I saw this Volkswagen commercial last night and thought it was funny. How the make fast into a noun, a person, place or thing…

As in my fast will beat the living sh^t out of your fast or my fast is faster than your fast.

"Sweetie its real hard for me to enjoy the sound of the engine with all that yackin" "Sometimes my fast doesn't get along with my girl friend"

Anyway, I went looking for the commercial and found the above link… The comments made after a disgruntle “Ken’s” post had me rolling.

Go there quick because I don’t know how long they’ll keep comments up. You’ll at least be able to watch the commercial though… enjoy

Anyway it’s St. Patty’s and I’ll be drinking at the Draught House (local Austin pub) by 2:00.

My most common Irish phrase I mimic when impersonating the Irish, no offense lads…
“Furr Fu&ks sake lad… Well you be hafin eh pint wit me