Originally Posted by
Scriptfactory did not even comment on whether the guy was intimidated or not, he only commented on stayinstacked's reaction.
And actually not everyone is intimidated by people larger than themselves, for example when I used to work on the doors I worked with a guy called Kev who was the smallest of the team of 6 of us and also the most fearless nutter I have ever come across, you might call it "Napoleon syndrome" or "small man's disease" but he wasn't out to prove anything he just genuinely was not scared of anyone.
I remember one time at the end of the night when the lights were up and we were moving everyone up the steps off the dancefloor and towards the exit, Kev went up to this group of 4 or 5 big lads, all way bigger than Kev and asked them to move up the steps and one of them piped up "I'll tell you what mate, I'll move up the steps if you can beat me in an armwrestle" Kev just looked at him and said "Why would I armwrestle you when I could just knock you out?" I was pissing myself laughing as were the lad's mates, he just looked deflated and got his big monkey ass up those steps! Ahhh, the good old days!