can be a serious problem.

  16. #16
    IamUnwritten Guest
    okay before i read the actual post - i just had to say - LMAO to the title just cause I'm a girl! - sorry. okay, now i will read it

  17. #17
    Join Date
    Sep 2005
    northern cali
    bro, dont hit your girl. thats wrong. a true man would NEVER cause physical harm to a female. if i were in your position, i would just laugh if i got hit. i honestly think its funny when someone decides to sucker punch me, cause they are shocked when im not even phased by it.
    Last edited by Tren Bull; 01-28-2006 at 11:50 PM.

  18. #18
    IamUnwritten Guest
    Okay, well this is the way I'm seeing it: From a girl's viewpoint and also from being in a previous f-ed up relationship w/problems kind of like these.

    It sounds like you really honestly love the woman, but it also sounds from your posts and responses that you are making excuses for her as well b/c u are afraid of losing her and afraid of losing that feeling of love with her.

    From what you said: "i am so tired of being her dad and her always bitching at me for trying to tell her wat to do" it sounds like there has been a problem with this type of conflict more than once. Sometimes we love someone and that person can love us back, but it's not always the right relationship for either one of them. I honestly loved my ex-fiancee and I did anything and everything for him, yes he did turn out to be a trifling mofo, but the point is that I loved him and he acted like he really loved me too. You know, whenever he would make a mistake in our relationship, I would always make excuses as to why it was okay and how it wasn't going to happen again and if it did happen again I always had a plan for what I was going to do. Well, when it did happen again, I didn't stick with my plan and I just made more excuses. I was SO afraid of not being with this person and thinking that I would not find someone as perfect (as I thought he was) ever again. This isn't the case though. Sometimes we have to live, love and learn. It sucks big time, I know! But throwing something like "breaking off the engagement" in your face is an emotional controlling mechanism - drunk or sober! She can controll you and your actions by saying, "well if you do these type of things than this is the repercussion you are going to have to deal with"!

    It just doesn't sound like its healthy. There must be something in you that is doubting her and this relationship; otherwise, you would not be asking for advice or posting about the incident on this forum. --> I may be 100% wrong, but I know what my "cries for help" were when I was with my ex, and it just sounds sadly similar.

    Quote Originally Posted by taiboxa

    yes thats right went to concert she got drunk i am so tired of being her dad and her always bitching at me for trying to tell her wat to do (WHICH I DONT) i just say shit like babe i think u had enuff u shud drink water for a while and she goes off on me BIG TIME

    so i let her drink all she wanted
    i had to leave concert early kuz she got into a fight w/ some dood
    and the bouncers were having trouble gettin her off so i picked the lil shit up and went home MISSED SEETHER but shinedown was great

    well on way home she is bitching at me (mind you i think we are engaged?) how im a looser and i dont understand her and shit.. then bitching about how im not fighting for her against Marcus (MARCUS is the BOSS VAMPIRE in UNDERWORLD EVOLUTIONS we saw it a few days ago) and then she trys to make me drive down som dirt road and shit like that thinking thats where we live

    then every car she see's she is like DEMONS everywhere! and freaking out

    well we get home she is horny we start to have sex kuz im on test and im like IM GETTING SOMETHING FOR ALL THIS BULLSHIT I PUT UP WITH well my pecker falls out kuz she is kinad UNCOORDINATED AS **** when drunk SHE GETS MAD as hell saying I DONT WANT HER and this and that and start BEATING ME ROFL she has never done this before.. she punched me 4 times.. 2 times then i wrapped her up and almost broke her arm she is like .. OWE UR HURTING ME in this cute lil voice i let her got BLAM BLAM 2 more >< i got 2 REALLY PRETTY SHINERS and then she slapped me twice for good measure

    after this bullshit she is like YOU WANNA HIT ME DONT YOU im like **** YES i do. she is like FINE DO IT RIGHT IN THE NOSE I DARE YA ><

    omg omg omg it took everythingi had not to pound this bitch... anyways she gets bitchy w/ me some more, telling me we are threw and gives me the ring back so im out here typing gettin redy to goto bed on the couch to get the **** away from that abusive creature just thought u all shud know .. oh and there was tons of other bullshit but i dont wanna bore you w/ that

  19. #19
    Join Date
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    northern cali
    i totally agree with you IamUnwritten. call me old fashioned, but i believe that a relationship should be a good thing, as in you both try to make each other happy. when the manipulation and the head games come into play, you really have to question if this person is right for you. i know its tough, believe me, ive been in similar situations, but you really need to do whats best for you. there is no point in being with someone if they are going to drag you down and make you unhappy.

  20. #20
    IamUnwritten Guest
    Exactly Tren Bull - that's why my name is "UnWritten" I got it from that new song by Natasha Beningfield called "Unwritten" - it's my theme song for 2006. This site needs one big chatroom on it!

  21. #21
    Join Date
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    northern cali
    i dont think ive heard that song. im guessing it reflects the way you feel about your ex fiance?

  22. #22
    Join Date
    Mar 2005
    her being the way she is could be all the more reason to help her. I know you're a good hearted guy and it's in your nature just might be your cross to bear in life. i think you're like me in the way that, if we don't have a project, it doesn't become interesting anymore....and the hot horny sex makes up for the headaches.

    anyhow...girls beating me, biting me, sorta turns me on two could build off lol

  23. #23
    Join Date
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    in a hole
    drunk +1

  24. #24
    Join Date
    Sep 2005
    Quote Originally Posted by muriloninja
    In the words of the great Iron Maiden:

    "Run to the for your life"
    Great song.

  25. #25
    Join Date
    Apr 2004
    look beyond what you see
    congrats on not hitting her, but seriously choke her out via sleeper hold, you gotta establish boundaries

  26. #26
    Join Date
    Jun 2004
    Harsh dude! Women have it made in the not getting the shit beat out of them side of things. If they weren't so nice to look at and weak and feeble, those sorta shitty actions would result in some serious punishment, but its just impossible to bring yourself to hit a woman.

  27. #27
    Join Date
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    I am impressed that she took you on at 290lbs and growing. What does she weigh ? 320 ?

  28. #28
    Join Date
    Feb 2005
    lol im not telling :D
    welp this morning i told he what she did .. she is major depression.. probably gonna go suicidal =/
    oh well make things easier on me ><
    man there are some f'd up people out there

  29. #29
    Join Date
    Feb 2005
    lol im not telling :D
    Quote Originally Posted by Kale
    I am impressed that she took you on at 290lbs and growing. What does she weigh ? 320 ?
    ha just barely over a buck
    DOOD she is an F'nFireCracker.. lil biotch always wants to wrestle w/ me and shit and she is EVIL

  30. #30
    IamUnwritten Guest
    still doesn't sound like its going well!

  31. #31
    Join Date
    Dec 2005
    2 threads in 1 weeks about your ****ed up gf, way to pick em'!

  32. #32
    Join Date
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    In your <3
    How weird! Sound like the movie "Psycho" but the only difference is there's two people involve in this story instead of one.

  33. #33
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    Quote Originally Posted by taiboxa
    ha just barely over a buck
    DOOD she is an F'nFireCracker.. lil biotch always wants to wrestle w/ me and shit and she is EVIL
    Is it PI??

  34. #34
    Join Date
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    I would have probably broken everything in the room just to spare her face. Breaking things makes me feel better.

  35. #35
    Join Date
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    i used to punch things when id get mad, but i broke my hand twice from doing that, so i try to not do that anymore.

  36. #36
    Join Date
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    Quote Originally Posted by taiboxa

    but i relaly truely lover her
    Thats all that really matters

  37. #37
    Join Date
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    northern cali
    i dont know man, i totally loved this one girl, but she would always try to make me jelous. it made me so angry that i had to stop talking to her, which sucks cause she and i were best friends for over five years.

  38. #38
    IronReload04's Avatar
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    everywhere and nowhere
    Quote Originally Posted by SnaX
    Great song.
    great album, great band. geniouses

  39. #39
    Join Date
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    Quote Originally Posted by muriloninja
    In the words of the great Iron Maiden:

    "Run to the for your life"

    perfect line for this situation

  40. #40
    Join Date
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    Bubba Army
    god tai how many times are you going to bitch about this woman. she is unstable as all hell. youve got to break this off man, it sounds like you deserve someone way better than her.

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