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  1. #1
    PowerHouse555's Avatar
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    beating a lie detector

    can any body help or guide me in a general direction on beating a lie detector test?

  2. #2
    Booz's Avatar
    Booz is offline AR-Elite Hall of Famer
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    i have read somewhere that a couple of valium an hour before the test will relax you so much you could lie your ass off and it could not tell!

  3. #3
    Big_Flex's Avatar
    Big_Flex is offline Junior Member
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    just relax when you lie. It's all a hoax. Even if you don't lie the graph needle will jump if you're nervous. So when you say something be very very calm. And try Valium like what booz said.

  4. #4
    NotSmall is offline English Rudeboy
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    Be innocent.

  5. #5
    THE TURK is offline Junior Member
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    Bro If You Are Serious I Really Do Know Of A Way To Beat A Lie Detector

  6. #6
    symatech's Avatar
    symatech is offline Retired Moderator
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    The trick is not beating the polygraph but deceiving the proctor instead. Polygraphs are unreliable, in fact in some states can't even be used as evidence in court. Often the proctor will be the judge of wheater you are lying or not, regardless of what the machine says.

  7. #7
    toolman is offline Banned
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    Quote Originally Posted by symatech
    The trick is not beating the polygraph but deceiving the proctor instead. Polygraphs are unreliable, in fact in some states can't even be used as evidence in court. Often the proctor will be the judge of wheater you are lying or not, regardless of what the machine says.
    Forget some states, can't be used in any court of law in any state. That said, it is highly effective with the right operator.

    It dewpends on who is doing the testing. Everyone will be nervous that is why they ask so many control questions as well as repeated questions with different structure. I'ts like George said on Seinfels..."It's not a lie, if YOU believe it."

  8. #8
    PowerHouse555's Avatar
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    THE TURK.....I private messaged you!!

    Thanks for the advice guys.....any others, Please

  9. #9
    Auto54 is offline Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by toolman
    Forget some states, can't be used in any court of law in any state.
    Not 100% accurate. They CAN be used... if the defense OK's it.

  10. #10
    aadrenaline is offline Banned
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    wrong forum brotha!

    why do you have to take one anyway?
    id take the valiums, but know how you react to the drugs before you take them. if your noticably 'loopy' i believe they can run drug tests and if your not prescribed you might be in more trouble than in the begining then again i dont know why your taking this..becomming a cop? if it doesnt matter you can make your self super nervous but firm with your answers it'll throw the poly off but your firm and seem knowingly of your answers it'll throw the proctor off as well goodluck

  11. #11
    THE TURK is offline Junior Member
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    Ygm Bro

    Hit Me Back If You Got Any ??

  12. #12
    toolman is offline Banned
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    Quote Originally Posted by Copperhead947
    Not 100% accurate. They CAN be used... if the defense OK's it.
    Son, you are dead wrong. They are 100% inadmissable. THere is no such thing as evidence that is admisable exclusively either to the defence or prosecution. Even if a lawyer tries to present it, the instructions to the jusry include that it may not be considered when deciding guilt or innocence. Please dont post things as fact unles you have actual knowledge on the subject. I would ask you to quote case law stating otherwise but I won't bother wasting time as you will not find any.
    Last edited by toolman; 01-29-2006 at 03:29 PM.

  13. #13
    PurplePatriot's Avatar
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    theres an easier way, lie on every single question they ask you. If they ask your name... say its andrew and thats what you go by say andy... if they say where you were born say the next city over... that way all the needle movements will be more consistant.

  14. #14
    IBdmfkr's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by toolman
    Son, you are dead wrong. They are 100% inadmissable. THere is no such thing as evidence that is admisable exclusively either to the defence or prosecution. Even if a lawyer tries to present it, the instructions to the jusry include that it may not be considered when deciding guilt or innocence. Please dont post things as fact unles you have actual knowledge on the subject. I would ask you to quote case law stating otherwise but I won't bother wasting time as you will not find any.
    What were you saying again toolman, I was staring at your avatar.

  15. #15
    PowerHouse555's Avatar
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    the test is for being a cop and ive never taking valium or any other drugs like it. i might have to take it once before hand to see how i react to it.

  16. #16
    crash187ct's Avatar
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    take valium any way

  17. #17
    FranKieC's Avatar
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    Some tacks under your feet will spark electrodes and throw off the machine.

  18. #18
    USfighterFC's Avatar
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    When they gave the Green River Killer a polygraph he passed it. It was because he was a pathological liar and actually believed the lies he was telling.

  19. #19
    decadbal's Avatar
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    it isnt a lie, if you believe it

  20. #20
    tryingtogetbig's Avatar
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    what are you trying to hide? Some LE don't hold a whole lot against you...except lying. That is considered worse than what the lie is about sometimes.

    Now, if it is AAS use you are worried about, then just make yourself believe (I truly do and passed) that when they are asking about illegal drug use, they are asking specifically about coccaine, heroine, etc. Think about that right as you answer your question.





  21. #21
    cfiler's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by PowerHouse555
    can any body help or guide me in a general direction on beating a lie detector test?
    I beat it with a baseball bat, although I'm sure any object would work well at inflicting damage.

    I've never actually heard of anything working... just seems to be alot of coincidenses. (ie: thinking about a different question doesn't work 100% of the time)

    Wasn't there a Seinfeld episode about beating a lie dector?

  22. #22
    cfiler's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by IBdmfkr
    What were you saying again toolman, I was staring at your avatar.
    All that was said is that "damn it's freezing in here"... very nice avatar Toolman.

    One good thing about the Canadian Winters is that we get to see those EVERYDAY! WOOHOO!

  23. #23
    Teabagger's Avatar
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    do not lie on a me...I do know of what I speak. However, several things you can do that are not considered "countermeasures". Keep your breathing even and on a consistent beat. Answer the question immediately, don't think about it, and answer it in a strong firm voice. Don't try to squeeze your bung hole together, or bite your cheek on the control quesitons or any of that other bullshit, it does not work. Believe me if you have an experienced examiner, he will read this and then you are done for attempting to apply countermeasures.

    DO NOT medicate before the exam. Do your exact routine as you would any other day. If you drink coffee in the morning, do that. Eat a good meal.

    Like was said applying for an LE position if you are caught in a lie, regardless of how small you think it may be, you are finished...forever, with that department. Lying is the one sin LE will not forgive...for any reason. So don't do it. Also they will try to sweat you after the exam...keep your answers the same, its too late to fess up now, and he may just be fishing anyway, probably is. When you answer the questions in the pre-exam interview, look him in the eye and don't flinch. The same with the post-exam sweat session which everyone gets.

    The sweat session may go something like..." Dipshit, you showed sensitivity to the question regarding use of illegal drugs, is there anything you would like me to know before I conclude this exam?" "no" the correct answer, regardless of what you said before.

    Good luck man...

  24. #24
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  25. #25
    Auto54 is offline Member
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    1) I never said there was such a thing that would be exclusive to one side for the other. I said if the DEFENSE will allow it then they CAN be brought in. In other words, if BOTH sides agree.

    2) Actual knowledge? How about 9 years in the legal system.

    3) Case law? Case law has nothing to do with it. It comes down to state statute. Maybe my state is different than yours, I don't know.

    Quote Originally Posted by toolman
    Son, you are dead wrong. They are 100% inadmissable. THere is no such thing as evidence that is admisable exclusively either to the defence or prosecution. Even if a lawyer tries to present it, the instructions to the jusry include that it may not be considered when deciding guilt or innocence. Please dont post things as fact unles you have actual knowledge on the subject. I would ask you to quote case law stating otherwise but I won't bother wasting time as you will not find any.

  26. #26
    GQ-Bouncer's Avatar
    GQ-Bouncer is offline Anabolic Member
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    look beyond what you see
    it's called "substitution"

    The polygraph administer (which are ussually very good interviewers) will ask a question, such as

    (interviewer) " Have you every one drugs? "

    now, say you have done LOTS AND LOTS of drugs.. take a deep breath

    subsitute the question in your head to something truthful "am i a human being?"

    The polygraph will come through truthful

  27. #27
    powerliftmike's Avatar
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    gates of hell

  28. #28
    Haro3 is offline Anabolic Member
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    definately going with toolman on this one lie detectors can not be used as significant pieces of evidence in a court of law. You can present them and try and argue them but they HAVE to be disregarded in the end. They are not 100% accurate and not considered as evidence. Think about it how can you argue a piece of evidence that if given at a different time/day could yield a different result? also when ur nervous results are skewed..... it cant be done. If it could be dont u think they'd just give every criminal a lie detector and use that against them? Pretty sure they dont do that

  29. #29
    MarkyMark's Avatar
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    I would suggest you do not take any drug going into this exam... very bad idea...

    Skeletons have a way of coming out of the closet.. Honesty is always the best policy....

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