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Thread: broke my hand

  1. #1

    broke my hand

    I broke my hand saterday night(had to help out my friend who was on the ground getting beat up).. anyway, wasnt smart cause im i willbe out of the gym for 4-6 weeks anyway.. And I know i will eat shittty, cause im already slipin.. I did get perscribe perks and vikes..There both 5mg, but how much stronger is perks then vikes?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Sep 2005
    a small room
    I dont know but why cant you go to the gym?...

    SOME upper body...

  3. #3
    Sure you can go to the gym. Each time I sprain my ankle I do all I can do. Leg ext, leg curls and then I try to get creative. Dont let yourself slip

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Feb 2006
    do a search for a narcotic dosage converter, there should be sites that have the answers.... generally speaking hydro is considered weaker than oxycodone(percs), but for a broken hand the vikes(hydro) should be more than enough..unfortunately these drugs have a habit of masking the pain all too well, so be careful with the amount of tylenol you ingest, your liver will thank you.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Dec 2002
    Ask your doctor.


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