One of my favorite things about summer is summer concert tours. Who's coming to your area that you plan (or hope) to see?
One of my favorite things about summer is summer concert tours. Who's coming to your area that you plan (or hope) to see?
Going to see Incubus july 1 in new orleans! Ozfest sept. 9 in dallas
i saw incubus and hoobastank last month will love it!! do you have floor seats in the general admission? that is where i was and i got about 5 feet from the stage.. this summer, i am hoping to see Poison, maybe Ozzfest, Creed..since they cancelled the show i was suppose to go to earlier this month.. and i am hoping that Eminem comes to Indy or Chicago..
Widespread multiple times, and I'd love to go to that show in tenessee that features ben harper, string cheese, panic, etc... (leaving out a bunch of awesome bands I know)
Don't know if they'll start in the summer or not but I have to go see the Rolling Stones!!! Greatest rock group ever!!!
I have never seen Aerosmith...and would just love to see them. Will travel anywhere in Fla. just to go see!
Mod @
I get to see everything that comes through Jones Beach because I am security there![]()
Jimmy Buffet - What a party.
going to edgefest july 1st!!!!!
I bet Im not the only one on the board either. what about the other lifters from Ontario?!
Iron horse i will be leaving TO on July 1st or i would go too.
I'll be on the road this summer but I'm gonna try to see Lenny Kravitz, and the Poison tour (Poison, Cinderella, Winger, Faster Pussycat).
Been to about 6 Panic shows...kinda got out of the loop, but I'd love to see another. Still waitin' on Phish to get back togetherOriginally posted by JP1570
Widespread multiple times, and I'd love to go to that show in tenessee that features ben harper, string cheese, panic, etc... (leaving out a bunch of awesome bands I know)
BTW, TOOL is coming to Bossier City July 29 which is 45 min. from my college!!!!!!!!! I've heard they put on an awesome show.
Me too Rush, I haven't been to one in a little while. I think we're going to Austin and Houston to see them this summer though. I bet that Tool show is gonna be awesome too. When do tickets go on sale for it?Originally posted by Big Rush
Been to about 6 Panic shows...kinda got out of the loop, but I'd love to see another. Still waitin' on Phish to get back together
BTW, TOOL is coming to Bossier City July 29 which is 45 min. from my college!!!!!!!!! I've heard they put on an awesome show.
STONES.. anywhere any time
I'm not sure when but I'll look on and edit my post when I find out for sure.Originally posted by JP1570
Me too Rush, I haven't been to one in a little while. I think we're going to Austin and Houston to see them this summer though. I bet that Tool show is gonna be awesome too. When do tickets go on sale for it?
Here ya go...
Last edited by Big Rush; 06-01-2002 at 05:59 PM.
Cool, I might try to catch them in New Orleans. Going to any Panic shows this summer???
I just got off the phone with a friend that has backstage passes to Edgefest in Dallas tonight. He called me earlier to see if I wanted to go...but I never got his message.![]()
Originally posted by JP1570
Going to any Panic shows this summer???
Well I hadn't really planned on it. My current g/f isn't really into Panic, so it's harder to get motivated to drive far. I would try to go see them in N.O. or Dallas for sure. Are they playing close this summer??? I think they're playing in Dallas and then Houston they have have been doing for the past few summers.
Austin and Houston this summer. 3 dates in Austin and one or 2 at most at the Woodlands. I'm probably gonna hit a couple of them. The last time they came to N.O. was right before Halloween. Howser has cancer and they had to replace him, so I'm somewhat skeptical about the band, but I'm gonna go check them out anyway.Originally posted by Big Rush
Well I hadn't really planned on it. My current g/f isn't really into Panic, so it's harder to get motivated to drive far. I would try to go see them in N.O. or Dallas for sure. Are they playing close this summer??? I think they're playing in Dallas and then Houston they have have been doing for the past few summers.
atlantic city boardwalk hall is the place to be.where britney spears will be a slave 4 me!!!!woohoo!!!!!hitting it up w/ my new gym slut friend.i'll be railing her at the trump marina after the concert w/ only thoughts of britney in my head![]()
Originally posted by partyboynyc
atlantic city boardwalk hall is the place to be.where britney spears will be a slave 4 me!!!!woohoo!!!!!hitting it up w/ my new gym slut friend.i'll be railing her at the trump marina after the concert w/ only thoughts of britney in my head![]()
Aww.. I wanna go....So that way we'll both have thoughts of "Brittney".. running through our minds............
TOOL!!! July 27!!!
Wake chicks- We make your boat look good.
Originally posted by 9natural9
Im jealous, TOOL rocks!!!
Oh .. just need to come down to H-Town.....and meet "ALL".. of us Houstonions...and that will be a concert in itself............GUARANTEED........................
Originally posted by 9natural9
...and it will be on like a pot of neck bones........![]() that's a safe way of putting
hey..that's not Me on the tip of that it?...LMAO...j/k..........![]()
Hahaha kind of resembles you Minnie!!! Just kiddingHow was Bar last weekend??
Wake chicks- We make your boat look good.
LOL........very funny wouldn't need to hold on ..that tight, now.........hahaha............Anyway......I didn't go to Bar-afterall.......other plans interfearred........and MAN am i glad they did...........Originally posted by Wake Chick
Hahaha kind of resembles you Minnie!!! Just kiddingHow was Bar last weekend??
wanna see Deicide. Cannibal Corpse Slayer maybe haaa and Sepultura.
I just wanted to resurect this post to tell everyone that TOOL f*ckin' rocked the house! I had floor tickets...what an experience...Incubus was good too, but nothing compared to Maynard and friends...
I got my ticket's for the Rolling Stones in Atlanta in October. Anybody else going?
Anybody goin to Fiddler's Green in Colorado August 17 and 18??? Most of you seem to like more "mainstream" music, but it features some great bands like Ben Harper.
Anger Management Tour --Eminem, Ludacris, I forgot the others...but I can't wait for him to bust out "Superman" #13 on his new cd....
Got a suite with 10 more passes for people that we need to find to go...![]()
"Till I Collapse" would bring the house downOriginally posted by PaPaPumP
Anger Management Tour --Eminem, Ludacris, I forgot the others...but I can't wait for him to bust out "Superman" #13 on his new cd....
Got a suite with 10 more passes for people that we need to find to go...![]()
Ive seen the Bonnaroo concert in Tn(Widspread Panic, Jack Johnson, Trey Anstaio. Went to Kid Rock and Hank Williams Jr and going to the Anger Management tour in sept.
TOOL! Saw them this weekend in Richmond, VA - 7th time I've seen them - never been disappointed
Matty i totally agree! i saw them in Bakersfield CA on 7/11. it was Awsome! great show!
my gf';s little brother and like 10 of his friends drove from south jersey to tenn for that!!!bunch of crazy acid dropping pot smoking fiends these kids!! he payed like $400 for a ticket too!!thats' insane but i heard it was fun.i'm not into that kind of music but that whole festival thing seems to be fun.he just travels around going to all kinds of them
Babyweight..I saw Aerosmith about 6 or7 years ago with....oh man, can't think of who opened... Anyway, Aerosmith was great!! Well worth the money!!
JP---What kind of music does "string cheese" play?? Never heard of them.
Atta boy Scott.....I am going to see him in Irvine, CA on Oct. 5th. We got seats three rows away form the stage (thanks to my sisters hearing impairment in one of her ears....I guess that's considered a handicap). Were staying at the Doubletree where they are going to take us to the concert and pick our drunk parriot heads up after the concert and take us to the Specturm to party afterwards. Goin' get my game (drunk) face on at Dave n' Busters after for mad games of air hockey. I jus thope i can stand up start to play.Originally posted by scottp999
Jimmy Buffet - What a party.
He does put on the best kick back party concerts ever. The best part is the pre partying.....people go nuts on there set ups. Can't wait. We even have an extra ticket if any ladies want to go. Sorry guys I would rather party w/ girls than guys.
Jam Grateful Dead, Phish, Widespread PanicOriginally posted by Cali
JP---What kind of music does "string cheese" play?? Never heard of them.
Oh cool. Thanks Big Rush. Anyone hear what happened to the lead singer of Drowning Pool? I heard he died...
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