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Thread: Over-jealous hard asses who live by the phrase"So, size dont intimidate me!!"

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Dec 2004
    the gym

    Over-jealous hard asses who live by the phrase"So, size dont intimidate me!!"

    We've all heard it b4 in some shape or form, the little 140 lb jackass who has to bring up your body and talk some stupid shit about how size doesnt intimidate him and he could take on the world. I'd just like to tell the bulk of that population(excluding career fighters and martial arts masters) Yes, size DOES INTIMIDATE YOU, my physique was such a distraction you couldnt help but talk about it and make some stupid ass comment out of jealousy. Go **** yourself, step to this like a man, and lose the punk mouth, period mother****er

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Dec 2003
    S.Florida by way of NY
    Quote Originally Posted by stayinstacked
    We've all heard it b4 in some shape or form, the little 140 lb jackass who has to bring up your body and talk some stupid shit about how size doesnt intimidate him and he could take on the world. I'd just like to tell the bulk of that population(excluding career fighters and martial arts masters) Yes, size DOES INTIMIDATE YOU, my physique was such a distraction you couldnt help but talk about it and make some stupid ass comment out of jealousy. Go **** yourself, step to this like a man, and lose the punk mouth, period mother****er

    ok ok .... take it easy ...

    bad day bro ??

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Dec 2005
    New England
    i assume someone might have said somethin rude at the gym or somethin?

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Sep 2005
    a small room
    where do you find these people???!!!...

    Are you sure you dont instigate some of these encounters?...oh well a nice punch in the throat solves everything worries

  5. #5
    Join Date
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    Yes,those are my legs
    Quote Originally Posted by QuieTSToRM33
    ok ok .... take it easy ...
    No shit...this guys a stroke waiting to happen......

  6. #6
    Join Date
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    New England
    so who's the culprit anyways?

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Dec 2002
    Been wonderin' where you were at!


  8. #8
    Join Date
    Jan 2006
    Kill em all bro.........

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Feb 2005

    how did it go?

    Quote Originally Posted by stayinstacked
    We've all heard it b4 in some shape or form, the little 140 lb jackass who has to bring up your body and talk some stupid shit about how size doesnt intimidate him and he could take on the world. I'd just like to tell the bulk of that population(excluding career fighters and martial arts masters) Yes, size DOES INTIMIDATE YOU, my physique was such a distraction you couldnt help but talk about it and make some stupid ass comment out of jealousy. Go **** yourself, step to this like a man, and lose the punk mouth, period mother****er
    Well, did you fight or what? Sounds like you did not and now you are pissed about it. If the fight would have been that easy, there would be no honor in doing it anyway. If you restrained yourself because of this, well done. I'll bet that it was a wrestler.....going to the ground is hard for many to do. So stayn, can you fight or are you just big?

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Feb 2005

    another scenario

    Quote Originally Posted by stayinstacked
    We've all heard it b4 in some shape or form, the little 140 lb jackass who has to bring up your body and talk some stupid shit about how size doesnt intimidate him and he could take on the world. I'd just like to tell the bulk of that population(excluding career fighters and martial arts masters) Yes, size DOES INTIMIDATE YOU, my physique was such a distraction you couldnt help but talk about it and make some stupid ass comment out of jealousy. Go **** yourself, step to this like a man, and lose the punk mouth, period mother****er
    Ya know, the reverse is funny also. How many guys went to school with these pussies in H.S. that had not an ounce of athletic ability. 10 years and 20 cycles later they think that all of a sudden "Damn, I'm big now so I must know how to fight". It just don't work that way.......

  11. #11
    Yuppp I had a guy say that to one of my friends today I was like oh shutup gayy

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Aug 2003
    Quote Originally Posted by stayinstacked
    We've all heard it b4 in some shape or form, the little 140 lb jackass who has to bring up your body and talk some stupid shit about how size doesnt intimidate him and he could take on the world. I'd just like to tell the bulk of that population(excluding career fighters and martial arts masters) Yes, size DOES INTIMIDATE YOU, my physique was such a distraction you couldnt help but talk about it and make some stupid ass comment out of jealousy. Go **** yourself, step to this like a man, and lose the punk mouth, period mother****er

    I had this happen to me the other day.....

    I was like.......


  13. #13
    Join Date
    Oct 2004
    Toronto Canada
    you got so much love to give hun.. let it all out baby cakes

  14. #14
    Join Date
    Jul 2004
    Quote Originally Posted by stayinstacked
    We've all heard it b4 in some shape or form, the little 140 lb jackass who has to bring up your body and talk some stupid shit about how size doesnt intimidate him and he could take on the world. I'd just like to tell the bulk of that population(excluding career fighters and martial arts masters) Yes, size DOES INTIMIDATE YOU, my physique was such a distraction you couldnt help but talk about it and make some stupid ass comment out of jealousy. Go **** yourself, step to this like a man, and lose the punk mouth, period mother****er
    You need help. The real reason you got mad at this guy was he said he wasn't intimidated by bigger dudes. You took it to mean he wasn't intimidated by YOU which lethally damaged your superiority complex!

    Get your megalomania under control, brother. For your own good...

  15. #15
    Join Date
    Dec 2002


  16. #16
    Join Date
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    a small room
    Quote Originally Posted by Bigen12
    I had this happen to me the other day.....

    I was like.......


  17. #17
    Join Date
    Oct 2004
    Toronto Canada
    I'm not intimdated by any of u.., your all just big dudes behind a damn key board

  18. #18
    Join Date
    Apr 2004
    look beyond what you see
    Quote Originally Posted by scriptfactory
    You need help. The real reason you got mad at this guy was he said he wasn't intimidated by bigger dudes. You took it to mean he wasn't intimidated by YOU which lethally damaged your superiority complex!

    Get your megalomania under control, brother. For your own good...
    umm i respectfully disagree

    if size didnt intimidate him, he wouldn't have mentioned it - such as the theory of reverse pyschology - the 140 young man, probably felt that his masculinity was being threatened, or, more likely was responding to his own unstable body image which forced him to that reaction

    it is a NATURAL HUMAN RESPONSE to be intimidated by things which are bigger than you (even the strongest willed people) - that's why bear's scare the fvck out of us

  19. #19
    Join Date
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    RIP Brother...
    Quote Originally Posted by GQ-Bouncer
    umm i respectfully disagree

    if size didnt intimidate him, he wouldn't have mentioned it - such as the theory of reverse pyschology - the 140 young man, probably felt that his masculinity was being threatened, or, more likely was responding to his own unstable body image which forced him to that reaction

    it is a NATURAL HUMAN RESPONSE to be intimidated by things which are bigger than you (even the strongest willed people) - that's why bear's scare the fvck out of us
    Scriptfactory did not even comment on whether the guy was intimidated or not, he only commented on stayinstacked's reaction.

    And actually not everyone is intimidated by people larger than themselves, for example when I used to work on the doors I worked with a guy called Kev who was the smallest of the team of 6 of us and also the most fearless nutter I have ever come across, you might call it "Napoleon syndrome" or "small man's disease" but he wasn't out to prove anything he just genuinely was not scared of anyone.

    I remember one time at the end of the night when the lights were up and we were moving everyone up the steps off the dancefloor and towards the exit, Kev went up to this group of 4 or 5 big lads, all way bigger than Kev and asked them to move up the steps and one of them piped up "I'll tell you what mate, I'll move up the steps if you can beat me in an armwrestle" Kev just looked at him and said "Why would I armwrestle you when I could just knock you out?" I was pissing myself laughing as were the lad's mates, he just looked deflated and got his big monkey ass up those steps! Ahhh, the good old days!

  20. #20
    Join Date
    Feb 2005
    i see what ur sayin but honestly i dont think size means shit. if u can throw down then u can throw down. my bro is 170 pounds and would still **** me up cause he has alot more experience then me, i have been in plenty of fights but he is unstable when it comes to that shit...but more importantly fighting is ****in retarded. im 20 years old and can laugh at people that talk shit to me cause i know i could **** them up, im more mature, and when there doin the same shit when there 40, ill be running my own company and rolling in doe..fighting only creates unnesasary bills...

  21. #21
    Join Date
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    look beyond what you see
    Quote Originally Posted by NotSmall
    Scriptfactory did not even comment on whether the guy was intimidated or not, he only commented on stayinstacked's reaction.

    And actually not everyone is intimidated by people larger than themselves, for example when I used to work on the doors I worked with a guy called Kev who was the smallest of the team of 6 of us and also the most fearless nutter I have ever come across, you might call it "Napoleon syndrome" or "small man's disease" but he wasn't out to prove anything he just genuinely was not scared of anyone.

    I remember one time at the end of the night when the lights were up and we were moving everyone up the steps off the dancefloor and towards the exit, Kev went up to this group of 4 or 5 big lads, all way bigger than Kev and asked them to move up the steps and one of them piped up "I'll tell you what mate, I'll move up the steps if you can beat me in an armwrestle" Kev just looked at him and said "Why would I armwrestle you when I could just knock you out?" I was pissing myself laughing as were the lad's mates, he just looked deflated and got his big monkey ass up those steps! Ahhh, the good old days!
    LOL, well Kev is fvcking crazy

    Though i could argue that his reaction was based out of fears of body image and thus was overcompensating - you obviously know him much better than I do, so i wouldn't be able to make that judgement

    isnt having kev a bit of a liability than? wanting to fight people for not wanting to leave straight away?

  22. #22
    Join Date
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    look beyond what you see
    Quote Originally Posted by lucabratzi
    i see what ur sayin but honestly i dont think size means shit. if u can throw down then u can throw down. my bro is 170 pounds and would still **** me up cause he has alot more experience then me, i have been in plenty of fights but he is unstable when it comes to that shit...but more importantly fighting is ****in retarded. im 20 years old and can laugh at people that talk shit to me cause i know i could **** them up, im more mature, and when there doin the same shit when there 40, ill be running my own company and rolling in doe..fighting only creates unnesasary bills...
    yah brutha,
    plus its ussually pretty easy to win over people who talk shit to you, especially if your big - having a big heart, and sense of humour traditionally stops fightings 90% of the time

  23. #23
    Join Date
    Aug 2003
    Quote Originally Posted by NewKid

    This is the United States of What Ever!

  24. #24
    Join Date
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    RIP Brother...
    Quote Originally Posted by GQ-Bouncer
    LOL, well Kev is fvcking crazy
    Yes he is.

    Quote Originally Posted by GQ-Bouncer
    Though i could argue that his reaction was based out of fears of body image and thus was overcompensating - you obviously know him much better than I do, so i wouldn't be able to make that judgement
    As I said, I honestly do not think that is the case, either way he was not scared of those who are larger than him!

    Quote Originally Posted by GQ-Bouncer
    isnt having kev a bit of a liability than? wanting to fight people for not wanting to leave straight away?
    He didn't want to fight the guy, he was making a point, the guy tried to act tough and Kev put him in his place.

    That having been said, yes Kev was a massive liability, I was glad he worked there as there was never any doubt in my mind that WHATEVER kicked off Kev would have my back, but if I had been the head doorman and therefore responsible in part for Kev's actions then I would not have employed him.

    We used to rotate positions in the club, pretty much everyones least favourite was on the stage steps by the dancefloor 'cause all the lights that point at the stage shine in your eyes and disorientate you. I remember once Kev was on the stage steps and he used to get more agitated than most, I could see him getting twitchier and twitchier then the next thing I saw was Kev dragging some lad towards the fire exit pulling his head down and bouncing it off his knee as he went. By the time I crossed the dancefloor and got to the fire exit the lad was stumbling off down the road. Kev turned to me and said "I told him 3 fucking times not to dance so fucking close to me but still he kept on."
    Kev didn't work there very long after that.

  25. #25
    Join Date
    Aug 2004
    Quote Originally Posted by Bigen12
    This is the United States of What Ever!

    its funny you say that...there was this 60 year old homo at the bar a few weeks ago that kep saying that to everyone.

  26. #26
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    look beyond what you see
    NotSmall -

    hahaha yah, we can all certainly relate to agitation while bouncing - I passionately dislike working the door - the legal age where i live is 19 - so anybody over 21 gets offended if they are asked for I.D. - their offense, makes me offended that they are acting with such an offensive tone. As such, i dont allow them entry ... it's a viscious circle

  27. #27
    Join Date
    Aug 2003
    Quote Originally Posted by bigrob33
    its funny you say that...there was this 60 year old homo at the bar a few weeks ago that kep saying that to everyone.

    Crazy Canadians, nothing they say surprises me....

  28. #28
    Join Date
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    RIP Brother...
    Quote Originally Posted by GQ-Bouncer
    NotSmall -

    hahaha yah, we can all certainly relate to agitation while bouncing - I passionately dislike working the door - the legal age where i live is 19 - so anybody over 21 gets offended if they are asked for I.D. - their offense, makes me offended that they are acting with such an offensive tone. As such, i dont allow them entry ... it's a viscious circle
    I used to love it but nowadays I can earn alot more doing other things, I'd love to go back and do the odd night for a laugh with the boys but you it's a real pain in the ass getting a door badge now over here, you have to have (I think) 3 NVQ qualifications that cost around £45 each AND pay £190 for a police check - which is a joke 'cause if you apply for a job working with children they do a police check and it only costs about £10!

  29. #29
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    Feb 2005


    Quote Originally Posted by lucabratzi
    i see what ur sayin but honestly i dont think size means shit. if u can throw down then u can throw down. my bro is 170 pounds and would still **** me up cause he has alot more experience then me, i have been in plenty of fights but he is unstable when it comes to that shit...but more importantly fighting is ****in retarded. im 20 years old and can laugh at people that talk shit to me cause i know i could **** them up, im more mature, and when there doin the same shit when there 40, ill be running my own company and rolling in doe..fighting only creates unnesasary bills...
    You sure that you are only 20yo? Wise words.

  30. #30
    Join Date
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    RIP Brother...
    Quote Originally Posted by Logan13
    You sure that you are only 20yo? Wise words.
    No disrespect to luca but "wise"? Don't get me wrong, it was not a bad post but "wise"?
    Methinks you are easily impressed Logan.

  31. #31
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    a small room
    Quote Originally Posted by Bigen12
    This is the United States of What Ever!
    I was playin dice in tha alley and a cop came up and said hey son I thought I---and I was like yea yea WHATEVA!!!

  32. #32
    Join Date
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    Somewhere in cyberspace..
    I love stackeds threads, lmfaooooooooooo

  33. #33
    Join Date
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    lol im not telling :D
    the red ninjas are the most powerful!

  34. #34
    Join Date
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    Quote Originally Posted by NotSmall
    No disrespect to luca but "wise"? Don't get me wrong, it was not a bad post but "wise"?
    Methinks you are easily impressed Logan.
    When I was 21yo, hell even today I really enjoy a good brawl. I do not go out looking, but I will indulge someone who wants it. 21yo are not usually that forward thinking. Methinks that you ARESMALL.

  35. #35
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    RIP Brother...
    Quote Originally Posted by Logan13
    When I was 21yo, hell even today I really enjoy a good brawl. I do not go out looking, but I will indulge someone who wants it. 21yo are not usually that forward thinking. Methinks that you ARESMALL.
    Just 'cause you're dumb doesn't make him wise.

  36. #36
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    Quote Originally Posted by NewKid
    I was playin dice in tha alley and a cop came up and said hey son I thought I---and I was like yea yea WHATEVA!!!
    I think that band was like...Green Jello or Green Jelly...something like that...

  37. #37
    Join Date
    Feb 2005


    Quote Originally Posted by NotSmall
    Just 'cause you're dumb doesn't make him wise.

  38. #38
    Join Date
    Aug 2003
    Quote Originally Posted by NewKid
    I think that band was like...Green Jello or Green Jelly...something like that...
    Liam Lynch, I believe

  39. #39
    Join Date
    Nov 2002
    North Charlotte
    id have just busted that bigger version of hoss in the mouth stacked.. he has it coming... talkin to the big men like that.. i never get that shit tho.. so icant complain

  40. #40
    Join Date
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    in a hole
    isnt this why they invented baseball bats / clubs etc?

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