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Thread: people in the gym that piss me off

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jan 2006

    people in the gym that piss me off

    there exist these people... these scum that hav no purpose to be on the planet... yea you all know who they are... you all have seen them! what id like to know is in your opinion, who pisses you off the most at a gym. to me the people that piss me off are the ones that sware they are doing the exercise right and in reality it is the most embarrasing and sad movement i have ever seen! so what pisses YOU off???

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Sep 2005
    northern cali
    it fu_king pisses me off when i see some scrawny ass bitch sporting a beater and lifting weight which is obviously too heavy for him. the fool finishes his set, and looks around like he thinks hes tough sh_t

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Sep 2004
    england/north east
    nothing pisses me off i lift pay no attention to anyone then **** off

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Nov 2005
    Mid Atlantic
    Smelly fvckers piss me off. Wash those damn stinky clothes and take a freaking shower.

    Then there is the asshole who wants to 'work in' while I'm in the middle of doing a superset of Arnolds. Fvck off, I'm using this chair and weight.
    Last edited by Hard Head; 02-09-2006 at 03:54 PM.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jan 2006
    lol yes exactly guys! these people should be exterminated...

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Aug 2005
    1st,fat instructors,..if they know so much an work in a gym then why dont they instruct themselves!!
    2nd,kids on dbol or drol,red faced,sweatin,spotty an trainin shoulders an arms everytime there in the gym.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Aug 2004
    RIP Brother...
    Quote Originally Posted by stocky121
    nothing pisses me off i lift pay no attention to anyone then **** off
    There always seems to be at least one thread in the lounge with someone ranting about the outrageous behaviour of other people from their gym.
    Why are you people so sensitive?

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Jan 2006
    Quote Originally Posted by NotSmall
    There always seems to be at least one thread in the lounge with someone ranting about the outrageous behaviour of other people from their gym.
    Why are you people so sensitive?
    because we think were better

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Jan 2006
    Quote Originally Posted by manc
    1st,fat instructors,..if they know so much an work in a gym then why dont they instruct themselves!!
    2nd,kids on dbol or drol,red faced,sweatin,spotty an trainin shoulders an arms everytime there in the gym.
    i agree with the screamers, i just want to slap the sh*t out of them

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Aug 2005
    maybe i piss people off with my perfect form

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Jun 2005
    i dont notice anyone at my gym...

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Oct 2005
    Dont really pay attention either but smelly ****s I dont like go buy some deodorant!

  13. #13
    Join Date
    Apr 2002
    Quote Originally Posted by NotSmall
    There always seems to be at least one thread in the lounge with someone ranting about the outrageous behaviour of other people from their gym.
    Why are you people so sensitive?
    I'm sensitive to SMELL! WASH YOUR BALLS!

  14. #14
    Join Date
    Feb 2006
    with your!!!!
    I cant stand seein these pale guys trying to work out in the gym its actually pathetic, also hate working around the low class construction workers looking all dirty and smelly, i usually spray some armani black on before i hit the weights ya know to get the honies interested.

  15. #15
    Join Date
    Aug 2004
    RIP Brother...
    Quote Originally Posted by Phreak101
    I'm sensitive to SMELL! WASH YOUR BALLS!
    The only odour from my balls is akin to that of a light breeze over a summer meadow.

  16. #16
    Join Date
    Aug 2004
    RIP Brother...
    Quote Originally Posted by AX_Tanned_Bouncer
    I cant stand seein these pale guys trying to work out in the gym its actually pathetic, also hate working around the low class construction workers looking all dirty and smelly, i usually spray some armani black on before i hit the weights ya know to get the honies interested.
    Correct me if I'm wrong but I'd say that probably gets you big respect, yes?

  17. #17
    Join Date
    Feb 2006
    with your!!!!
    yeah yeah notsmall I sense the respect level is high from you, you almost remind me of my brother mario, he raises bulldogs as well

  18. #18
    Join Date
    Sep 2005
    Quote Originally Posted by muscles03
    there exist these people... these scum that hav no purpose to be on the planet... yea you all know who they are... you all have seen them! what id like to know is in your opinion, who pisses you off the most at a gym. to me the people that piss me off are the ones that sware they are doing the exercise right and in reality it is the most embarrasing and sad movement i have ever seen! so what pisses YOU off???
    I got one. You'll like this.

    The people i do not enjoy being around are the ones who complain about retarded shit that has no real bearing in everyday life.
    You know who they are.

    Anyone else appreciate life as much as I do? I can almost say i have a boner for life.

  19. #19
    Join Date
    Apr 2002
    Quote Originally Posted by NotSmall
    The only odour from my balls is akin to that of a light breeze over a summer meadow.
    Maybe a summer meadow that was used as a landfill, PHEW!

  20. #20
    Join Date
    Dec 2005
    Those who talk on the cell phone in the gym.
    Guys/Kids who weight less than 140 pounds and wear tight wife beaters and have no body fat and you can every one of their muscles and think they are jacked when in reality they have 10 inch arms.

  21. #21
    Join Date
    Aug 2004
    ppl that complain about others dropping weights...nothing gets more on my nerves when someone tells me to gently put them down

  22. #22
    Join Date
    Nov 2002
    North Charlotte
    nothing, i ignore everyone, and their form might work great for what they need... who are you to tell them diff...

  23. #23
    Join Date
    Dec 2004
    Quote Originally Posted by bigrob33
    ppl that complain about others dropping weights...nothing gets more on my nerves when someone tells me to gently put them down
    ohhhh that one pisses me off at the YMCA (not my gym of choice) at home if u drop a weight they will ride ur ass! im like how bout you throw 110 lb dumbells above ur head on a shoulder press and try to "set" them down afterwards its like they dont understand that trying to put them down "gently" is how you get hurt?

    Secondly...those fvckin dumbazz people that use the squat rack for curls....omg that kills me i just wanna punch those kids its like ur using 65lbs..we have 65lb straight and preacher bars (the fixed weight ones) why must they take up a squat rack for this shit? please!!!!!!!

  24. #24
    Join Date
    Mar 2005
    ninja dojo, UK
    in general i do my own thing, but the gym i train at i used to work there as an instructor, so cant help notice when someone is using incredibly bad form. i hate screamers, i have a very good friend who really milks it, grunts and likes to make alot of noise. DUDE! EVEN IF YOU USED REAL WEIGHT YOU STILL WOULD NOT NEED TO MAKE THAT MUCH NOISE! in general i hate the kids that are on gear, been training 2 months and consider eating whatever their mum cooks them for lunch plus a protein shake as good eating. and ofcourse, older/middleaged guys that insist on telling me how they used to be built like me, hell, probably even bigger, altho now they sport no size or definition whatsoever, and are using low poundages. my friend, if u were once as 'big' as me, hell, even 'in shape', where did it all go?

  25. #25
    Join Date
    Dec 2005
    fat people

  26. #26
    Quote Originally Posted by bigrob33
    ppl that complain about others dropping weights...nothing gets more on my nerves when someone tells me to gently put them down
    Yess!! The lady that works there tries to get me to deadlift off a pussy mat because "its going to break the floor" wtf break the floor are you serious? Shes like or..please set it down gently. I was like..u wanna do deadlifts then set it down gently? that go down like 2 inches on squats and stack on like 5 plates. The other day I saw some kid put 405 on and went down like 3 inches. He was like 5'8" so its not hard to do anyway. Then hes like I bet im the strongest person in the gym right now..that was what bothered me. Do your 1/10 squats if you want but dont claim to be the strongest guy in there.

  27. #27
    Join Date
    Dec 2004
    i woulda challenged that kid

  28. #28
    Ya he did like 3 reps..I thought about being like move over and busting out like 12 parallel reps being 6 inches taller but then I was like nah leg day was 4 days ago. Im paranoid about not working a muscle at all unless its that day

  29. #29
    Join Date
    Apr 2003
    The only people that piss me off are the ones that stink so bad that it makes me want to puke. There's no way you can not pay attention to a stench like that.

  30. #30
    Join Date
    Nov 2005
    Mid Atlantic
    Quote Originally Posted by TheMudMan
    The only people that piss me off are the ones that stink so bad that it makes me want to puke. There's no way you can not pay attention to a stench like that.
    Well said.

  31. #31
    Join Date
    Jan 2006
    in dreamy land
    i hate the little scrawny shits that sit around on machines and do nothing.....when i want a machine and these little shits are on it i always ask and they all of a sudden decide they are doing something.......god i hate them.......and then there are the crackers that do curls in the squat racks......that incites rage in me like no other.....NO CURLS IN THE SQUAT RACKS!!!!!........hmmm what else......anyone pretty much that talks alot and doesn't workout alot i hate too....oh i also hate people that will just sit and wait for you to get done on a machine......i'm like "are you here to workout dude or sit around?" if it's at the beginning of my workout....first exercise only....i'll wait......but other than that you just substitute other exercises or skip one and go STOPPING.....oh and i haven't even said anything about the little fvckers that think they're hot shit because they've got a girl to go around and workout with.....i love this because they NEVER know what they're doing...i almost without exception see them teaching these girls how to do shit wrong....pisses me off.....they need a real man like me to teach them....

  32. #32
    Join Date
    Sep 2005
    northern cali
    Quote Originally Posted by Haro3
    ohhhh that one pisses me off at the YMCA (not my gym of choice) at home if u drop a weight they will ride ur ass! im like how bout you throw 110 lb dumbells above ur head on a shoulder press and try to "set" them down afterwards its like they dont understand that trying to put them down "gently" is how you get hurt?

    Secondly...those fvckin dumbazz people that use the squat rack for curls....omg that kills me i just wanna punch those kids its like ur using 65lbs..we have 65lb straight and preacher bars (the fixed weight ones) why must they take up a squat rack for this shit? please!!!!!!!
    im always embarased when i drop the weight far, as in a few feet with something heavy. days ago i was benching in my room with no clips on my barbell. i couldn't get my last rep, and i tilted the bar causing a 50 pound plate to fall on the edge of my desk (putting a large dent in it), then hitting my sheet rock wall, putting a good sized gash in that too.

  33. #33
    Join Date
    Dec 2004
    we also have a lady that lifts in my gym at school and she is straight out of the trailer park....tight lil shorts, dirty ass button up blouse and she looks likes she on meth maybe weights 95 lbs u can see every rib through her shirt its gross but we call her the "orgasm lady" u CAN NOT lift wehn shes around...every exercise she does she moans and i mean like shes a bout to bust in her pants its horrible u cant help but die laughing i've seen so many people drop weight because they hear her....she annoys me pretty bad

  34. #34
    Join Date
    Jan 2006
    in dreamy land
    Quote Originally Posted by bigrob33
    ppl that complain about others dropping weights...nothing gets more on my nerves when someone tells me to gently put them down
    shit.....i totally forgot about them....i don't drop weights alot but when i do decline flyes you've got one day i'm doin decline flyes and this guy that works at the gym had the nerve to tell me to quite dropping the weights.....i was barely dropping them as it is.......i bout blew a fuse.......if he wants to f*** up his shoulders that's fine but i'm not sacrificing mine for the well being of the FLOOR of all least it made the rest of my workout super hardcore since i was sooo pissed......

  35. #35
    Join Date
    Dec 2004
    or the people that sit on a bench for ever with like 5 minute breaks inbetween sets when they CLEARLY know you're waiting on it...then they'll get up..get a drink etc thats goes right through me...and the morons that stand around and watch tv in the gym i cant believe they put tv's in our gym...enough to really piss me off.....theres like 6-10 plasmas in the weight room..not to mention how many are upstairs i dunno even know

  36. #36
    Join Date
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    in dreamy land
    Quote Originally Posted by Haro3
    or the people that sit on a bench for ever with like 5 minute breaks inbetween sets when they CLEARLY know you're waiting on it...then they'll get up..get a drink etc thats goes right through me...and the morons that stand around and watch tv in the gym i cant believe they put tv's in our gym...enough to really piss me off.....theres like 6-10 plasmas in the weight room..not to mention how many are upstairs i dunno even know

    i hit one of those with a barbell the other day.....almost shit myself

  37. #37
    Join Date
    Jan 2006
    New Joisey
    omfg good thread!!! i dont really care how unproper thier form is cause truth is it will only work to my benefit. But i CAN NOT stand the outta shape- fat, skinny, w/e people who have been working out 2,3,4 months are still completely out of shape but now walk around like thier hard or some shit. i hate...
    1) when i walk by them and it turns into a game of chicken to see who will get out of the way first.
    2) they not only make a mean face when thier benching thier 135lbs but KEEP that face when they stand up like their still doing the set, UNCLENCH ur FVCKING FACE DEUSHBAG!!! YOUR NOT TOUGH!!!!!!
    3) yeh people at the gym just have the wrong idea in general, it makes me sick. the gym is not for ACTING like you tough, its for GETTN tough. one of these days i swear im gonna slip and do something stupid and ill post a thread about it. just way too much competition and too little helping each other out.

  38. #38
    Join Date
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    in dreamy land
    Quote Originally Posted by AX_Tanned_Bouncer
    I cant stand seein these pale guys trying to work out in the gym its actually pathetic, also hate working around the low class construction workers looking all dirty and smelly, i usually spray some armani black on before i hit the weights ya know to get the honies interested.
    idiot if you're at the gym to get girls you're one of my major problems........

  39. #39
    Join Date
    Jan 2006
    New Joisey
    and oh yeah!!!
    you people who smell like a skunks craphole. put on some deodorant or even some cologne!!! practice some good hygeine for once in your life, thank you.

  40. #40
    Join Date
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    New Joisey
    Quote Originally Posted by RuhlFreak55
    idiot if you're at the gym to get girls you're one of my major problems........
    do you.. not like them or something?? haha jk

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