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Thread: Why do you think our society is so lazy?

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Oct 2004
    Toronto Canada

    Talking Why do you think our society is so lazy?

    I find now a days no one ever seems to really want to do any work My stance on this is that if you can do nothing and look busy.. go for it.. but if you are lazy and actually look like your doing nothing.. it burns my ass

    I posted a thread i guess early last week in regards to the fact that my boss is no longer with my company.. (he was dismissed for.. well now obvious reasons but anyhow)

    It's weird a few people have stepped up and have had to pick up the ball and really i'm enjoying it and really like the fact that skills i haven't been allowed to use, skills i went to school for are now being used (probably exploited), but o well.. but there are still a few who spend so much time planning their wedding, getting coffee and downright just doing absolutely nothing. These people before the left go of my boss were my equal and now im in a position where im supposed to tell them what to do and it's really a bit awkward.

    GRR .. just venting because i can't at work right now

  2. #2
    Join Date
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    a small room
    are you also in a position to fire?

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Oct 2004
    Toronto Canada
    Quote Originally Posted by NewKid
    are you also in a position to fire?
    nope, but i do know how to set up bowling pins if you get my drift.. i just like these people, but they need to pick up their feet

  4. #4
    Join Date
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    toys for twats truck
    because most people don't appreciate living in the states. they haven't been to other countries and realize that they could of been born in another place and time and had it worse. everybody here is given more opportunites than in any other county, yet we dont capitalize off of them.

  5. #5
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    Toronto Canada
    Quote Originally Posted by heavyrotation92
    because most people don't appreciate living in the states. they haven't been to other countries and realize that they could of been born in another place and time and had it worse. everybody here is given more opportunites than in any other county, yet we dont capitalize off of them.
    i'm from canada

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Apr 2002
    Quote Originally Posted by Mizfit
    I find now a days no one ever seems to really want to do any work My stance on this is that if you can do nothing and look busy.. go for it.. but if you are lazy and actually look like your doing nothing.. it burns my ass

    I posted a thread i guess early last week in regards to the fact that my boss is no longer with my company.. (he was dismissed for.. well now obvious reasons but anyhow)

    It's weird a few people have stepped up and have had to pick up the ball and really i'm enjoying it and really like the fact that skills i haven't been allowed to use, skills i went to school for are now being used (probably exploited), but o well.. but there are still a few who spend so much time planning their wedding, getting coffee and downright just doing absolutely nothing. These people before the left go of my boss were my equal and now im in a position where im supposed to tell them what to do and it's really a bit awkward.

    GRR .. just venting because i can't at work right now
    Laziness stems from lack of motivation. People who don't have the motivation to make money or make something with their careers were probably never taught to, so they go to work to get the bills paid, but drag their feet and do the bare minimum because they don't want to aspire to anything more than that. They'll take their 30,000 a year and focus on whatever makes them happy at that moment, ie bullshitting, getting coffee, planning their night out, etc. I'll never understand it, as $$ is the root of EVERYTHING in this society, so why not try to make a lot of it if you have the opportunity?

    I'm a Team Leader at my office, I feel your pain Mizfit. If some of my people put half the effort into their jobs they put into NOT working, my life would be a lot easier...

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Mar 2003
    United States
    Quote Originally Posted by Mizfit
    i'm from canada
    there's your answer


  8. #8
    Join Date
    Sep 2005
    toys for twats truck
    Quote Originally Posted by Mizfit
    i'm from canada
    canada = united states jr.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Oct 2004
    Toronto Canada
    Quote Originally Posted by 956Vette
    there's your answer

    Hey a lot of good.. HMM Stuff has come from the north

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Apr 2002
    Quote Originally Posted by Mizfit
    Hey a lot of good.. HMM Stuff has come from the north
    Yeah like.....Bryan Adams and...people who speak French and....cold weather....

    Maple Leaves and Barenaked Ladies

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Dec 2005
    I find that no one has ambition now-a-days. I'm the only one of guys I know my age who actually know what they wanna do with their life is doing everything to make that happen. Too many people are just waiting for stuff to just happen to them and tkae whatever is handed to them. I need to make the best out of myself and be better than what I was meant to be, no one else has that attitude

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Aug 2004
    i hate those fat welfairs on the city could shoot them all

  13. #13
    Join Date
    Dec 2005
    w00t and our taxes would be so much cheaper!

  14. #14
    Join Date
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    look beyond what you see
    Quote Originally Posted by Phreak101
    Laziness stems from lack of motivation. People who don't have the motivation to make money or make something with their careers were probably never taught to, so they go to work to get the bills paid, but drag their feet and do the bare minimum because they don't want to aspire to anything more than that. They'll take their 30,000 a year and focus on whatever makes them happy at that moment, ie bullshitting, getting coffee, planning their night out, etc. I'll never understand it, as $$ is the root of EVERYTHING in this society, so why not try to make a lot of it if you have the opportunity?

    I'm a Team Leader at my office, I feel your pain Mizfit. If some of my people put half the effort into their jobs they put into NOT working, my life would be a lot easier...
    good post bro

  15. #15
    Join Date
    Dec 2005
    This is actually a really good thread because it shows how awful the 'drugs' we fellow bodybuilders are invovled with are having an imapct on out lives.
    I mean, come on... we all want to do great things with our lives, set goals, and make something of ourselves. damn you steroids why must you put ambition in our hearts!

  16. #16
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    Toronto Canada
    Quote Originally Posted by SVTMuscle
    This is actually a really good thread because it shows how awful the 'drugs' we fellow bodybuilders are invovled with are having an imapct on out lives.
    I mean, come on... we all want to do great things with our lives, set goals, and make something of ourselves. damn you steroids why must you put ambition in our hearts!

    I dunno if it's that in my case..

  17. #17
    Join Date
    Dec 2001
    Scotty, beam me up
    Anywhere where people can be lazy they will be lazy. Its human nature to do as little as possible to get by. Be gratefull for it because it means we that are motivated and hard working have a much bigger shot at succeding since many that are more gifted than us just dont take advantage of it.

  18. #18
    Join Date
    Jan 2005
    Quote Originally Posted by Mizfit
    I find now a days no one ever seems to really want to do any work My stance on this is that if you can do nothing and look busy.. go for it.. but if you are lazy and actually look like your doing nothing.. it burns my ass

    I posted a thread i guess early last week in regards to the fact that my boss is no longer with my company.. (he was dismissed for.. well now obvious reasons but anyhow)

    It's weird a few people have stepped up and have had to pick up the ball and really i'm enjoying it and really like the fact that skills i haven't been allowed to use, skills i went to school for are now being used (probably exploited), but o well.. but there are still a few who spend so much time planning their wedding, getting coffee and downright just doing absolutely nothing. These people before the left go of my boss were my equal and now im in a position where im supposed to tell them what to do and it's really a bit awkward.

    GRR .. just venting because i can't at work right now
    I don't think in the workplace not doing much necessarily stems from laziness. Big business screws its employees over every day and I personally take any opportunity to screw them back. So if I can go an afternoon not doing anything without anyone realising it I will.

    As employees we get screwed over every day. Here's some example:

    1. Most contracts of employment I've seen say something along the lines of "Your working hours are 9-5 but you will be expected to work overtime". Do they pay overtime? Hardly never. They just expect you to give up your free time for nothing!!! And funnily enough I don't ever see a clause saying "your hours are 9-5 but we don't mind it you are a couple of hours late or you take a couple of hours nap during the day".

    2. Yearly reviews - These are nothing more than a sly underhand way of the company to get you to do more than what you were paid to do. I've had loads of reviews where my boss has told me he's more than happy with the job I do but that in order to get a higher pay rise I should involve myself in more of the companys "extra curricular activities". B**locks! I am paid to do a specific job so why the fvck should I do more than my job but for the same money....I'll tell you why because it's cheaper to spread the workload amongst 5 people than it is to hire 10 ppl!!!

    Business will fvck you over if it can save $1. If you think any company is really concerned about your personal development or you as a person then you are gravely mistaken. All they care about is wringing as much performance out of you for as little money possible.

    Only last week a good friend of mine got fired from her job. she was a really hard worker and never took days of sick, always worked overtime without complaining and had a boss who was an absolute bas*ard to her. You know why she got fired? Because they hired someone in Manila who could do the job for cheaper!!!

    What you don't realise Mizfit (and i hope I'm wrong) is your company will either use you to fill the gap your boss left until they hire someone else and then you'll be demoted again without even a thankyou for stepping up to the plate or they'll just let you carry on. One person doing 2 jobs for the same money!!!!

    Business will screw you over at any given opportunity!!!!


  19. #19
    Join Date
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    Toronto Canada
    Quote Originally Posted by Schwarz

    What you don't realise Mizfit (and i hope I'm wrong) is your company will either use you to fill the gap your boss left until they hire someone else and then you'll be demoted again without even a thankyou for stepping up to the plate or they'll just let you carry on. One person doing 2 jobs for the same money!!!!

    Business will screw you over at any given opportunity!!!!

    your right on most accounts.. but in alot of ways my skills were not being used and this is actually an opportunity..

    i work for a global company.. we're everywhere, my bosses biggest mistake was not using me as asset, he didn't use my skills because he was afriad of them and that was a little bit of why he was let go.

    I have a 6.5 hour day and i was really not doing much.. I love being busy and my days fly by now..

    I never wanna be the big boss, i wanna get ahead but never wanna be the big boss, reason being those are always replaceable. Right now im a position where i know what a lot of ppl don't know and i'm hoping to keep it that way.. but these two chicks gotta stop talking about their wedding it's driving me up the wall. i don't mind if ppl r lazy as long as they don't look it

  20. #20
    Join Date
    Jan 2005
    Quote Originally Posted by Mizfit
    your right on most accounts.. but in alot of ways my skills were not being used and this is actually an opportunity..

    i work for a global company.. we're everywhere, my bosses biggest mistake was not using me as asset, he didn't use my skills because he was afriad of them and that was a little bit of why he was let go.

    I have a 6.5 hour day and i was really not doing much.. I love being busy and my days fly by now..

    I never wanna be the big boss, i wanna get ahead but never wanna be the big boss, reason being those are always replaceable. Right now im a position where i know what a lot of ppl don't know and i'm hoping to keep it that way.. but these two chicks gotta stop talking about their wedding it's driving me up the wall. i don't mind if ppl r lazy as long as they don't look it
    Cool well good luck to ya! Just remind those women that 50% of marraiges end in divorce....that should shut them up quick!


    Ps Happy birthday!

  21. #21
    Join Date
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    RIP Brother...
    Unfortunately a job which pays by the hour is an arrangement where the employer pays the very least they think they can get away with to avoid the employee walking out and the employee does the absolute least they can get away with while still avoiding being fired.
    Cynical but true.
    Performance related or commission based pay is where it's at baby!

  22. #22
    Join Date
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    technology, imho, tends to make us lazy (as I sit at my computer

  23. #23
    Join Date
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    North Charlotte
    wow, who would have ever thought ppl workin at wendys were so lazy

  24. #24
    Join Date
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    a small room
    she got fired from wendys...

  25. #25
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    I am thinking about accepting a Supervisor position...might need a few extra $$$ for the hassle.

  26. #26
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    My son has been out of work for 3 weeks now and he spends all day sleeping. It agrivates me to death that he is being lazy, stubborn & mean.
    Lazy because he won't go to work, stubborn because he won't apologize to his dad and go back to work for him and mean because he treats his father like shit yet he owns the company that has fed out family for years and he just expects to own it and not work it! My rant about lazy people!

  27. #27
    Join Date
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    look beyond what you see
    bah, lazyness is fun

  28. #28
    Doc.Sust's Avatar
    Doc.Sust is offline Retired "hall of famer/elite powerlifter"
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    a van down by the river!
    if you think the culture in north america is lazy check out cetain counties in europe, spain and the netherlands to name 2, i love both places and the people i met in both places have the life .nobody works more than 20- 30 hours at the most!!!

  29. #29
    Join Date
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    In the Gym, if i could
    Quote Originally Posted by Mizfit
    I find now a days no one ever seems to really want to do any work My stance on this is that if you can do nothing and look busy.. go for it.. but if you are lazy and actually look like your doing nothing.. it burns my ass

    I posted a thread i guess early last week in regards to the fact that my boss is no longer with my company.. (he was dismissed for.. well now obvious reasons but anyhow)

    It's weird a few people have stepped up and have had to pick up the ball and really i'm enjoying it and really like the fact that skills i haven't been allowed to use, skills i went to school for are now being used (probably exploited), but o well.. but there are still a few who spend so much time planning their wedding, getting coffee and downright just doing absolutely nothing. These people before the left go of my boss were my equal and now im in a position where im supposed to tell them what to do and it's really a bit awkward.

    GRR .. just venting because i can't at work right now
    what about those of us that are so good at what we do we get done with the tasks early... I would rather complete a task that i am charged with on my own time, and speed, than to have to make the work take longer..

    but then again.. i own my business.. but i do see where you are going with this...

    and i am a tough boss.. get the job done as required and take time off.. don't blow smoke my arse.. i did the job, i know how long it should take..
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