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  1. #1
    Smiley619's Avatar
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    Pending urine test

    ok i just got a new job and had to take a drug test yesterday. im clean but, i went to the bob marley fest a week or two ago and had no choice but to breath in second hand smoke for about 6 hours. so before my test i took some stuff called royal flush, its a rapid detox so they say. but anyway my job calls and says that my lab test is still pending and that they may have done extra test since my piss was clear! its like wtf my piss is pretty much always clear because i drink mad water threw out the day, and a friend said it might be because of the flushing agent i took but, when i look at everything it has in it, i take all that stuff on the daily anyway(vit a,b,d,e,rutin,acerola,creatine etc..)they said they will call on monday. so its like damn, a person with a healthy lifestyle is automatically flagged or what???? has anyone ever had a Pending drug test and passed??????????????????????????sh1t phucked up my weekend

  2. #2
    DevilsDeity's Avatar
    DevilsDeity is offline Anabolic Member
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    dude the ppl at the testng place are smart enough to know a smoker and a 2nd hand smoker.

  3. #3
    Puffader's Avatar
    Puffader is offline Senior Member
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    I wouldnt worry, I was in a van of pot smokers and I passed 3 days later

  4. #4
    SwoleCat is offline AR Hall of Fame
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    Next time take a complete B Vitamin with your flush or with your water before you go to the place to piss. It'll add the color back to your urine and won't warrant further investigation.


  5. #5
    Smiley619's Avatar
    Smiley619 is offline Member
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    so what do you think about the pending part???would it be safe to say i passed or not?and hot boxing a van and being a bob fest all day is a different story!picture a whole sports arena hot boxed

  6. #6
    SwoleCat is offline AR Hall of Fame
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    Picture how much money HOT DOG VENDORS could have made that day!!

    DAMN, I am in the wrong biz. I'm going to now sell munchies at large pot fests!!

    You can make a killing!!!


  7. #7
    Smiley619's Avatar
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    you have no idea!some food and a drink was on average 13.00 for one person.everything was marked up big time and all the stoners were making ppl rich! BUT i still still opinions on a pending urine test!!!!!!!

  8. #8
    SwoleCat is offline AR Hall of Fame
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    Sorry bruh, have no idea what pending would mean I never had to take such a test. Maybe one of the fat ass technicians didn't make it to work and it has delayed the report. Could be something like that, or something more serious.


  9. #9
    Smiley619's Avatar
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    somehting more serious....when i talked to the guy, he said that pending results could come from a lot of different my piss being clear or they found something that raised a red flag, i may have had too much creatine in my system and it threw off the ph...a lot of different things. i know some1 on this site has had to have this happen to them before.

  10. #10
    Smiley619's Avatar
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    ok ok ok.....swole i have an update. they called me today around 4 and told me that my test came back NEGATIVE. i was like "yeah i already knew i was going to pass etc.." then i was like, so i report on monday morning correct.....wrong!!!!!!! he said since my test was pending for the day the gave the ****in job to one of the ppl i had beat out!!!! i asked them if they had a pending test why would they give the job away if it wasnt even friday yet?further more if you already gave me the job, call the other guy and tell him sorry and that the original guy still has the job.they said there was nothing they could do but, had some entry level work i could do and try to work myself up to the level i was suppose to be at!!!!!!!!!!!! i thought this was very nad are you going to send some1 to have a freakin piss test and not wait for the damn results??????????????? made me throw my damn jamba juice across the parking lot!fatass outa shape bastards!lol

  11. #11
    SwoleCat is offline AR Hall of Fame
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    Really un-professional that they did that!!


  12. #12
    Bryan2's Avatar
    Bryan2 is offline Supplement Guru
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    Threaten them with a LAW SUITE!!!

    I dont see how that could be legal what so ever them hiring you and then giving the job to another guy.

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