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Thread: NITRO TRACK help !!

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Nov 2003

    NITRO TRUCK help !!

    Can somebody help me , I am looking to buy a nitro truck , but I don't know much about them , I see they have a lot models and prices.
    I was looking at savage 24 ,savage x ,traxxas............Was looking to spend somewhere around $400 . Can somebody tell me where is the cheapest place to buy , and what truck is the best ?I am not looking to race , just to jump around.
    Last edited by Musa; 03-17-2006 at 12:25 AM.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Nov 2003

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Nov 2003
    Quote Originally Posted by Musa

  4. #4

    Savage X

    The Savage X would be your best bet for a truck. The truck has good parts from the factory and a big block in it already. I had a Traxx T-Maxx for years and spent over $2,000 upgrading it (SuperMaxx Kit). If you are serious about going to the track and racing/jumping you would be better off with a buggy. They handle and land so much better. The trucks have such a high center of gravity it takes a lot of skill and practice to make them land right when jumping. The trucks are much better for just playing around and having fun though. Check out Towwer Hobbies. They have just about everything for RC stuff.

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