AFter re-reading what I have been saying, I probably did sound like an asshole...but its the damn truth...I HATE THOSE FVCKER IN THOSE BIG TRUCKS OF THEIRS! Not because of the fact that they are trying to make up for a small dick, but because of the fact that they want to feel like the king of the road, driving in this big-ass "bad" ass truck, cruising in the middle of the road, taking up 2 lanes, and basically driving recklessly because they think they can crush the cars they run goddamn safety is compromised on the road because of these goddamn ego-inflated truck drivers driving like maniacsout there. I thought that was the sole purpose of this criticize those drivers in their little big trucks?
I have have TERRIBLE experiences with truck drivers, so every time I see a pick up truck or some big oversized vehicle, negative reinforcement comes into play and I perceive them to the the enemy....
those trucks take up SO MUCH parking space too...they blow up the environment with pollution, they waste gas (not that I give a FVCK anyway), they are so disgusting to look at...PERIOD.
So, when I see a pick-up trck parked on the curb...I love to get out that shiny razor blade, and basically scrape the hell out of it. I aint scared doing so, cause im a big guy myself
So as long do u dont live in NJ, your truck should be fine...but try parking your damn truck on a hot day during summer time at belmar or seaside, and it is almost GUARANTEED that if I come across the truck, and the circumstances are right, I will scrape the **** out of it just to relieve some of my madness....
JUST DRIVE A CAR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!