Go ahead, let's describe those all out hated PUNKS.
You know, the short chubby butterball fat ass wannabes, the ones that wear the plastic leather and buy the cheap bottle of vodka and gas station brand orange juice yet act like they have a fat wallet; end up at your local hotspot and manage to act like they own the town.
I can't fvucking stand them, that's for sure.
Ran into one Wednesday. If it was a few years ago I would have smacked him.
"5' 1", 185lbs, 28% BF and think they look big with their shirt off kinda guys."
"The ones that have their hair start at zero, fade up, SPIKED, tan, lift but really don't lift, have a tatt for each big muscle they own, drive the IROC-Z 28 STILL, work at a factory, and go out on Monday nights to get laid."
Oh and the best... the guys that walk like they are dragging kegs under each arm. Give me a fVucking break - you do NOT have to walk like that. I don't care who you are.
Lets here it guys. I know we all hate em.