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  1. #1
    Sicilian30's Avatar
    Sicilian30 is offline Respected Member
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    Why don't doctors Asperate?

    Hey guys, me and a buddy of mine were discussing this the other day. Everytime you go to the doc to get a shot, I have never ever seen one of the nurses asperate????? Go figure?

  2. #2
    arthurb999's Avatar
    arthurb999 is offline Anabolic Member
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    They just do it so fast you don't realize it.

  3. #3
    Terinox's Avatar
    Terinox is offline The One & Only
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    Are you sure? Would you say that ALL doctors asperate? I think there might be a large quantity that probably skip that step. Maybe cause they think they are so experienced and that since they've done it soooo many times before, nothing will happen this time?

    It's kinda scary when you think about it!

  4. #4
    latman49's Avatar
    latman49 is offline Member
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    Depends on what they are giving you. If it is a flu shot or something of that nature, they won't asperate. If it is something else, they will. The sports medicine doc I had when I was playing ball was the worst about not asperating. His method was stab and plunge. But once when I had to play 2 playoff games with a broken hand, he gave me two shots of something he never would tell me what it was, and he not only asperated, he injected very slowly. Whatever it was did the trick, I was wired and I hit two of the longest homeruns I ever hit that day, with a broken hand.

  5. #5
    RON's Avatar
    RON is offline Anabolic Member
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    I'm no doctor but don't they give most shots intervenes not intramuscular. So they would want blood anyway.

  6. #6
    D-bol is offline New Member
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    i hear u sicilian, i went with my girl to give shots for egg donor, intra musclur, the nurse showed me how to do it in the ass, i already knew of course but i played dumb, she threw it like a dart with her hand alwasy on it, went in fast, then no apirate, just injected it fast, when i tried, she said i injected the fluid too slow, and was causing her more discoffort than neccessary, wanted mr to force it all in quick, i did her wwway once, after we were home, i aprirated and injected on feel,

    mabey they feel , chances are so small, they dont aspirate ??

  7. #7
    Ajax's Avatar
    Ajax is offline Senior Member
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    There is certainly less risk of side-effects from injecting MOST water-based drugs into a vein than injecting oils. Oils (like most AS) are thicker and clog small capilaries; usually only resulting in a shortness of breath, sweating and "panic-attack-like" symptoms for a short period of time (due to blocking capilaries in the lungs), but could potentailly be more dangerous.

    One more time: ALWAYS ASPIRATE ! It takes 1 second. I think most doctors would agree that it's a wise thing to do with oils...
    Last edited by Ajax; 05-28-2002 at 02:47 PM.

  8. #8
    viper's Avatar
    viper is offline Member
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    all medical professionals are taught to aspirate .....but then again, how many of us do what we are supposed to..... with increased paper work, medicare cuts and the other headaches, sometimes it is just to easy to take a short cut....
    if you want to make sure it is done right, before they inject you, ask them to explain how it is done to ease you nervousness....if they dont mention aspiration, bring it up casually and im sure they will do it if they think you have a clue about it....

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