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Thread: whats the dumbest/most destructive thing you or your friends have done?

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Sep 2005
    northern cali

    whats the dumbest/most destructive thing you or your friends have done?

    god knows ive done my fair share of dumb things, but il start this off with something my boy did when he was 18. he got dropped off at his car (which was parked in a shopping center) after a party, real late, REAL drunk. so he had the bright idea to go vandallize the cop cars that were parked outside the sheriff station. he leaves his wallet and keys on top of his car, then stumbles over to the cop station, and then breaks off ALL the antenas from the cop cars. after hes finished with the 15-20 cars that were parked there, he takes all the antenas and puts them in one pile, then he opens up the door of one of the squad cars, and goes to sleep in the front seat. after a little while, a cop car rolls up on him. my boy wakes up, and runs away. he hops some person's fence and stays the night in this guys backyard, (which must have sucked cause it was winter, and damn cold). in the morning he walks back to his car, and finds a note on his car saying that the sheriffs had his keys and wallet. a few minutes later HELLA cop cars roll up on him and arrest him.

  2. #2
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    North Charlotte
    fell off a water tower at college onto the hood of someones car

  3. #3
    Join Date
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    fell off a water tower at college onto the hood of someones car

  4. #4
    Join Date
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    North Charlotte
    fell off a water tower at college onto the hood of someones car

  5. #5
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    On Strike!
    damn deca.. you think you would have learned after the 1st time.. damn jawjans

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Nov 2005
    Way out there

    Was a real D****Head

    Fell for my long time friend's girlfriend. We kinda ran off together and had great sex blah, blah, blah. Ruined his and my relationship obviously and it hurt my realtionshp with our mutuals big time. Stupid! She was a perfectly formed little Marilyn Monroe lookin' piece of white trash. Yummy and very dangerous.

    It did not end well.

  7. #7
    This isn't too bad but when I was 13 me and 3 friends toilet papered someones house with 208 rolls of toilet paper. It was a pretty sight.

  8. #8
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    i always enjoyed going out and drinking all night, then at 2 or 3, wed go kick in peoples front doors, or rip out their mailboxes

  9. #9
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    back in the day, my boys and i would fu_k with this homeless guy that lived near us... pounding on the windows of his car when hes sleeping... my boy even gently rammed this fools car with his while he was sleeping in the front seat. i was riding shotgun, and i saw the bums arms flailing all over when we hit. we also got him to chase us with his car 3 times in one night... that was a pretty dumb thing to do cause we were all drunk, driving away from him at 90 mph in a 25 zone... HAHA i miss that guy, he left town

  10. #10
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    Quote Originally Posted by Grappler13
    Fell for my long time friend's girlfriend. We kinda ran off together and had great sex blah, blah, blah. Ruined his and my relationship obviously and it hurt my realtionshp with our mutuals big time. Stupid! She was a perfectly formed little Marilyn Monroe lookin' piece of white trash. Yummy and very dangerous.

    It did not end well.
    girls like that are all bad bro. ive seen alot of those kinds of girls... drama, straight drama
    Last edited by Tren Bull; 02-08-2006 at 07:42 PM.

  11. #11
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    Quote Originally Posted by chest6
    This isn't too bad but when I was 13 me and 3 friends toilet papered someones house with 208 rolls of toilet paper. It was a pretty sight.
    try throwing rocks the size of bowling balls through somone's front window... that always gets their attention
    Last edited by Tren Bull; 04-13-2006 at 04:00 PM.

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Dec 2004
    the gym
    I threw a mal-tov-cocktail made with a 40oz beer bottle full of gasoline at a tree and it caused a fireball so big it reached back 12-15 ft at me and my whole body caught on fire. Ripped my shirt off quick, and the rest of my clothes, and rolled around and smothered it out. Burnt the shit out of my eyebrows and singed the hair off my entire body almost. Also, used to cut open live shotgun shells to get the powder from them and try to make bombs w/, dowsed a public newspaper box w/ gas and lit it on fire one night and got the fire dept called to come put it out b/ the flames were reaching about 15 ft high and almost caught the trees on fire. Filled a portajohn up one time w/ 5 gallons of gas, then made a trail out to the road w/ gas, then my freinds and I drove by it and threw a cigarette out the window to light our masterpiece, the ****ing port-a-john blew the **** up and fire dept again called and write up in local newspaper about it.

    I am now a career firefighter.......true irony or what??

  13. #13
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    Feb 2005
    lol im not telling :D
    when i had braces i got hit in the face w/ a baseball bat.. Perferated me lips..
    that was NEAT! i could drink w/ my mouth closed!

  14. #14
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    Apr 2002
    A buddy of mine in college was an Evan Scholar, and his roommate through a cinder block off the top of the frat house and it smashed into a kid's head. I've never seen a head implode before that, but this kid got messed up pretty badly...

    And if you'll check the papers in Maryland today, my cousin's dorm roommate at U of M just got busted for beating a girl he met online to death with a brick then dumping her body off of a bridge. Hmmm....

  15. #15
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    Feb 2005
    lol im not telling :D
    ohoh my father had a shed in is pasture ... when i was little i would make "NAPALM" from styrofoam and gasoline.. well i got an alumanim bat.. dipped it in that sticky shit lit it on fire and swung it around like a flaming SWORD .. acting like a super hero or something ... BLAMO.. some of that shit FLINGS OFF lands on the shed and burns it to the ground

    its ok though kuz when my dad was little he burned down his dads barn w/ by making small fire w/ matches so he could try and put them out w/ a toy fire truck..

    Guess it just runs in the family

  16. #16
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    Quote Originally Posted by stayinstacked
    I threw a mal-tov-cocktail made with a 40oz beer bottle full of gasoline at a tree and it caused a fireball so big it reached back 12-15 ft at me and my whole body caught on fire. Ripped my shirt off quick, and the rest of my clothes, and rolled around and smothered it out. Burnt the shit out of my eyebrows and singed the hair off my entire body almost. Also, used to cut open live shotgun shells to get the powder from them and try to make bombs w/, dowsed a public newspaper box w/ gas and lit it on fire one night and got the fire dept called to come put it out b/ the flames were reaching about 15 ft high and almost caught the trees on fire. Filled a portajohn up one time w/ 5 gallons of gas, then made a trail out to the road w/ gas, then my freinds and I drove by it and threw a cigarette out the window to light our masterpiece, the ****ing port-a-john blew the **** up and fire dept again called and write up in local newspaper about it.

    I am now a career firefighter.......true irony or what??

    HAHA thats hilarious. ive sawed open shotgun shells to make explosives too. back in the day, my friends and i were chillin at school, lookin at the library wall, which had posters all over it for student body president and sh_t. my friend then sprays lighter fluid all over it and sparks it up... people start screaming and sh_t, then the librarian runs outside and puts it out with a fire extinguisher.

  17. #17
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    I got drunk in high school off of Mad Dog with a bunch of friends and we decided to break into the country club to go swimming. We were going to skinny dip but chickened out and ended up in bra and panties. It was the middle of the night and I dove into the the shallow end. Next thing I know, I am in the emergency room in my undies getting stitches in my head!! I found out afterwards that one of the guys jmuped in and pulled me out. They didn't know if I was dead or alive. I am so grateful that a couple of them had the sense to take me to the hospital instead of freaking out because we were drunk and broke into country club. Needless to say, I did not drink for a long time after that.

  18. #18
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    Quote Originally Posted by taiboxa
    ohoh my father had a shed in is pasture ... when i was little i would make "NAPALM" from styrofoam and gasoline.. well i got an alumanim bat.. dipped it in that sticky shit lit it on fire and swung it around like a flaming SWORD .. acting like a super hero or something ... BLAMO.. some of that shit FLINGS OFF lands on the shed and burns it to the ground

    its ok though kuz when my dad was little he burned down his dads barn w/ by making small fire w/ matches so he could try and put them out w/ a toy fire truck..

    Guess it just runs in the family
    yea, my dad started a FAT fire in the hills where he lived when he was younger

  19. #19
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    northern cali
    Quote Originally Posted by KhrisiGirl
    I got drunk in high school off of Mad Dog with a bunch of friends and we decided to break into the country club to go swimming. We were going to skinny dip but chickened out and ended up in bra and panties. It was the middle of the night and I dove into the the shallow end. Next thing I know, I am in the emergency room in my undies getting stitches in my head!! I found out afterwards that one of the guys jmuped in and pulled me out. They didn't know if I was dead or alive. I am so grateful that a couple of them had the sense to take me to the hospital instead of freaking out because we were drunk and broke into country club. Needless to say, I did not drink for a long time after that.
    oh my god... im glad you survived that.

  20. #20
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    Quote Originally Posted by Tren Bull
    oh my god... im glad you survived that.
    Me too! It will take more than some Mad Dog and a pool to take me out! Seriously, I was sooo stupid. Almost every stupid thing I have done is tied to alcohol. And that is why I do not drink that much.
    khrisi + alcohol = STUPID

  21. #21
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    northern cali
    Quote Originally Posted by Phreak101
    A buddy of mine in college was an Evan Scholar, and his roommate through a cinder block off the top of the frat house and it smashed into a kid's head. I've never seen a head implode before that, but this kid got messed up pretty badly...

    And if you'll check the papers in Maryland today, my cousin's dorm roommate at U of M just got busted for beating a girl he met online to death with a brick then dumping her body off of a bridge. Hmmm....
    did this guy mean to tag the other guy with the cinder block? if not, then it sucks for him that it happened. i heard of some guy that got hit in the chest with a jav**** while he was practicing track and field at school... and some guy i weant to highschool with got hit in the head with a shotput... now thats just dumb

  22. #22
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    Quote Originally Posted by KhrisiGirl
    Me too! It will take more than some Mad Dog and a pool to take me out! Seriously, I was sooo stupid. Almost every stupid thing I have done is tied to alcohol. And that is why I do not drink that much.
    khrisi + alcohol = STUPID
    trust me, we've all done stupid things, especially when we're drunk

  23. #23
    Join Date
    Dec 2005
    I no a bloke who used a cat to blow out the hose on his concrete pump.Apparently it lived.

  24. #24
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    especially me and my friends... i just remembered back in the day, we were all at this community pool late at night drinking and smoking. i had the bright idea to start throwing the chairs and tables in the pool. my other friends started doing it too, and pretty soon we through literally everything in the pool, including the cement trash cans. the pool was FULL of lawn furniture, tables, benches, umbrellas, trash cans. so we left, and after we got about 200-300 feet down the road, we passed a cop car, then 2 more, then another squad car... we got away though HAHA. if we had waited 20-30 seconds longer we would have got caught for sure... all underage, drunk and driving.
    Last edited by Tren Bull; 02-09-2006 at 08:28 PM.

  25. #25
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    Quote Originally Posted by HSV
    I no a bloke who used a cat to blow out the hose on his concrete pump.Apparently it lived.
    thats terrible

  26. #26
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    Quote Originally Posted by Tren Bull
    especially me and my friends... i just remembered back in the day, we were all at this community pool late at night drinking and smoking. i had the bright idea to start throwing the chairs and tables in the pool. my other friends started doing it too, and pretty soon we through literally everything in the pool, including the cement trash cans. the pool was FULL of lawn furniture, tables, benches, trash cans. so we left, and after we got about 200-300 feet down the road, we passed a cop car, then 2 more, then another squad car... we got away though HAHA. if we had waited 20-30 seconds longer we would have got caught for sure... all underage, drunk and driving.
    OMG! Can you imagine when they opened the pool the next day?

  27. #27
    dumbest thing I ever did was I shot a bouncer at a night club spent 6 weeks in jail... booz+GLOCK= dead bouncer...I spent almost a year of my life going to trails court hearings.

  28. #28
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    i'm not too destructive, but once while taking an exam, i accidently farted a high pitch (loud) one, and everyone looked at me, i smiled and " bad"

  29. #29
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    Quote Originally Posted by KhrisiGirl
    OMG! Can you imagine when they opened the pool the next day?

    yea... i bet they were pissed. those trash cans weighed at least 60 pounds each.

  30. #30
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    Quote Originally Posted by lowstace
    dumbest thing I ever did was I shot a bouncer at a night club spent 6 weeks in jail... booz+GLOCK= dead bouncer...I spent almost a year of my life going to trails court hearings.
    yea, i usually leave my glock at home if im gonna go out and drink cause il always go through alot of alcohol.. and as you said, booz+glock=homicide... not good

  31. #31
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    northern cali
    Quote Originally Posted by chest6
    This isn't too bad but when I was 13 me and 3 friends toilet papered someones house with 208 rolls of toilet paper. It was a pretty sight.
    me and my friends put 144 eggs on this fools small one story house cause he dumped a bucket of paint on my boys car... i wish i had a picture of that, cause it was UGLY
    Last edited by Tren Bull; 02-08-2006 at 05:22 PM.

  32. #32
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    Quote Originally Posted by taiboxa
    when i had braces i got hit in the face w/ a baseball bat.. Perferated me lips..
    that was NEAT! i could drink w/ my mouth closed!
    i almost accidentally hit my best friend in the face with a bat. the worst part is that shes a pretty girl that had just had nose surgery that day.

  33. #33
    one time when I was 11 I played with my self and made a big mess

  34. #34
    my teacher said at school I was peter north jr. I didnt know what she meet till i was like 20 and saw him act

  35. #35
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    Dec 2004
    hmmmmm im in college i have to many to list but this one is a descent one...i got WASTED...absolutely retarded drunk and was coming back into the dorms when i saw this water bottle on the ground and decided it would probably be a good idea to kick it as hard as i could into a car....i wish i had stuck with that idea because as i ran at the bottle i decided stomping on it as hard as i could would be so much cooler...needless to say i jumped as high as i could and stomped straight into the concrete missing the bottle....i hyperextended my knee, partiallyl tore my acl and chipped the cartlidge in my knee in which i still need to have it about ruining ur leg routine

  36. #36
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    Dec 2004
    i left out all the nights of destroying the dorm halls, stomping cars, getting in fights, yard jobs (all time favorite), another good one is what me and my friends call "christmas shopping" where you steal those rediculously huge inflatable christmas decorations from peoples yards..and the damn lighted reindeer hahah i love it then we usually burn them at some point..or blow them up

  37. #37
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    Quote Originally Posted by Haro3
    hmmmmm im in college i have to many to list but this one is a descent one...i got WASTED...absolutely retarded drunk and was coming back into the dorms when i saw this water bottle on the ground and decided it would probably be a good idea to kick it as hard as i could into a car....i wish i had stuck with that idea because as i ran at the bottle i decided stomping on it as hard as i could would be so much cooler...needless to say i jumped as high as i could and stomped straight into the concrete missing the bottle....i hyperextended my knee, partiallyl tore my acl and chipped the cartlidge in my knee in which i still need to have it about ruining ur leg routine
    thats funny bro. i know this guy thats HELLA injured himself multiple times too. once he slipped on a planter and knocked himself out for awhile. another time he decided to walk off into the woods during the winter at tahoe, where it was hella snowing. he got lost for days, and the police had to find him.

  38. #38
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    Gettin lean wit it...
    hmmm theres a lot, none too insane though.

    got into a fight in front of a huge dorm building on a friday night after i had been drinking. and theres always ra's and police around. fortunately i just got away with a dip and underage drinking. i kicked the shit out of the kid but he started it so i didnt really get a battery charge or anything.

  39. #39
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    too many of those nights...usually i run before the cops show me a puss but i'd rather be a puss than a hard ass with a record we've messed a few guys up infront of the dorms always seems like a good idea at 2-3 in the morning when ur drunk....never ends well

  40. #40
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    Quote Originally Posted by Haro3
    too many of those nights...usually i run before the cops show me a puss but i'd rather be a puss than a hard ass with a record we've messed a few guys up infront of the dorms always seems like a good idea at 2-3 in the morning when ur drunk....never ends well
    haha yea, alcohol will definatly make me feel more aggressive

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