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ok, so i had alot more gear then i needed for my last cycle, so i sold it to someone i talked too on another anabolic board. he lives in arizona. we used western unuin for the money transfer. i of course used a fake name. anyway after i got the money i sent the gear to him, but he said he dident get it. but i looked on usps.com and it said the package was deliverd. now this guy is saying he is going to find me. i said good luck, because he doesnt even have my real name, all he has is my email. anyway he said he has relativs that live in my town and that he is going to visit them sometime. he said i think you underestamate the reasources of a 12 year navy vet. im starting to get worried about what this guy might do if he finds me. i dont want anything to happen to my family. is this something to be worried about, or em i just getting paranoid. is there anyway for him to find me, all he has is my email. thanks guys.