>Prof. Logan, this morning in class, you started class off this morning by
>asking if we as the class would want the test Thursday, or following
>Spring Break but you felt that Thursday would be better for us. But on the
>contrary cramming a full chapter plus half of chapter 5 within 1 class is
>a little bit absurd with the expectations of students to understand and
>feel prepared for a test in just 2 days. The first test took nearly 2
>months to cover 3 chapters, which are the easiest chapters in the book,
>and now in just 1 day, we cover a chapter in a half.
>You may think that we actually understand the material because no one asks
>questions in class, but that is because the two times someone did ask
>questions in class, you basically made them feel inferior by just telling
>them the answers are in the book. I feel it is safe to say no one in the
>class (at least the 6 or 7 people I talked to, out of the 19 that were in
>class today) are completely unprepaired for the test and with mid terms
>this week, we basically have to teach ourselves the material. Please take
>into consideration you covered a chapter in a half in one day to students
>who have never before seen accounting class before and your going to cram
>a test just to get one accomplished before break.
>I have not missed a single class all semester and still feel as confused
>as ever especially after today's class.