Do you find yourself mentally challenging yourself to use perfect form during the day? Like say your at work and you need to pick up a box of something or take something off a shelf. While your doing whatever it is your doing, do you think to yourself. Okay straighten out the back, puff out the chest. bend the knees and lift straight up. Im a chef at an Italian Restaurant and so Im always lifting huge pots of sauces, soups. Produce, Poultry and the like. Reason Im asking is because I was taking a big load of dishes back to the dishwashers last night and it was very heavy. I had to pick it up off the floor. I knew if I didnt do it correctly I would hurt myself. So I looked at it like a deadlift. Mentally went through with it in my head and then did it. I guess the grill guy was watching me and he made a comment to me after I had gotten it up. "you competing in the Worlds Strongest Dish Lifting Contest?" So just curious if anyone else does this. lol