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Thread: Car Audio

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Oct 2004
    New Jersey

    Car Audio

    What are all you guys bumpin' with.

    I'm rockin alpine type r speakers all around with 2 12" alpine type r subs powered by a Kenwood rtd2500d 2500 watt amp. I think it's time for a new head unit, a simple cd head unit doesn't cut it anymore. I want one new one with a built in sirius receiver for sure. So give me some ideas, what are you guys rockin.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Feb 2005
    Glutes & Quads
    When I was younger I was always known for my systems. Cant stand that loud music now!!!! Who would have ever thought I'd be saying that huh?

    My last one was 4 kicker solobarics with 2 digital Autotek amps pushing the 4 subs. Another Autotek 4 channe pushing 8 MB quart speakers. 2 optimum batteries and a digital fared cap to keep everything going.

    Before that was 2 15" Cerwin Vega Strokers powered by 2 1000watt digital amps. Talk about bass!!!!!!!!!!!

  3. #3
    since im a poor man now all i can afford is a new eclipse indash navi unit and some crossfire components in the front and back.

    I miss the bass, but i love my new ipod connection to the headunit! If you dont have one of these, it's a must have.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Feb 2004
    nakamichi head unit, mb quart separates in front powered by jl audio 300/2 and jl 10w7 in back powered by jl 500/1, very loud and very clean

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Apr 2005
    I am "bumpin" with the one that came with the frigin car !!!

  6. #6
    Join Date
    May 2004
    Canada eh
    Quote Originally Posted by Jayhova
    When I was younger I was always known for my systems. Cant stand that loud music now!!!! Who would have ever thought I'd be saying that huh?

    My last one was 4 kicker solobarics with 2 digital Autotek amps pushing the 4 subs. Another Autotek 4 channe pushing 8 MB quart speakers. 2 optimum batteries and a digital fared cap to keep everything going.

    Before that was 2 15" Cerwin Vega Strokers powered by 2 1000watt digital amps. Talk about bass!!!!!!!!!!!
    4 solobarics are u kidding me .. ones enough to blow your ears out!!

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Feb 2005
    Glutes & Quads
    Quote Originally Posted by needmorestrength
    4 solobarics are u kidding me .. ones enough to blow your ears out!!
    Those had to be the best speakers I ever had. They beat the 3 12" JL W6 I had all day. I hit 152db with the solos and only 148 with the Strokers. But the stroker 15's DVC maxed out at 1800 watts and their RMS was 1500 watts. I was underpowering them with their own 1000watt memphis digital amp. Can you believe that??!!?!? Two top notch amps soley for 2 speakers and they were still underpowered. Those were some insane Speakers.........

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Feb 2005
    Glutes & Quads
    Quote Originally Posted by craneboy
    nakamichi head unit, mb quart separates in front powered by jl audio 300/2 and jl 10w7 in back powered by jl 500/1, very loud and very clean

    That's all quality equipment. JL makes nice subs but thats about it. Never liked their mids or amps. The W7's are very nice and clean, better then the W6's I had.

    Nakamichi blows away the competition with head units, just so dam expensive. I always liked Eclipse touchscreens myself..........

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Jul 2003
    pioneer elite head unit. 2 apline amps for my highs one jbl bp 1200 pushing 1350 watts, 2 sets of mbquart premium componets. 2 12inch eclipse aluminum subs one lighting cap, in a lexus gs 300 sitting 20inches. I plan on getting the jl 300x4 amp and giving the alpines to my old lady. I am also gonna take one pair of the mb quarts out and replacing them with focal utopia's! That shit makes my dick hard.

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Dec 2005
    Washington DC
    Bro. I manage a car audio shop. PM me if you'd like. I sell ALpine, Kenwood, Eclipse, JL Audio and MB Quart.
    Or just shoot me an e-mail.

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Dec 2002
    Pioneer N2 in dash navigation, alpine type r's all the way around and one 12 inch Type R sub with the v12 mono Alpine amp. Its plenty loud for me in my SUV. I love the alpine stuff, very clean sounding and plenty loud.

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Oct 2004
    New Jersey
    Quote Originally Posted by Ammar
    Pioneer N2 in dash navigation, alpine type r's all the way around and one 12 inch Type R sub with the v12 mono Alpine amp. Its plenty loud for me in my SUV. I love the alpine stuff, very clean sounding and plenty loud.
    Nice, yeah I'm very happy with type r's. Was gonna go up to type x but I'm kind of glad I didn't spend the extra money as I heard a type x sub and it didn't sound any better than my type r's.

  13. #13
    Join Date
    Oct 2004
    New Jersey
    Quote Originally Posted by Jayhova
    When I was younger I was always known for my systems. Cant stand that loud music now!!!! Who would have ever thought I'd be saying that huh?

    My last one was 4 kicker solobarics with 2 digital Autotek amps pushing the 4 subs. Another Autotek 4 channe pushing 8 MB quart speakers. 2 optimum batteries and a digital fared cap to keep everything going.

    Before that was 2 15" Cerwin Vega Strokers powered by 2 1000watt digital amps. Talk about bass!!!!!!!!!!!
    damn son that is one ridiculous set up. You gotta be close to being totally deaf.

  14. #14
    Join Date
    Feb 2005
    Glutes & Quads
    Quote Originally Posted by BeerBaron
    damn son that is one ridiculous set up. You gotta be close to being totally deaf.
    Awww man when I bartend sometimes I have to keep asking people what they want and I blame it on the loud music. They smile and are like "yea it is loud huh?"


  15. #15
    Join Date
    Nov 2005
    i was rocking 4 12.1 infinity perfect with a mtx 1501d and 1001mtx now i cant hear anything.

  16. #16
    Join Date
    Jun 2004
    New York
    i'm rockens 2 12's audiobahn 2000watts bridged @ 1ohm (audiobahn amp)
    alpine type s 6x9's
    alpine type s 6in
    alpine head unit
    last car show it hit @ 148decibals i have pictures & paper to prove it if i can find if no1 believes me!

  17. #17
    Join Date
    Feb 2005
    Glutes & Quads
    Quote Originally Posted by Bigstiffler
    i'm rockens 2 12's audiobahn 2000watts bridged @ 1ohm (audiobahn amp)
    alpine type s 6x9's
    alpine type s 6in
    alpine head unit
    last car show it hit @ 148decibals i have pictures & paper to prove it if i can find if no1 believes me!

    I never liked Audiobahn, they make an amp that is 1ohm stable?

    148 is awesome with 2 12's, no need for the pics we believe you

  18. #18
    Join Date
    Jun 2004
    New York
    it 1 me 1st place in the 12's category... no the amp is set for 2ohm when u bridge it & mess with it u move it 2 1ohm

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