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  1. #1
    Aztec Warrior's Avatar
    Aztec Warrior is offline Junior Member
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    Oct 2001

    Thumbs up Just got a great deal on a 24hour membership!!!

    I basically slipped the guy 100 bucks and he enrolled me for a zero processing fee and only 23 dollars a month, cancel anytime it is also good for workouts at any of their gyms nationwide.

  2. #2
    Warrior's Avatar
    Warrior is offline AR-Hall of Famer
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    Quote Originally Posted by Aztec Warrior
    I basically slipped the guy 100 bucks and he enrolled me for a zero processing fee and only 23 dollars a month, cancel anytime it is also good for workouts at any of their gyms nationwide.
    Dude, if you believe you got a deal he got one over on you...

    Do you realize that the 24 Hour Fitness "counselors" have their pitches taight to them by Tom Hopkins (one the best salesman ever) - especially geared to selling their memberships? Its a rough sales room there - I have seen potential members leave crying and feeling fat and lazy for not having the money to pay for the membership or all the zillion personal training sessions they were pushing on them...

    Every once in a while they can offer zero enrollment discounts with low monthly dues - depending on the season and other variables.

    But what they are trained to tell you is this:

    Sales Pitch-> "If I can get that enrollment fee waived and your monthly dues down to $23 - will you start today?"
    You-> "Umm... YEAH"
    [Leaves and talks to the new kid about what he had for lunch then comes back to you]
    Sales Pitch Got You Hooked -> "Great news - my floor manager has agreed to it considering your circumstances!" Pffft...

  3. #3
    Warrior's Avatar
    Warrior is offline AR-Hall of Famer
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    Actually, I watched a buddy of mine try and sell a membership to Mike Tyson's girl from LA once ouside Vegas - he was known for his aggressive pitch... but Iron Mike had him losing his mind a little... kept sayin', "why you fukin' with me Tommy?" lol He ended up closing the deal for a year prepaid with personal training though... and got a few autographs...

  4. #4
    TAlexa is offline Associate Member
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    Bro get your money back.

  5. #5
    spywizard's Avatar
    spywizard is offline AR-Elite Hall of Famer~
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    In the Gym, if i could

    If you believe it's a good deal, then you can sleep at night.. good job..
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  6. #6
    Aztec Warrior's Avatar
    Aztec Warrior is offline Junior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Warrior
    Dude, if you believe you got a deal he got one over on you...

    Do you realize that the 24 Hour Fitness "counselors" have their pitches taight to them by Tom Hopkins (one the best salesman ever) - especially geared to selling their memberships? Its a rough sales room there - I have seen potential members leave crying and feeling fat and lazy for not having the money to pay for the membership or all the zillion personal training sessions they were pushing on them...

    Every once in a while they can offer zero enrollment discounts with low monthly dues - depending on the season and other variables.

    But what they are trained to tell you is this:

    Sales Pitch-> "If I can get that enrollment fee waived and your monthly dues down to $23 - will you start today?"
    You-> "Umm... YEAH"
    [Leaves and talks to the new kid about what he had for lunch then comes back to you]
    Sales Pitch Got You Hooked -> "Great news - my floor manager has agreed to it considering your circumstances!" Pffft...
    I know they are AE's filled with tricks but I own a Real Estate company in the bay area so I know something about sales, and sales techniques myself. The reason I say it is a good deal is because it is! Well maybe not to some people but to me it is. I actually pay 35 for a new Golds , and this one is only 23 and can be canceled anytime I believe is great.

    Him> Let me give you a tour
    Me> No thanks, I am running late I just want to sign up for a membership to this club only.
    Him> We have some awsome deals an all sport and active clubs, it's only a 700 up fron then 80 after the 3rd year(I dont remeber the details)
    Me> That wont be necessary I am already at Golds and I live in Gilroy so there is no 24hour there so I just need it to this club. Thanks anyways

    If you sign up online it is 85 dollars processing fee and 35 dollars a month just for that club. I was going to do that but I decided to go in and look inside.

  7. #7
    NotSmall is offline English Rudeboy
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    RIP Brother...
    Quote Originally Posted by Aztec Warrior
    I know they are AE's filled with tricks but I own a Real Estate company in the bay area so I know something about sales, and sales techniques myself.
    Have you ever heard the expression that the easiest people to sell to are sales people?

    It's true, I know 'cause I'm one too!

  8. #8
    system admin is offline Owner
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    Mar 2002
    If 23 bucks a month is all you pay monthly and you can TRUELY get out of the contract any time... you got a great deal bro. (depending on the gym)


  9. #9
    Liftnainez's Avatar
    Liftnainez is offline Banned
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    Down South
    i agree

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