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Thread: Tapeworm diet?

  1. #1
    POWERSTROKE is offline Associate Member
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    Tapeworm diet?

    Have any of you ever heard of a Tapeworm diet? One of my dummy friends is working on something with a tapeworm. We have a bet to see who can lose the most weight in two months, I am doing my morning cardio and a clean diet. Am I going to lose?

  2. #2
    Mizfit's Avatar
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    Tapeworm is digusting

    but anyhow

    Tapeworm's use in diet a horrible idea
    Apr. 15, 2005 12:00 AM
    Today's question:

    Why not use tapeworms as a medical treatment for weight loss? The technology exists to poison them out of your system when they are detected, and I've always heard that someone infected with tapeworms tends to lose a major portion of their overall body weight.

    I've got a better idea. Why not get a wolverine and keep it hungry, and whenever you eat put the plate between you and the wolverine? You get to eat whatever is left.

    Before we go any farther, please do not send me any of the variations of the joke about getting rid of a tapeworm by getting it to poke its head out various of your orifices and then hitting it with a hammer. Come to think of it, please don't send me any tapeworm jokes at all.

    The tapeworm diet is a hackneyed old urban legend, although in the 1920s there may or may not have been a quack who sold pills said to contain tapeworm heads that were supposed to sprout into full-grown parasites that would nest in your insides and help keep your weight down.

    And Maria Callas, the opera diva, is said to have lost 65 pounds with the help of a tapeworm she contracted through her fondness for raw steak and raw liver. This may or may not be true.

    There are so many things wrong with this tapeworm idea that it's hard to know where to start. (If you're eating breakfast at the moment, you might want to skip to the funnies or something else.)

    For one thing, even if it would work, it would be disgusting. Tapeworms for losing weight. You people.

    For another thing, there are some varieties of tapeworm that can grow to be 25 feet long. That's going to plug you really quick.

    And while a tapeworm might take in some of the food you do, it would at the same time be taking in a lot of vitamins and other nutrients you need to stay healthy.

    Do you know what ascites are? A big pool of fluid in your tummy caused by an immune response to something in your guts. Something like a tapeworm. It gives you a big potbelly, which runs kind of counter to the look you might be wishing for.

    And a tapeworm might not necessarily just set up camp in your innards. It can also cause cysts in your muscles, liver and eyes. Your eyes!

    So don't you think it might be easier instead to just eat a bit less and exercise a bit more?

    Or there is still the wolverine. Or maybe a badger.
    Last edited by Mizfit; 03-07-2006 at 03:14 PM.

  3. #3
    Mizfit's Avatar
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    that was copy and paste but sounds dumb

  4. #4
    RuhlFreak55's Avatar
    RuhlFreak55 is offline Purveyor of Thor's Hammer
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    this is a joke right?

  5. #5
    63190's Avatar
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    Badgerbadgerbadgerbadger Mushroom!

  6. #6
    DevilsDeity's Avatar
    DevilsDeity is offline Anabolic Member
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    article is from weekly world news(tabloid) , NOT a Reputable news source.

  7. #7
    POWERSTROKE is offline Associate Member
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    Hey it grossed me out just thinking about it when he mentioned it... I would rather be fat than have some nasty thing living inside me. All I want to know is it possible to lose more weight with a tapeworm than doing morning cardio and a really clean diet?

  8. #8
    RuhlFreak55's Avatar
    RuhlFreak55 is offline Purveyor of Thor's Hammer
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    33,788's like starving yourself.....

  9. #9
    305GUY's Avatar
    305GUY is offline Anabolic Member
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    one of the stupidest ideas i've ever heard!

  10. #10
    RuhlFreak55's Avatar
    RuhlFreak55 is offline Purveyor of Thor's Hammer
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    yeah pretty friggin stupid.....

  11. #11
    WEBB's Avatar
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    i would like to vote this thread as the stupidest thread of the day, i know its early but i really gotta a feeling this one could take it.

  12. #12
    Mizfit's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by WEBB
    i would like to vote this thread as the stupidest thread of the day, i know its early but i really gotta a feeling this one could take it.
    well it was a dumb idea so of course i got it froma bad source

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