Hi everybody
Done 3 cycles all of them very friendly (if there is such thing)
contained dbol and deca
the only different part was an increase with deca during the third cycle, nothing weird really.
So to my health, physically im alright. But my mental health is down the drain.
Let me explain:
Just after ending cycle 3 i had some serious problems with both family and friends, that TOTALLY worn me out mentally. I believe this deppression i now have is a combination of ending the cycle + all the problems i got.
My symptoms:
Total lack of energy
Sex drive at the bottom
From being generally a cool, straight forward happy guy im now just sad with no personality, charisma or GO
Im since a couple of months back taking anti deppressives, the only thing that are better since then is my sex drive. Im also taking medicine to be able to sleep but if i stop with those it gets back to where i was without it
Im scared + people dont recognize me anymore
What should I do from here? Obviously the medicine i got dont work for me 100%. I have no idea where to start.