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  1. #1
    goodcents's Avatar
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    Anyone have an aquarium?

    I know Tai does (like the new eels) anyone else? I have a 55 gal. freshwater, wish I would of got a 125gal. frome the start, but this is my first "real" aquarium.

  2. #2
    Bigen12's Avatar
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    I had a 80 gal salt water going, what a pain in the ass doing water changes.

    I had a 50 gal with African Cichlids, until I trusted my daughter to watch it when I was on vacation.

    I'm getting ready to set the 80 gal up with African Cichlids

  3. #3
    goodcents's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Bigen12
    I had a 80 gal salt water going, what a pain in the ass doing water changes.

    I had a 50 gal with African Cichlids, until I trusted my daughter to watch it when I was on vacation.

    I'm getting ready to set the 80 gal up with African Cichlids

    I've got a few of them too, very hardy fish. Does your dig out little caves, it's amazing to see them dig out caves one pebble at a time Great stress release (I need it bad)

  4. #4
    Hard Head's Avatar
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    I had 2 150's set up salt. The freaking fish got so big I had to donate them to the National Aquarium. Some of the eels were as big around as my wrist. Lots of work, lots of fun, lots of mess, LOTS of big assed feeder goldfish (you know, the $2 each ones that are about 6" long). I had 2 50's set up just for my feeders! It was fun but got to be a chore keeping the algae off the coral and glass.

  5. #5
    goodcents's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Hard Head
    I had 2 150's set up salt. The freaking fish got so big I had to donate them to the National Aquarium. Some of the eels were as big around as my wrist. Lots of work, lots of fun, lots of mess, LOTS of big assed feeder goldfish (you know, the $2 each ones that are about 6" long). I had 2 50's set up just for my feeders! It was fun but got to be a chore keeping the algae off the coral and glass.

    Wow I would of liked to have seen that It gets addictive and you actually get sad when a fish dies.

  6. #6
    Orchid's Avatar
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    We should have a pet forum in here. It seems like we have couple of animal lovers out here.

    Well this is an anabolic forum so I guess that would be impossible.

  7. #7
    Hard Head's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by goodcents
    Wow I would of liked to have seen that It gets addictive and you actually get sad when a fish dies.
    Had 'em built into the wall with a room behind that housed all the gear. It was very cool. It was sad to have to give the big fish away but they are living (still) at a place that more approximates their own natural habitat. Plus I get some passes to visit every year. The big boy, Gymnothorax Tessalata looks about 6 feet long now and at least 14" dia. Grew him from the size of a pencil.

    Also my Clown Trigger is bigger than a dinner plate, I had him when he was the size of my thumbnail.

  8. #8
    Bigen12's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by goodcents
    I've got a few of them too, very hardy fish. Does your dig out little caves, it's amazing to see them dig out caves one pebble at a time Great stress release (I need it bad)

    Yeah, their pretty cool.

    I remember the first aquarium that I fixed up, cycled it with assorted freshwater fish, then went on to get a couple of oscars.

    Woke up one morning to see one of the oscars with a fish about it's size in it's mouth.

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