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    PrairieDawg's Avatar
    PrairieDawg is offline Senior Member
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    Mar 2004

    help. keep hurting my damn back

    I keep seriously re-injurying my facking lower back in the gym to the point where I can't finish my workouts! I hurt it at work a long time ago and it eventually healed. So I go to do squats for the first time in a month and a half last week because my back had been feeling 100% lately. And on the last rep of my last set my back gave out, rounded out and hurt it really bad. I couldn't even bend over after that. I had my gf give me a massage that night and a couple days later it felt really good almost 100% surprisingly. So I decided I would just stay away from back day and squats awhile. And what do I do today? I ****ed it up bad again ADJUSTING THE HEIGHT OF THE SEAT for dumbell curls!! I can't even bend over right now. I'm thinking about calling in to work right now and telling them I can't come in.

    Does anyone have any advice on what I could do to help it out? I'm going to go for a massage and the chiro on friday since I'm busy all week. I'm hoping that will help alittle. I going to start stretching is out and doing back raises w/o weight before each workout to warm is up. Physio is not covered by my health care so that option is out. Taking time off the gym is out because I was out for almost a month, came back and it didn't help at all. Rest doesn't seem to help it at all. Does anyone know of any supplements I can take that will help strained muscles or anything else that will help?
    If this belongs somewhere else a mod can move it.
    Last edited by PrairieDawg; 01-30-2006 at 03:05 PM.

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