Check this out guys you wont believe this guy... I was just on and was reading up on some ish...and stumbled upon what the undercover IFBB bodybuilder (he has a monthly column on the site where he answers ppls various questions related to bodybuidling) has to say
Check out what he recommends a newbie to take.![]()
I'm looking to get into the world of competition with aspirations of getting my pro card. I worked out a few times with Bruce Patterson, he goes to my gym, but I find it hard to bring the topic of steroids or GH around others and his girlfriend. Can you suggest something to get started? Supplements also?
First and foremost make sure you find a doctor that will run your blood regularly and is aware that you are going to become a steroid user. If in fact you're planning on becoming an IFBB Pro then it's good to act like one and stay healthy. There are a few pros today that are going into retirement simply because they were not aware of the damage they were doing while on steroids. A good cycle to start off with that is safe without any damaging side effects is Test Enanthate and Laurabolin. Also, about 4-9 IU's of GH daily. I would suggest about 1000 mg. of test a week and about 300 mg. of Laurabolin a week. Stay on this cycle for approx. 8 weeks followed by 10,000 units of HCG a week for two weeks. Take 2-4 IU of GH at bedtime and another 2-4 IU of GH in the middle of the night. Mind you this is a fraction of what the pro's are using but you have away to go before you have to worry about a pro cycle. Remember roids speed up protein synthesis so make sure your daily intake is high. About 2 grams of protein per pound of bodyweight is a good rule of thumb. A good whey isolate when your done training is great for a speedy recovery as well and plenty of fish and red meat though out the day. BCAAs before pre and post training will definitely help put on the muscle.
if you dont believe me, check this site out.